Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Revelation 3:8 
Supporting Texts: 1 Corinthians 16:9, Isaiah 22:22, Acts 16:26

In life, everyone desires to experience open doors—opportunities that lead to success, advancement, and greatness. The Bible speaks of God as the One who opens doors that no man can shut. Today, we will examine how God grants access to doors of greatness and how we can position ourselves to walk through them. Open doors are not just about opportunities, but about stepping into the divine destiny that God has prepared for you.


a) God Holds the Key 
Isaiah 22:22 says, “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” God alone holds the key to open doors of greatness in our lives. No human or spiritual force can close a door that God has opened for you.

b) Trust in God’s Timing 
Revelation 3:8 reminds us that God opens doors at the right time. Sometimes, we may feel frustrated because doors seem closed, but we must trust that God knows the perfect time for our breakthrough. When He opens the door, no one will be able to shut it.

Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 41:39-44) 
Joseph endured years of hardship, but when God opened the door for his greatness, he was elevated from the prison to the palace. His story reminds us that even in the midst of challenges, God can open doors that lead to greatness at the appointed time.


a) Step Out in Faith 
When God opens a door, it requires us to step out in faith. 1 Corinthians 16:9 speaks of a great and effective door being opened, but it also mentions opposition. Just because a door is open doesn’t mean it will be without challenges. It is our responsibility to trust God and walk through it, regardless of the obstacles.

b) Be Prepared for the Opportunity 
Open doors require preparation. God does not open doors for those who are unprepared. We must be spiritually, mentally, and emotionally ready to seize the opportunities that God brings our way. Preparation positions us to walk confidently through the doors of greatness.

Biblical Example: Esther (Esther 4:14) 
Esther was placed in a position of influence, but she had to be prepared and courageous to step through the door of greatness that God had opened for her to save her people. Her readiness and boldness allowed her to fulfil her divine purpose.


a) Overcoming Opposition 
Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 16:9 that though a great door had been opened to him, there were many adversaries. Whenever God opens a door for greatness, there will be opposition—whether it’s from people, circumstances, or spiritual forces. However, we must be determined to overcome every barrier that stands in our way.

b) Spiritual Warfare and Prayer 
Open doors often require spiritual warfare. The enemy knows the potential that lies behind the door of greatness, and he will try to hinder you from stepping through it. This is why we must be persistent in prayer and rely on God’s strength to overcome every obstacle.

Biblical Example: Nehemiah (Nehemiah 4:1-3, 6) 
When Nehemiah sought to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he faced intense opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah. However, through prayer and determination, Nehemiah pressed on and completed the work. In the same way, we must fight through opposition to walk through the doors God opens.


a) Remain Humble
Once God has opened a door and elevated you to a place of greatness, it is crucial to remain humble. Pride can quickly shut the doors that God has opened. We must always remember that it is by God’s grace that we are where we are, and we should give Him all the glory.

b) Depend on God for Sustenance 
The same God who opens the door is the One who sustains you in that place of greatness. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. In every step of your journey, rely on God’s wisdom and guidance to maintain your success.

Biblical Example: King David (Psalm 78:70-72) 
David was chosen by God and placed in a position of greatness. Throughout his reign, David relied on God’s strength and wisdom. Even when he made mistakes, he was quick to repent and turn back to God. His humility and dependence on God allowed him to remain in his position of greatness.


a) Believe That God Has a Door for You
God has specific doors of greatness for each of His children. It’s important to believe that you are included in God’s plan for greatness. No matter your background or current circumstances, God has a door with your name on it. Trust that He will lead you to it.

b) Be Persistent in Pursuit of the Promise
Sometimes, open doors require persistence. You may have to knock and keep knocking until the door opens. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Persistence in faith and prayer will bring you to the threshold of your open door.

Biblical Example: Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) 
Blind Bartimaeus refused to let his opportunity for healing pass by. Even when others told him to be quiet, he persisted in calling out to Jesus. His faith and persistence opened the door for his healing and restoration. In the same way, your persistence in seeking God will lead to open doors of greatness.

God has set before you open doors that no one can shut. These doors lead to greatness, influence, and the fulfilment of your divine purpose. However, you must be prepared to step through them with faith, overcome opposition, and remain humble once you enter. Remember, it is God who opens the door, and it is God who will sustain you in your place of greatness. The doors of greatness are open for you—walk through them and fulfil your destiny!

1. Father, thank You for the doors of greatness You have opened for me. 

2. Lord, grant me the faith and courage to walk through the doors You have opened. 

3. Every adversary standing at the door of my greatness, be removed in Jesus' name. 

4. Father, prepare me to seize the opportunities You are bringing my way. 

5. Lord, let no opposition hinder me from walking through the door of greatness. 

6. Father, I declare that every door You have opened for me will lead to divine fulfilment. 

7. Lord, sustain me in my place of greatness and keep me humble before You. 

8. Father, I decree that no human or spiritual force can shut the door You have opened for me. 

9. Lord, give me wisdom to navigate through the doors of greatness and fulfil my purpose.
10. Father, I declare that I will not miss my season of open doors in Jesus' name.

1. I declare that the doors of greatness are opening for you right now in Jesus’ name. 

2. Every barrier to your open doors is broken, and you will walk into divine opportunities. 

3. I prophesy that no adversary will stand in the way of your promotion and elevation. 

4. The key of David is released over your life; every door of greatness will remain open to you. 

5. I decree that you will step boldly through every open door that God has prepared for you. 

6. Your days of missed opportunities are over; you will enter into your season of divine greatness. 

7. I declare that from today, you will rise to places of influence and prominence. 

8. No power from your past will be able to close the doors of your future. 

9. I prophesy that as you walk through open doors, you will fulfil every divine assignment. 

10. You will not only enter into greatness, but you will sustain it by the grace of God.

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