Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 
Supporting Texts: Matthew 11:25, Isaiah 55:8-9, Jeremiah 29:11


A pastor was having problems in his ministry and in the family. He had little money and was under constant harassment from his wife and debtors. He got so discouraged that he forgot all about his standing in God.

He woke up one morning determined to kill himself. He left a suicide note for his wife, castigating her for her constant nagging and demand for money. He explained that he was going to drown himself in a stream to end his woes and gain some peace.
The pastor left home very early in the morning to the stream where he had determined to drown himself. On the road he met a madman walking side by side with him. He did not know the madman; neither did the madman know him. As they both silently walked to the stream, an amazing thing happened. The madman began to laugh hysterically.

Then he spoke sarcastically saying – “some people are pastors, some people have a wife, some people have children and yet they want to kill themselves." He then paused at this point, and began to laugh again after which he resumed his strange talk.“Look at me! I am not even a pastor, I don't have a wife, neither do I have children. In fact I have not eaten this morning and I don't have money to buy a meal and yet I am still content. Why not? Am I a madman to kill myself? Only a madman can do such a thing!”

Here was a madman saying, “Am I a madman?” God obviously put these “holy words” in the mouth of a madman to warn His servant. As the pastor heard these words, tears began to ow down his face. He however continued, to walk to the stream where his diabolical self-destructive plan was to be executed.

But just as they got close to the stream, the madman turned swiftly and directly
confronted the pastor, screaming, “Pastor, are you mad? Will you turn now and go back to your family and ministry!” God can use anything to speak to an erring servant. He used an ass to speak to the prophet Balaam. He used a whale to arrest and speak to Jonah. He used a raven to feed and instruct Elijah. God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He uses the weak things to instruct the mighty.

In life, we often face overwhelming challenges that can lead us to despair. This story of a pastor and a madman serves as a poignant reminder that God can use unexpected vessels to speak to us in our darkest moments. The pastor, burdened by ministry struggles and family pressures, reached a point of hopelessness, but God intervened through the unlikely voice of a madman. This sermon will explore how God communicates with us, the importance of recognizing His voice, and the path to restoration.


a) The Burden of Ministry and Life's Challenges 
Many people, including those in ministry, can feel overwhelmed by circumstances. The pastor in our story was battling financial issues, marital strife, and internal discouragement, leading him to consider taking his own life. This reflects the reality that even those who are called to serve can face moments of deep despair.

b) The Danger of Losing Sight of Our Identity in Christ 
In the face of challenges, we can forget our identity and standing in God. The pastor lost sight of his calling and purpose, focusing only on his troubles. In Matthew 11:25, Jesus reminds us that God reveals truths to the humble. When we become consumed by our problems, we risk missing the divine guidance He provides.

Biblical Example:  Elijah's Despair (1 Kings 19:1-4) 
Elijah, after a great victory, fled in fear and despaired of life. Like the pastor, he needed to be reminded of God’s presence and purpose.


a) God Uses the Unlikely to Deliver His Message
The madman in our story, though perceived as foolish, became the voice of wisdom. God often uses unconventional means to speak to us. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 reminds us that God chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.

b) The Power of Divine Timing 
God's timing is perfect, even when we feel hopeless. The pastor encountered the madman just as he was about to give in to despair. This illustrates how God places reminders of hope in our path, urging us to reconsider our choices.

Biblical Example: Balaam and His Ass (Numbers 22:21-34) 
Balaam’s journey was interrupted by his donkey, which saw the angel of the Lord. God used a humble creature to redirect Balaam, just as He used the madman to redirect the pastor.


a) The Call to Repentance 
When the madman confronted the pastor, he posed a profound question: “Pastor, are you mad?” This was a call for the pastor to reflect on his decision. It reminds us that we must be willing to turn back to God, no matter how far we may have strayed.

b) God’s Plans for Restoration 
God desires to restore us, as seen in Jeremiah 29:11, where He assures us of plans for a hopeful future. Our mistakes and moments of weakness do not define us; instead, God offers us the chance to return to Him and receive His grace.

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24) 
The prodigal son recognized his folly and returned to his father, who was waiting with open arms. Similarly, God welcomes us back when we turn from our self-destructive paths.

a) Renewing Our Commitment to Our Calling 
The pastor's encounter with the madman prompted him to reconsider his life and ministry. We, too, must reflect on our commitments and ensure we are aligned with God’s will.

b) Finding Strength in Our Weakness
Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours. When we feel weak and helpless, we can rely on His strength to guide us through.

Biblical Example: Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh (2 Corinthians 12:9-10) 
Paul learned that God’s grace is sufficient, and in weakness, we find strength. This principle applies to all believers, encouraging us to lean on God during difficult times.

The story of the madman and the pastor illustrates that God can use anyone, regardless of their status or sanity, to speak truth into our lives. In moments of despair, we must listen for His voice, repent from destructive thoughts and actions, and turn back to the purpose He has for us. God desires to restore us, and His plans for our lives are filled with hope and promise.

1. Father, help me to recognise and heed Your voice, even when it comes from unexpected places.
2. Lord, grant me strength to turn back from paths of despair and self-destruction. 

3. I pray for clarity and wisdom to understand my identity and purpose in You. 

4. Lord, may I embrace Your plans for my life and trust in Your goodness. 

5. Father, heal any wounds of discouragement I may carry and restore my joy. 

6. I declare that every spirit of despair is broken in my life today. 

7. Lord, help me to encourage others who are struggling as I have struggled. 

8. Father, renew my commitment to my calling and strengthen my resolve to serve You. 

9. I pray for divine interventions in my life that will redirect me toward Your path. 

10. Lord, may I never forget that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs.

1. I declare that every spirit of despair in your life is lifted, and joy is restored! 

2. You will encounter divine interventions that will redirect your path toward purpose. 

3. I prophesy that you will find strength in your weakness, and God will use you mightily. 

4. Your identity in Christ will be renewed, and you will walk confidently in His calling. 

5. I declare that your struggles will not define you; instead, they will lead to a greater testimony! 

6. God is opening your eyes to recognise His voice and guidance in your life. 

7. I prophesy that you will become a source of encouragement to others facing similar challenges. 

8. Your life will be a testament to God’s faithfulness and His ability to restore. 

9. I declare that you will embrace God’s plans for your life, filled with hope and future. 

10. You are destined for greatness, and nothing will hinder your progress in God’s purpose!

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