Monday 23 September 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Joshua 5:9 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 54:4, Zephaniah 3:19-20, 1 Samuel 1:6-7

A reproach is a source of shame, disgrace, or ridicule. It is something that brings dishonour and embarrassment. Many times in life, people go through seasons where they are burdened by reproach—whether it is in the area of barrenness, poverty, sickness, or failure. However, the good news is that God specializes in rolling away reproach. When Israel crossed the Jordan and arrived in the Promised Land, God declared that He had rolled away the reproach of Egypt from them. Today, God is still in the business of rolling away reproach from the lives of His children. As we delve into this message, we will see how God moves to turn shame into honour, defeat into victory, and reproach into testimony.


a) The Example of Israel’s Reproach in Egypt 
In Joshua 5:9, God declared that He had rolled away the reproach of Egypt from His people. The years of slavery and bondage were not just physical but also a source of deep emotional and spiritual reproach. But after crossing the Jordan and renewing their covenant with God, He assured them that their shame was over.

b) Freedom from Shame and Disgrace 
Isaiah 54:4 says, "Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame." God promises to deliver His people from the things that bring them shame. Just as He delivered Israel from the reproach of Egypt, He is faithful to deliver us from any situation that brings shame and dishonour.

Biblical Example: Hannah’s Barrenness (1 Samuel 1:6-7) 
Hannah suffered reproach from Peninnah due to her barrenness, but after years of prayer and patience, God rolled away her reproach by blessing her with Samuel. What once brought her shame became a testimony of God’s faithfulness.

a) God Restores What Has Been Lost
God does not only remove reproach, but He replaces it with honour. He turns situations that once brought embarrassment into testimonies of His greatness. When God steps in, He turns your sorrow into joy and your disgrace into glory.

b) Zephaniah 3:19-20 
God declares in Zephaniah 3:19-20 that He will deal with all those who oppress His people and that He will give them fame and praise where they were once put to shame. I prophesy that the same places where people witnessed your shame will also witness your honour.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace (Genesis 41:41-43) 
Joseph faced the reproach of false accusation and imprisonment, but God rolled away his reproach and elevated him to a place of honour in Pharaoh's court. What seemed like a dead-end became the stepping stone to his destiny.


a) Obey God’s Instructions
In Joshua 5, the Israelites were required to renew their covenant with God through circumcision before He rolled away their reproach. Often, God requires an act of obedience and faith before He brings about deliverance from reproach. Your obedience positions you for the miraculous.

b) Faith in God’s Ability to Remove Reproach 
Faith is the key that unlocks divine intervention. You must believe that God is able and willing to remove the reproach from your life. Just as Israel had to trust God to bring them out of Egypt, you must trust Him to bring you out of your shame and into your victory.

Biblical Example: The Leper Who Believed for Healing (Luke 17:11-19) 
The ten lepers carried the reproach of their illness, but their faith in Jesus' power led to their healing. The one who returned in gratitude experienced not just physical healing but restoration and wholeness, showing that faith in God leads to complete deliverance.


a) Divine Timing Brings About Total Restoration
There is an appointed time for your reproach to be rolled away. Just as Israel had to endure the wilderness season before entering the Promised Land, sometimes God allows a season of waiting. However, when the time of deliverance comes, nothing can stop it.

b) Complete Restoration and Testimony 
When God rolls away reproach, He does it completely and restores what was lost. The result is a powerful testimony that brings glory to His name. Your reproach will not last forever; God’s appointed time for your deliverance will come.

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) 
The prodigal son experienced reproach after squandering his inheritance, but when he returned to his father, he was fully restored. His disgrace was replaced with honour, and his story became one of redemption and celebration.

No matter what reproach you may be facing, God is ready to roll it away. Whether it's shame from past mistakes, disgrace from prolonged struggles, or embarrassment from unfulfilled promises, God is more than able to turn your situation around. As you remain obedient, faithful, and patient, God will roll away your reproach and bring you into a season of honour, restoration, and testimony.

1. Lord, roll away every reproach in my life in Jesus' name. 

2. Father, turn my shame into honour and my disgrace into glory. 

3. Lord, I declare that my season of reproach is over, and my time of restoration has come.
4. Father, I ask for divine intervention in every area of my life that brings shame. 

5. Lord, connect me with my breakthrough and roll away every obstacle to my victory. 

6. Father, I receive Your power to overcome every reproach in Jesus' name. 

7. Lord, restore everything that has been lost in my life due to reproach. 

8. Father, let my life be a testimony of Your power to roll away reproach. 

9. Lord, give me the grace to walk in faith and obedience so that my reproach can be removed. 

10. Father, elevate me to a place of honour where I was once put to shame.

1. I declare that every reproach in your life is rolled away today in Jesus’ name. 

2. I prophesy that your season of shame is over, and your season of honour has begun. 

3. I declare that where you were once disgraced, you will now be celebrated. 

4. I prophesy that God is turning your story into a testimony of His power. 

5. I declare that your breakthrough will silence every mocker in your life. 

6. I prophesy that God is restoring everything you lost to reproach in Jesus' name. 

7. I declare that the reproach of barrenness, poverty, and failure is broken over your life. 

8. I prophesy that divine restoration is coming to your household. 

9. I declare that you will receive supernatural favour in place of every shame you have endured. 

10. I prophesy that from this day, your reproach is rolled away, and you will walk in victory!

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