Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 40:1-3 
Supporting Texts: 1 Peter 5:10, Romans 8:18, Job 42:10-12

Life often presents us with stories of struggle, hardship, and pain, but the God we serve can transform those stories into glorious testimonies. Many in Scripture went through dark chapters, but God brought them out into the light of His glory. Our God delights in turning situations around, lifting us from the pit, and establishing us on solid ground. Whatever your story is today, God is able to turn it into a testimony of His greatness and power.


a) No Situation Is Permanent
The struggles you face are not your final destination. God can take your story of pain and suffering and turn it into a story of victory and glory. Psalm 30:5 says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Your season of glory is coming if you trust in the Lord.

b) God's Glory Shines Through Difficult Circumstances 
Romans 8:18 reminds us that "the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." God allows trials because through them, His glory is revealed in us. When He lifts us out of our trials, His glory is magnified.

Biblical Example: Job (Job 42:10-12) 
Job's story was one of unimaginable loss and suffering. Yet, God restored everything to him and gave him double for his trouble. His story became a testimony of God's faithfulness, and he was blessed even more than before.


a) God Is Never Late
God works according to His timing, not ours. Sometimes, our story seems prolonged, but God is using it to build our faith and character. Psalm 40:1-2 shows that when David waited patiently for the Lord, God lifted him out of the pit and set his feet upon a rock. If you wait on God, He will not disappoint you.

b) Trusting God's Process 
During your time of waiting, God is at work behind the scenes. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Your story is not over; God is still writing it, and the final chapter is one of glory.

Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 50:20) 
Joseph’s story was filled with betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment. But through it all, God was working. In the end, Joseph was elevated to a position of power in Egypt. What his brothers meant for evil, God turned for good.


a) Your Test Is a Setup for God's Glory 
Often, the most powerful testimonies come from the greatest tests. What you are going through now is preparing you for a testimony that will glorify God. As seen in Psalm 40:3, after God lifted David, many saw it and put their trust in the Lord. Your testimony will draw others to God.

b) Your Glory Will Be a Witness to Others 
When God turns your story into glory, others will witness it and be encouraged. 1 Peter 5:10 assures us that after we have suffered a little while, God Himself will restore us and make us strong, firm, and steadfast. Your testimony of God’s goodness will inspire faith in others.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
Her story of suffering was turned into a testimony of healing when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. She shared her testimony, and her life became a witness to others of God's healing power.


a) God Will Remove the Shame of Your Story
The enemy wants to keep you in a place of shame, but God’s plan is to bring you into a place of honour. Isaiah 61:7 declares, "Instead of your shame, you shall have double honour." God will erase the shame of your past and replace it with honour.

b) Your Story Will Become a Platform for Your Promotion
Sometimes, what seems like a setback is actually a setup for promotion. God will use your story to elevate you to a place of honour. Like Esther, who went from being an orphan to a queen, God can turn your life around in ways beyond your imagination.

Biblical Example: Mordecai (Esther 6:1-11) 
Mordecai’s faithfulness went unnoticed for a time, but in God’s perfect timing, he was honoured. The king exalted him publicly, and he was placed in a position of power. His story of near defeat turned into a public display of God’s favour.

No matter how difficult your story may seem today, God can turn it into a testimony of His glory. He specialises in turning mourning into dancing, weeping into joy, and trials into triumphs. Hold onto His promises, trust His process, and know that your story is not over. The God who began a good work in you will complete it, and your story will end in glory. From story to glory, you shall testify of the goodness of the Lord!

1. Father, thank You for the assurance that my story will end in glory. 

2. Lord, give me the grace to trust You through every trial. 

3. Father, lift me out of every pit and place me on solid ground. 

4. Lord, let my life be a testimony of Your power and glory. 

5. Father, turn every test into a testimony of Your greatness. 

6. Lord, remove every shame from my life and replace it with honour. 

7. Father, grant me the patience to wait on You for my breakthrough. 

8. Lord, turn every trial I face into a platform for Your glory. 

9. Father, let my story be a witness that draws others to You. 

10. Lord, give me the grace to finish strong, knowing that my story will end in victory.

1. I declare that your story will end in glory in the name of Jesus! 

2. Every trial you face will turn into a testimony of God's goodness. 

3. I decree that God is turning your weeping into joy and your mourning into dancing. 

4. You will rise from shame to honour, and God will lift you up in due season. 

5. I declare that your patience will not be in vain; God is working behind the scenes. 

6. Every situation meant to destroy you will be used for your elevation. 

7. I prophesy that your life will be a beacon of God’s power and grace. 

8. You will receive double for your trouble, and your latter days will be greater. 

9. I decree that the story of your life will glorify God and inspire others. 

10. Your trials will not have the final say; God will finish your story with glory!

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