Sunday 29 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 115:14-15 
Supporting Texts: Deuteronomy 1:11, 2 Corinthians 9:10, Isaiah 54:2-3

Divine increase refers to God’s supernatural multiplication and expansion in all aspects of life. It is the manifestation of God's blessing that causes us to grow, prosper, and thrive beyond natural limitations. As we step into the month of divine increase, it is important to understand the principles that trigger this divine multiplication. God delights in the prosperity of His children and desires to bring increase in all areas of our lives, be it spiritually, financially, or relationally.


a) The Nature of God is to Increase 
God is a God of increase. From the beginning of creation, He commanded growth and multiplication. In Genesis 1:28, God blessed Adam and Eve and commanded them to "be fruitful and multiply." This shows that God’s desire for us is to increase and expand in every area of life.

b) Increase Beyond Human Effort
Divine increase is not limited to human effort but comes as a result of God's supernatural hand at work. In Deuteronomy 1:11, Moses declared a blessing over the Israelites, saying, "May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised!" This blessing is a reflection of God’s limitless ability to multiply beyond what we can imagine or achieve by ourselves.

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the Five Thousand (Matthew 14:17-21) 
Jesus took five loaves and two fish and multiplied them to feed over five thousand people. This was a supernatural increase that defied human reasoning and limitations.


a) Obedience to God’s Word 
One key to experiencing divine increase is obedience. When we obey God’s instructions, we position ourselves for His blessings. In Deuteronomy 28:1-2, God promises to bless and increase those who diligently obey His commands.

b) Faith and Expectation 
Faith plays a crucial role in receiving divine increase. We must have faith that God can and will multiply what we place in His hands. Just as the widow of Zarephath trusted God’s word through Elijah, resulting in her oil and flour not running out (1 Kings 17:13-16), so too must we trust God for increase.

Biblical Example: Isaac's Increase in Famine (Genesis 26:12-14) 
Isaac sowed in a land of famine and reaped a hundredfold because of God’s blessing. His faith and obedience to stay in the land as God instructed positioned him for divine increase.


a) Spiritual Increase 
God desires that we grow spiritually, increasing in wisdom, faith, and knowledge of His Word. Colossians 1:10 encourages us to "grow in the knowledge of God." As we seek Him, our spiritual capacity will expand, allowing us to experience deeper dimensions of His presence.

b) Financial and Material Increase
God is also concerned with our material well-being. He promises to bless the work of our hands and cause us to prosper (Deuteronomy 28:12). Divine increase in our finances enables us to fulfil God's purpose and become a blessing to others.

Biblical Example: The Early Church's Financial Growth (Acts 4:34-35) 
The early Church experienced divine increase to the point where there was no one in need among them. This financial increase allowed the believers to share their resources and meet the needs of the community.


a) Preparation for Expansion 
To experience divine increase, we must prepare ourselves for the blessing. In Isaiah 54:2, God instructs His people to "enlarge the place of your tent" in preparation for the increase He is about to bring. This means we must enlarge our capacity, vision, and faith to receive more from God.

b) Declaring God’s Promises 
The power of our confession plays a role in receiving divine increase. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. As we declare God’s promises of increase, we activate the supernatural in our lives.

Biblical Example: Jabez’s Prayer for Increase (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) 
Jabez prayed for God to bless him and enlarge his territory, and God granted his request. This shows the power of asking and declaring for increase in faith.

As we enter this month of divine increase, we must remember that God's plan is to prosper us, not just in one area but in every aspect of our lives. Whether it is spiritual growth, financial prosperity, or relational success, God’s desire is to see us thrive and multiply. Let us trust Him for supernatural increase, obey His Word, and prepare ourselves to receive the overflow of His blessings.

1. Father, I thank You for this month of divine increase. 

2. Lord, enlarge my capacity to receive more of Your blessings.
3. Father, I declare supernatural increase in every area of my life. 

4. Lord, give me the grace to obey Your instructions that lead to increase. 

5. Father, break every limitation that hinders my progress and expansion. 

6. Lord, I decree a financial breakthrough in my life this month. 

7. Father, increase my faith and trust in Your ability to multiply what I have. 

8. Lord, I ask for spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with You. 

9. Father, bless the work of my hands and cause me to prosper. 

10. Lord, let me experience supernatural favour and open doors this month.

1. I declare that this is your month of supernatural increase! 

2. The Lord will enlarge your territory and bless you abundantly. 

3. Every seed you have sown will produce a hundredfold harvest. 

4. I declare that no limitation will hinder your progress this month.
5. Your finances, business, and career will experience divine multiplication. 

6. The grace for spiritual growth and maturity is released upon you. 

7. I prophesy that every closed door is opened in the name of Jesus. 

8. You will experience breakthroughs in areas where you have struggled. 

9. Your life will be a testimony of God’s increase and provision. 

10. I declare that you are walking into a season of overflow and abundance.

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