Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 46:9-10 
Supporting Texts: Lamentations 3:37, Proverbs 19:21, Romans 8:28

In life, we are often faced with situations where it seems like the odds are against us, and the voices of doubt, fear, and failure try to define our future. But as believers, we must remember that God always has the final say. No matter what man or circumstances may dictate, God’s sovereignty prevails. He holds the ultimate authority over every situation, and His purposes cannot be thwarted.


a) He Declares the End from the Beginning
Isaiah 46:9-10 reminds us that God is sovereign and declares the end from the beginning. Before a situation even arises, God already knows the outcome. His purposes are established, and He has the power to bring His will to pass in our lives.

b) No Word from Man Can Override God’s Word 
Lamentations 3:37 says, "Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it?" This means that no word from man, no negative report, no decree can stand if God has not willed it. When God speaks over your life, His word takes precedence over every other voice.

Biblical Example: Joseph 
Despite his brothers selling him into slavery and all the adversities he faced, Joseph’s life was guided by God’s hand. His enemies didn’t have the final say; God did. Joseph rose to become a ruler in Egypt, fulfilling God’s ultimate purpose.


a) Man’s Plans vs. God’s Purpose 
Proverbs 19:21 states, "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails." Even when it seems like everything is working against us, we must remember that God’s purposes will always stand. We may not understand the process, but we can trust the outcome because God is in control.

b) God Works Everything for Our Good
Romans 8:28 reminds us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Even when we face setbacks, disappointments, or challenges, we can be confident that God is orchestrating everything for our ultimate good and His glory.

Biblical Example:  Job 
Job lost everything, but he remained faithful to God. His friends, his wife, and even his circumstances pointed to despair, but God had the final say. In the end, God restored Job’s fortunes, giving him double for his trouble.


a) God's Word Brings Life
When God speaks, He brings life into dead situations. Just as He spoke the world into existence, His word can bring healing, deliverance, and breakthrough into our lives. His word never returns void but accomplishes what He sends it to do (Isaiah 55:11).

b) Victory Through God’s Final Word
When God has the final say, it often brings victory in unexpected ways. We may think we’re defeated, but God’s word can overturn the enemy’s plans and lead us to triumph.

Biblical Example: Lazarus 
In John 11, when Lazarus died, everyone thought it was the end. But Jesus declared, "Lazarus, come forth!" and death had to give way to life. God’s final say overruled death itself.


a) Submit to His Will 
The key to experiencing the final say of God in our lives is submitting to His will and trusting in His timing. When we align ourselves with God’s purpose, we allow Him to bring His plans to fruition in our lives.

b) Speak What God Says
As believers, we must learn to declare what God says about us, not what circumstances say. Our words must align with His promises, and we must stand firm in faith, knowing that He will have the final word.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood 
In Mark 5, the woman with the issue of blood had suffered for 12 years. But when she touched Jesus, He had the final say over her condition. Her faith in Jesus’ power to heal changed her story.

No matter what we are facing, we can find peace and confidence in the fact that God has the final say. People may speak against us, circumstances may look bleak, but God’s plans for us are good and perfect. His word will prevail, and His purposes will stand. Trust in Him, and you will see His final say manifest in your life.

1. Lord, I trust that You have the final say over every situation in my life. 

2. I cancel every negative word spoken over my life that is not in line with Your will. 

3. Father, let Your purpose be fulfilled in my life despite what others may say. 

4. Teach me to wait on Your timing and trust in Your plans for my future. 

5. Speak life into every dead situation in my life, Lord. 

6. I declare that Your word will come to pass in my life. 

7. Father, give me the grace to submit to Your will completely. 

8. Lord, let every plan of the enemy be overturned by Your final say. 

9. Strengthen my faith to believe that You are working all things for my good. 

10. I declare that I will walk in victory because God has the final say in my life.

1. God’s final say will overturn every negative word spoken over your life. 

2. You will see the manifestation of His purpose in every area of your life. 

3. Every plan of the enemy is cancelled; God’s word will prevail! 

4. You are moving from defeat to victory because God has the final say. 

5. Your situation is turning around; God is bringing restoration and healing. 

6. Where people have written you off, God will lift you up. 

7. Every delay in your life is turning into divine acceleration. 

8. God’s purpose for your life will stand; nothing can stop His plans. 

9. You will be a testimony of God’s sovereignty and power. 

10. The final say of God will bring you into a new season of breakthrough and joy!

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