Monday 16 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:
- Acts 1:8 – “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Supporting Texts:
Luke 10:19; 2 Timothy 1:7; Zechariah 4:6; Ephesians 6:10-11; Romans 8:11

Jesus’ final promise to His disciples was the gift of power through the Holy Spirit. This power was not an abstract concept but a tangible, transformative force that would enable them to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. In today’s world, we encounter many forms of power—political, financial, social—but the power Jesus promises is far greater. This sermon will explore different kinds of power and how the ultimate power—the Holy Spirit’s power—supersedes them all.

Power is essential for living a victorious Christian life and fulfilling God’s divine purpose. When we truly receive the Holy Spirit’s power, we are equipped not only for ministry but for life. Let’s explore what power means, the kinds of power we encounter and understand the supremacy of Holy Ghost power.

Power is the ability or capacity to influence, control, or direct the actions, behavior, and thoughts of others, or to bring about change. It can manifest in various forms, including physical strength, intellectual authority, financial wealth, social influence, or spiritual might. Power enables individuals or entities to achieve goals, exert influence over circumstances, and affect outcomes in life.

In a biblical and spiritual context, power often refers to divine authority and strength given by God, especially through the Holy Spirit, to fulfill His purposes, overcome challenges, and live a victorious life.

The Greek word for power is "dynamis" (δύναμις). It appears frequently in the New Testament and is often associated with divine strength, ability, and miraculous power.
Meaning of "Dynamis":
1. Strength or Ability: It refers to inherent power or the capacity to perform something.
2. Miraculous Power: In many instances, it is used to describe the supernatural power of God, particularly in performing miracles, signs, and wonders.
3. Might or Authority: It conveys the idea of authority or the power to accomplish God's will.
4. Transformative Power: It is the empowering force given by the Holy Spirit to believers, as seen in Acts 1:8, where Jesus promises His disciples they will receive power ("dynamis") when the Holy Spirit comes upon them.

The word "dynamis" is the root of the English word  dynamite, symbolizing explosive or impactful power. In the biblical sense, it emphasizes God's supernatural empowerment of believers for effective service, witness, and spiritual victory.


1. Academic Power:
Academic power refers to the influence that comes from education and intellectual prowess. Those who excel in academics can shape society through research, policies, and teachings. However, without the Holy Spirit, knowledge can lead to pride (1 Corinthians 8:1), while the Spirit gives us wisdom from above (James 3:17).

2. Physical Power
Physical power relates to bodily strength and athleticism. Some trust in their physical abilities for success, but the Bible teaches that even our strength will fail without God (Isaiah 40:30-31). The Holy Spirit empowers our physical bodies, giving us supernatural endurance and strength to accomplish His will (Romans 8:11).

3. Psychological Power
Psychological power is the ability to influence others through mental and emotional tactics. While persuasion and mental strength are important, true transformation the mind comes through the Holy Spirit. We are called to do transformed by the renewing of our mindsof (Romans 12:2), which only the Holy Spirit can achieve.

4. Financial Power
Financial power is the control one has through wealth and resources. Money can offer influence in this world, but financial power is limited. Jesus teaches us that we cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). Holy Spirit power, on the other hand, opens doors of provision that wealth cannot (Philippians 4:19).

5. Political Power
Political power involves authority and governance. Many strive for this type of power, believing it will give them control over nations and people. However, true authority comes from God alone (Romans 13:1). When we receive the Holy Spirit, we are given divine authority to make a lasting impact that goes beyond earthly politics.

6. Military Power
Military power is the strength and capacity to enforce through force and warfare. Nations with military might often rule through fear. But Jesus shows us that victory is not by might nor by power but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). The battles we fight as believers are not physical but spiritual (Ephesians 6:12), and the Holy Spirit empowers us to win these battles.

7. Social Power
Social power is derived from relationships, influence, and social status. People leverage their networks and connections to rise in society, but this type of power is fleeting. The Holy Spirit, however, grants us favour with both God and men (Luke 2:52), giving us influence far beyond human capability.

8. Mental Power
Mental power includes cognitive strength, reasoning, and intellectual capacities. While mental toughness is valuable, the Holy Spirit gives us the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). This surpasses human understanding, giving us divine insight and clarity.

9. Technological Power
Technological power refers to the influence and control through advancements in technology. While technology shapes our modern world, the Holy Spirit’s power transcends time and space, impacting hearts in ways that technology never can. It is through the Spirit that we gain true innovation for God’s kingdom.

10. Intellectual Power
Intellectual power comes from creative and critical thinking. While human intellect can solve problems, the Holy Spirit grants wisdom that no human mind can comprehend (1 Corinthians 2:10). His revelations are beyond intellectual limitations.

11. Coercive Power
Coercive power forces obedience through threats or punishment. This is a power of fear and control, often used by oppressive leaders. However, God’s Spirit leads us in love, not fear (2 Timothy 1:7). The Holy Spirit empowers us to lead others gently, as Christ did.

12. Economic Power
Economic power controls industries, trade, and production. While economic power dictates global systems, the Holy Spirit provides supernatural provision that is not bound by market forces. God’s economy is one of abundance, and the Holy Spirit helps us to steward resources for the Kingdom.

13. Occultic Power
Occultic power involves dark spiritual forces, used to manipulate and control through forbidden means. But these powers are no match for the Holy Spirit. In Acts 19:19, we see people burning their occultic books after encountering the power of the Holy Spirit. His power overcomes all demonic forces.

14. Magical Power
Magical power involves the use of spells and rituals to manipulate supernatural forces. Like occultic power, it is rooted in darkness. The Holy Spirit is the true source of supernatural power, and no magic can stand against Him (Acts 8:9-24).

15. Diabolical Power
Diabolical power refers to evil, demonic forces that seek to destroy and corrupt. The Holy Spirit is our shield and deliverer from all evil (Ephesians 6:16). His power breaks the chains of darkness and sets the captives free (Isaiah 61:1).

16. Witchcraft Power
Witchcraft power uses charms and sorcery to control people and events. In the Bible, witchcraft is condemned, as it leads people away from God (Galatians 5:19-21). The Holy Spirit empowers believers to resist witchcraft and overcome evil with good.

17. Ecclesiological Power
Ecclesiological power is the authority within the church, guiding doctrine, worship, and church governance. While church leaders may have authority, true power comes from the Holy Spirit, who leads and directs the Church in all truth (John 16:13).


Now that we have explored the various kinds of power, we turn our focus to the greatest power of all—the power of the Holy Spirit. Holy Ghost power is supernatural, divine power given to every believer who seeks it. It is this power that makes the impossible possible, turns weakness into strength, and brings life to what is dead.

Characteristics of Holy Ghost Power:
1. Transformative Power: The Holy Spirit transforms lives, making us new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

2. Empowering Power: The Holy Spirit equips us with spiritual gifts and boldness to be effective witnesses (1 Corinthians 12:7).

3. Guiding Power: He leads us into all truth, showing us the way to go (John 16:13).

4. Healing Power: The Spirit enables us to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons (Acts 3:6).

5. Resurrecting Power: The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us, giving us resurrection power (Romans 8:11).


We are not left without means to access this power. There are various ways to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and experience its fullness:

1.  Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39)
The initial infilling of the Holy Spirit, which empowers us for ministry and gives us gifts like speaking in tongues and boldness.

2.  Filling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)
A continuous, daily filling of the Spirit that refreshes and renews us for godly living.

3.   Anointing of the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27)
Special equipping for specific tasks and ministry roles. This anointing teaches, protects, and empowers.

4.  Prayer and seeking God’s face
Developing a prayerful lifestyle positions you for an outpouring of the Spirit’s power. Jesus told His disciples to wait and pray for the promise of the Spirit (Acts 1:14).

5.  Surrender
When we yield our hearts and lives to God, the Holy Spirit is free to work powerfully in and through us.

6.  Prayer and Fasting
When we seek God through prayer and fasting, the Holy Spirit’s power manifests (Acts 13:2-3).

7.  Obedience
Living a life of obedience to God invites the Holy Spirit to empower us (Acts 5:32).

8.  Faith
Believing in the promises of God activates the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives (Mark 9:23).


Throughout the Bible, we see multiple manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit. These are signs of His presence and workings:

1. Speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4)
On the day of Pentecost, the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them.

2.  Prophecy (Acts 21:9-11)
The Spirit empowers people to speak God’s will and direction through prophecy.

3.  Healing (Acts 3:1-10)
Peter and John healed a man who was lame from birth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

4.   Deliverance (Acts 16:16-18) The Holy Spirit empowers us to cast out evil spirits and set people free from oppression.

5.   Boldness and courage (Acts 4:29-31)
After receiving the Holy Spirit, the disciples spoke the word of God with boldness, despite persecution.

All the powers of this world—academic, political, financial, and more—are limited and fleeting. However, the power of the Holy Spirit is eternal and unmatched. You are called to receive this power, and when you do, you will be transformed, empowered, and equipped to fulfil your divine purpose. Seek His power today and walk in the authority that comes from the Holy Spirit.

1. Father, fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit.

2. Lord, empower me to live a victorious Christian life.

3. Holy Spirit, give me boldness to witness for You.

4. Lord, let Your supernatural power flow through my life.

5. Father, break every limitation in my life through the power of the Holy Spirit.

6. Holy Spirit, guide me into all truth and lead me in Your ways.

7. Father, use me to heal the sick and deliver the oppressed through Your power.

8. Lord, let Your resurrecting power bring life to every dead situation in my life.

9. Holy Spirit, grant me wisdom and understanding beyond human ability.

10. Lord, fill me with Your power to do exploits for Your Kingdom.


1. You will be filled with fresh power from the Holy Spirit today!

2. The power of God will break every limitation in your life.

3. Your life will be a testimony of the Holy Spirit's power at work.

4. The boldness of the Holy Spirit will rest upon you.

5. You will move from glory to glory in the strength of the Spirit.

6. Miracles, signs, and wonders will follow you wherever you go.

7. You will experience divine guidance like never before.

8. Your words will carry the power to bring healing and deliverance.

9. You are anointed to do exploits for God’s kingdom.

10. The Holy Spirit will overshadow you, and you will fulfil your divine purpose.

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