Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 3:16-17 
Supporting Texts: Deuteronomy 28:12, Ezekiel 1:1, Isaiah 64:1, Acts 7:55-56

Open heavens signify a direct connection between heaven and earth, where God's power, blessings, and favour are poured out without hindrance. In the Bible, moments of open heavens resulted in divine encounters, supernatural interventions, and heavenly blessings being released. When the heavens are open, God's presence becomes tangible, and lives are transformed. Today, we will explore how to encounter open heavens and the impact it has on our spiritual and physical lives.


a) Divine Revelation and Encounter 
When the heavens are open, God reveals Himself in a powerful way. At Jesus' baptism, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, affirming His sonship and mission (Matthew 3:16-17). Open heavens are times when God reveals His will, direction, and divine plans to His people.

b) Unhindered Access to God's Blessings 
Deuteronomy 28:12 tells us that God will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, and pour out blessings on us. Under open heavens, there is no limitation to the flow of God’s provision, favour, and grace in our lives.

Biblical Example: Jacob’s Ladder (Genesis 28:12-17) 
Jacob experienced open heavens in a dream, where he saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending. This encounter not only brought divine revelation but also confirmed God's covenant with him. In the same way, encountering open heavens brings us into alignment with God's promises and purpose for our lives.


a) Obedience to God 
Obedience to God’s Word is a key to encountering open heavens. In Deuteronomy 28:1-2, God promises that if we diligently obey His commands, we will experience His blessings. When we align our lives with His will, the heavens are opened over us, and we experience His favour.

b) A Life of Prayer and Fasting
Prayer and fasting position us to experience open heavens. Daniel's prayer and fasting resulted in an angelic visitation, with answers being sent directly from heaven (Daniel 10:12-13). Fervent, persistent prayer breaks spiritual barriers and releases God’s power from heaven into our lives.

Biblical Example: Jesus' Prayer at His Baptism (Luke 3:21) 
It was while Jesus was praying after His baptism that the heavens opened. Prayer connects us with God and creates an atmosphere for heavenly intervention. If you want to experience open heavens, make prayer a priority in your life.


a) Supernatural Provision and Blessings
Under open heavens, God’s blessings flow abundantly. The widow of Zarephath experienced this when God provided for her household during a time of famine through the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:14-16). When you encounter open heavens, every form of lack in your life is met with God’s provision.

b) Divine Empowerment for Service 
Jesus’ encounter with open heavens at His baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him, empowering Him to fulfill His mission (Matthew 3:16-17). Open heavens equip us with the power of the Holy Spirit to serve God effectively and to walk in His purpose.

Biblical Example: The Early Church (Acts 2:1-4) 
On the Day of Pentecost, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples, empowering them to spread the gospel with boldness. When the heavens are open, there is a release of spiritual power to accomplish God’s work.


a) A Life of Worship and Surrender
Worship creates an atmosphere where the heavens are continually open over our lives. As we honour God with our lives and surrender to His lordship, His presence remains with us. Isaiah 64:1 expresses the heart’s cry for God to rend the heavens and come down. A life of worship attracts God’s presence and opens the heavens.

b) Walking in Holiness and Righteousness 
Living a life of purity and righteousness is essential to maintaining open heavens. Sin can cause the heavens to be shut, as seen in Deuteronomy 28:23. However, as we walk in holiness and live in obedience to God, we maintain a constant flow of His blessings and presence in our lives.

Biblical Example: Stephen (Acts 7:55-56) 
When Stephen was being stoned, he looked up and saw the heavens open, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Stephen’s righteous life and faithfulness to God allowed him to experience the glory of open heavens, even in his final moments.

Encountering open heavens is a transformative experience that brings divine revelation, supernatural provision, and spiritual empowerment. As believers, we can position ourselves to live under open heavens through obedience, prayer, fasting, worship, and righteousness. When the heavens are open, God’s presence, power, and blessings flow unhindered into our lives, and we walk in the fullness of His purpose. Let us seek to live in such a way that the heavens remain open over us, and we experience the fullness of God’s divine favour.

1. Father, open the heavens over my life and release Your blessings upon me. 

2. Lord, grant me divine encounters that will change the course of my destiny. 

3. Father, empower me by Your Spirit to walk in Your purpose and fulfil my calling. 

4. Lord, let every spiritual barrier blocking my access to open heavens be removed. 

5. Father, as I seek You in prayer and fasting, let the heavens open and pour out Your blessings. 

6. Lord, let my obedience to Your Word open the heavens over my family and ministry. 

7. Father, release supernatural provision in every area of lack in my life. 

8. Lord, let the power of open heavens transform my life and bring lasting change. 

9. Father, keep the heavens open over my life as I live a life of worship and surrender. 

10. Lord, let Your presence dwell with me continually, and let the heavens remain open over my life.

1. I declare that the heavens are opening over your life today, and God’s blessings are being released! 

2. The power of God is descending upon you for supernatural breakthroughs in every area of your life. 

3. I prophesy that every barrier to your open heavens is removed, and you will walk under divine favour. 

4. From this day forward, the heavens will no longer be shut over your life—God is releasing abundance! 

5. I declare that you will have divine encounters that will transform your destiny. 

6. Your obedience to God will open doors of blessings that no man can shut. 

7. As you seek God in prayer and worship, the heavens will remain open over your life. 

8. I prophesy supernatural provision in every area of lack—your storehouse will overflow! 

9. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit is coming upon you to fulfil your calling with power and boldness. 

10. From today, you will live under continual open heavens, and the favour of God will rest upon you mightily!  

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