Tuesday 17 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 7:13-15 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:1-3, Psalm 30:5, John 16:20 

Life has its fair share of moments that bring us to the point of tears. It could be the loss of a loved one, a failed business, shattered dreams, or overwhelming circumstances. But in today's message, I want to remind you of the words of Jesus: "Weep not." Just like the widow of Nain in Luke 7, you may be facing a situation that seems hopeless, but Jesus is saying to you today, *“Do not cry, for I am here.”* Jesus’ presence brings an end to sorrow and ushers in joy. No matter what you're going through, God sees your tears, and He is ready to intervene in your situation.


a) The Reality of Her Loss (Luke 7:12)
The widow had already lost her husband, and now her only son had died. In those times, a woman’s security and future were often tied to her male relatives. With no husband and no son, she was left desolate, without hope. Life can sometimes feel like this, where everything seems to fall apart at once, and the future looks bleak.

b) Human Limitations
People were gathered to support her, but they could not reverse her situation. They could only weep with her. No one could bring back her son. Many times, we encounter situations that human efforts cannot fix. People may sympathize, but only God can bring true relief.

c) Our Own Times of Grief 
Each of us has experienced times of grief, disappointment, or hopelessness. Like the widow, we often feel that everything is lost, but we must remember that God sees and cares.


a) Jesus Had Compassion on Her (Luke 7:13)
When Jesus saw her, He had compassion. God is full of compassion toward us. He is not indifferent to our struggles or tears. Psalm 56:8 says that He collects our tears in a bottle. The widow did not ask for help, but Jesus’ compassion moved Him to act. 

b) The Command to Stop Weeping 
Jesus said to her, “Weep not.” This was not just an empty word of comfort. It was a command backed by divine power. Jesus was about to change the situation completely. When God tells us not to weep, it’s because He has a solution in place. Jesus doesn’t just comfort us; He transforms our circumstances.

c) Jesus Touches the Coffin (Luke 7:14) 
In a bold move, Jesus touched the coffin. This was unheard of because touching the dead was considered unclean, but Jesus is not limited by societal norms. He reaches into our most hopeless situations and brings life where there is death. His divine touch makes all the difference.


a) The Young Man Arose (Luke 7:15) 
With one command, “Young man, I say to you, arise,” the dead man came back to life. This is the power of God to restore what was lost. It doesn’t matter how dead a situation looks—God can bring it back to life. Whether it’s a lost opportunity, a broken relationship, or shattered dreams, Jesus can speak life into it and cause it to rise again.

b) Restoration of Joy and Hope
The widow’s joy was restored when her son sat up and began to speak. Her future, which seemed dead, was given new life. When God intervenes, He restores not just what was lost, but He brings joy and hope. Psalm 30:5 reminds us that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” 

c) A Testimony of God’s Power 
The crowd that followed the widow witnessed a miracle. They went from mourning with her to rejoicing with her. When God intervenes in your life, your testimony will cause others to glorify God. Your weeping will turn into a testimony of God’s faithfulness and power.


a) Jesus Is Still Saying “Weep Not”
Just as Jesus told the widow not to weep, He is saying the same to you today. You may be facing a situation that seems final, but remember, with God, nothing is impossible. Jesus can still touch your life and change your circumstances. Whatever is causing you to weep today, give it to Jesus and trust Him to bring life and restoration.

b) God’s Timing is Perfect
Jesus arrived at the right time to stop the funeral procession. In the same way, God’s timing in your life is perfect. Even if it seems like it’s too late, God can still turn things around. Trust in His timing, and don’t give up hope.

c) Your Sorrow Will Turn to Joy (John 16:20)
Jesus promised that although we may face sorrow, our sorrow will turn to joy. No matter how long the night of weeping may seem, the morning of joy will come. God is faithful to fulfill His promises, and He will bring you through every difficult season with victory.

In life, we all face moments of grief, loss, and hopelessness that bring us to tears. But the message of Jesus to the widow in Luke 7 is the same for us today: “Weep not.” Jesus sees our pain, He is filled with compassion for us, and He has the power to change our situation. Just as He touched the coffin and brought the young man back to life, He can touch every dead area of your life and restore it. Your weeping will turn to joy, your mourning will turn to dancing, and your testimony will be a reflection of God’s power and grace. Trust in Him, and weep not, for your miracle is on the way.

1. Lord, I thank You for Your compassion towards me.

2. Father, touch every dead situation in my life and bring it back to life.

3. Lord, let every spirit of sorrow be replaced with joy in my life.

4. Father, stop every procession of death and destruction in my life in Jesus’ name.

5. I declare that my season of weeping is over in Jesus’ name.

6. Lord, let Your divine touch bring healing and restoration in every area of my life.

7. Father, restore my lost joy, hope, and future.

8. Lord, turn my mourning into dancing and my weeping into joy.

9. Father, let my life be a testimony of Your power and goodness.

10. Lord, I declare that I will not weep over any situation again, for You are in control.

1. I declare that every dead area of your life is coming back to life in Jesus’ name.

2. You will not weep over that situation any longer—God is turning it around for good.

3. I prophesy that your mourning will be turned into dancing.

4. The procession of sorrow in your life is stopped today in Jesus’ name.

5. I declare that joy will be your portion, and sorrow will flee from you.

6. Every area of hopelessness in your life is receiving new life in Jesus’ name.

7. God is turning your night of weeping into a morning of joy and celebration.

8. Your testimony will be great, and many will rejoice with you.

9. I declare that you will not cry over your future, for God has secured it.

10. Every tear you have shed will be replaced with laughter and rejoicing in Jesus' name.

May God’s divine touch bring life, joy, and restoration to every area of your life.

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