Monday 23 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 1:6-7 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 54:4, Psalm 126:1-3, Genesis 50:20

Insults are often a part of life, especially for those striving to achieve greatness or fulfill God’s purpose. At times, insults may come from others due to circumstances that seem beyond our control. However, as believers, we know that God is able to turn every insult into a testimony. What looks like a situation of disgrace can become an opportunity for God to display His power and move us into our result. In this sermon, we will explore how to respond when faced with insults and how to trust God to transform our situations from insults into results.


a) Insults as a Result of Barrenness (Hannah’s Example) 
In 1 Samuel 1:6-7, we see Hannah, who was insulted and mocked because she was barren. Her rival Peninnah used her barrenness as a reason to torment her, but Hannah remained steadfast in her faith and took her pain to God.

**b) Insults as a Test of Faith** 
Sometimes, insults are a test of our faith. People may look down on us, mock us, or remind us of our failures. But these moments are opportunities to grow in our faith and to trust in God's timing and purpose.

Biblical Example:  Nehemiah faced mockery and insults while rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 4:1-3), yet he continued to trust God and completed the work.


a) Taking the Matter to God
Like Hannah, when faced with insults, we must bring the situation before God in prayer. Instead of responding with bitterness or anger, we take our pain to the One who can transform it into victory.

b) The Power of Fervent Prayer
James 5:16 reminds us that the fervent, effective prayer of a righteous person avails much. In prayer, we pour out our hearts before God and trust Him to turn our situation around.

Biblical Example:
Jabez, whose name meant "pain," prayed to God, and his story moved from a negative identity to a testimony of blessing (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).


a) God Works All Things for Good
Romans 8:28 assures us that God works all things together for good for those who love Him. Even the insults, the delays, and the disappointments are part of His plan to bring us into our result.

b) Transformation from Shame to Glory
Isaiah 54:4 says, "Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated." God's ultimate plan is to turn our shame into glory and to use what was meant to insult us as a platform for His glory.

Biblical Example:
Joseph was insulted and mistreated by his brothers, but God used his journey to save many lives and bring him into a place of great honour (Genesis 50:20).


a) Maintaining Hope in God’s Promise 
It is important not to lose faith when facing insults. Hebrews 10:23 reminds us to hold fast to our confession of hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Even when it seems like the situation is not changing, trust in God’s faithfulness.

b) Praise as a Weapon
Instead of dwelling on the insult, turn to praise. Praise shifts the focus from the problem to the God who is able to bring the result. Psalm 34:1 encourages us to bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continually be in our mouths.

Biblical Example:
Paul and Silas were insulted and imprisoned, yet they praised God, and He brought about their miraculous release (Acts 16:25-26).

God is able to turn every insult into a result. What seems like a source of pain and shame can become a testimony of God's faithfulness and power. Like Hannah, Nehemiah, Joseph, and others, we can trust that God will use every situation to bring us into our result. As we respond to insults with prayer, faith, and praise, God will move in our lives, transforming our situations for His glory.


1. Lord, give me the grace to respond to insults with faith and prayer. 

2. Father, turn every insult in my life into a testimony of Your faithfulness. 

3. Lord, let Your perfect timing bring about my desired result. 

4. Father, remove every source of shame and replace it with Your glory. 

5. Lord, strengthen my faith to hold on even in the face of mockery. 

6. Father, give me the wisdom to pray and seek Your face in difficult times. 

7. Lord, turn the hearts of those who insult me to see Your work in my life. 

8. Father, grant me the patience to wait on Your timing for my breakthrough. 

9. Lord, fill my heart with praise even in challenging situations. 

10. Father, bring about a miraculous turnaround in every area of my life.


1. I declare that every insult in your life will turn into a testimony.
2. I prophesy that you will see results that will silence every mocker. 

3. I declare that shame and disgrace will not be your portion.
4. I prophesy that God will lift you from the place of insult to the place of honour. 

5. I declare that your prayers will bring about supernatural results.

6. I prophesy that you will move from a season of delay to a season of fulfilment. 

7. I declare that God will work all things for your good, and your result will manifest. 

8. I prophesy that what was meant to humiliate you will elevate you. 

9. I declare that your faith will remain strong, and you will see the hand of God in your situation.
10. I prophesy that you will testify of God’s goodness and breakthrough in your life.

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