Monday 23 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 10:10 
Supporting Texts:  Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 91:3, 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Every person is born with a purpose and a divine destiny. God has ordained greatness and success for each of us, but there are forces and agents whose sole mission is to derail, destroy, or delay our God-given destinies. These are what we call "destiny destroyers." In John 10:10, Jesus reveals that the thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. This sermon focuses on understanding the strategies of destiny destroyers and receiving divine power to overcome them.


a) Who Are Destiny Destroyers?
Destiny destroyers are forces, people, or circumstances that aim to prevent you from fulfilling the purpose for which God created you. They include demonic attacks, negative influences, distractions, and self-destructive behaviours.

b) The Nature of Destiny Destroyers 
Destiny destroyers come in different forms. Sometimes they appear as external enemies (e.g., adversaries, circumstances), while other times they can be internal (e.g., fear, doubt, sin).

Biblical Example: Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37:18-20) 
Joseph's brothers were envious of his dreams and sought to destroy his destiny by selling him into slavery. Yet God turned their evil plan into good, fulfilling Joseph's destiny despite their attempts.


a) Satanic Forces 
The enemy uses spiritual warfare to steal, kill, and destroy destinies. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. Satan seeks to manipulate circumstances to derail our lives.

b) Human Agents 
Not all destiny destroyers are spiritual; sometimes, they come in the form of people who deliberately or unconsciously hinder your progress. These may include negative friends, envious relatives, or false counsellors.

c) Self-Destructive Habits 
Sometimes, we are our own worst enemies. Through disobedience, laziness, or poor choices, we can sabotage the destiny God has set for us. Proverbs 6:6 warns against laziness, which can cause a person to miss their destiny.

Biblical Example: Samson and Delilah (Judges 16:4-21) 
Samson had a great destiny as a deliverer of Israel, but his weakness for Delilah led to his downfall. His disobedience and carelessness allowed the enemy to destroy his God-given strength and purpose.


a) Distraction and Deception 
Destiny destroyers often distract people from their purpose by presenting seemingly attractive but deadly options. Satan deceives believers into prioritizing temporary satisfaction over eternal purpose.

b) Fear and Doubt
One of the enemy’s strategies is to instill fear and doubt, causing you to second-guess your calling and abilities. Like the ten spies in Numbers 13:31-33, fear can cause you to miss out on your promised land.

c) Delay and Discouragement
Delay can be a tool used by the enemy to weaken your faith and trust in God’s timing. When your dreams take longer to manifest, discouragement can set in, causing you to give up prematurely.

Biblical Example: Nehemiah’s Adversaries (Nehemiah 4:1-8) 
Nehemiah faced intense opposition from enemies like Sanballat and Tobiah, who sought to discourage and delay the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. Yet, through prayer and perseverance, Nehemiah overcame their schemes.


a) Divine Protection and Guidance 
Psalm 91:3 tells us that God will deliver us from the snare of the fowler. His protection is key to overcoming destiny destroyers. With divine guidance, you can navigate the traps of the enemy and avoid distractions.

b) The Power of the Word of God
The Word of God is your greatest weapon against destiny destroyers. Jesus overcame the devil in the wilderness by speaking the Word (Matthew 4:1-11). Meditating on and declaring the Word aligns you with God's will for your life.

c) Prayer and Fasting 
Prayer and fasting break strongholds and release divine power for deliverance. When you engage in spiritual warfare through fervent prayer, you dismantle the operations of destiny destroyers (Mark 9:29).

Biblical Example: Esther’s Intercession (Esther 4:16) 
Esther recognized the threat against her people and responded with prayer and fasting. As a result, God intervened and delivered the Israelites from destruction.


a) Stay Focused on Your Purpose 
To overcome destiny destroyers, you must remain focused on your God-given assignment. Hebrews 12:2 encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Distraction is one of the enemy's greatest weapons, but focus is your greatest defence.

b) Surround Yourself with Destiny Helpers
God places people in our lives to help us fulfil our destiny. These are destiny helpers—people who support, guide, and pray for you. Surrounding yourself with godly relationships keeps you on the right path (Proverbs 27:17).

Biblical Example: Moses and Aaron (Exodus 4:14-16) 
God gave Moses a divine assignment to deliver Israel from Egypt, but Moses felt inadequate. God sent Aaron to be his helper, and together they fulfilled God's purpose.

Destiny destroyers come in various forms, from spiritual attacks to personal weaknesses. However, God has given us power through His Word, the Holy Spirit, and prayer to overcome every hindrance to our destiny. As we stay focused, surround ourselves with godly influences, and rely on God’s power, we will fulfil the purpose He has ordained for our lives.

1. Lord, deliver me from every destiny destroyer in my life. 

2. Father, break every spiritual stronghold that seeks to hinder my destiny. 

3. Lord, I cancel every plan of the enemy to delay or discourage me in Jesus' name. 

4. Father, empower me to overcome fear, doubt, and distraction. 

5. Lord, send divine helpers to support and guide me to my destiny. 

6. Father, grant me the grace to stay focused on Your purpose for my life. 

7. Lord, I destroy every negative influence around me in Jesus' name. 

8. Father, help me overcome self-destructive habits that hinder my progress. 

9. Lord, I speak divine acceleration over every delayed destiny in Jesus' name. 

10. Father, protect me from the traps of destiny destroyers and grant me victory.

1. I declare that no destiny destroyer will hinder your purpose in Jesus' name. 

2. I prophesy divine protection over your life, destiny, and purpose. 

3. Every weapon formed against your destiny shall not prosper in Jesus' name. 

4. I declare that you will fulfil every assignment God has given you. 

5. You will rise above every delay and walk in divine acceleration. 

6. I declare that destiny helpers will locate you and push you forward. 

7. No plan of the enemy will steal your future in Jesus' name. 

8. You will receive divine strength to overcome every form of discouragement. 

9. Every negative influence around you is broken off in Jesus' name. 

10. I prophesy that your destiny will manifest fully, and you will finish well in Jesus' name!

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