Tuesday 24 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 69:18–20 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 42:10, Psalm 74:10 (NKJV)

Reproach is a mark of shame, disgrace, or disapproval that weighs heavily on the life of an individual. It could come in different forms, such as failure, disappointment, barrenness, sickness, or lack. Just like Hannah and the people of Israel, many in the Bible cried out to God to roll away their reproach, and God heard and delivered them. In this message, we will explore how God can remove reproach from your life and turn it into a testimony of joy and victory.

a) The Nature of Reproach
Reproach can manifest in several ways: personal failure, public humiliation, or a lingering issue that others use to mock or belittle you. It can become a burden that affects your relationship with God, your self-esteem, and even your ability to progress in life.

b) The Spiritual Weight of Reproach
Reproach is not just a physical or emotional issue; it has spiritual implications. It can act as a barrier that prevents you from fully experiencing God’s blessings and favour.

Biblical Example: Hannah’s Barrenness (1 Samuel 1:6) 
Hannah’s inability to bear children brought her reproach, as Peninnah mocked her year after year. Her barrenness became a source of great sorrow, but she took her case to God, and He rolled away her reproach by giving her Samuel.


a) Sin and Disobedience
Sometimes reproach is the result of sin or disobedience to God’s word. When we stray from God’s path, reproach may come as a consequence. However, repentance and seeking God’s mercy can lead to restoration.

b) Delay and Unfulfilled Promises
There are times when reproach arises from long delays in receiving God’s promises, such as in the case of Sarah and Elizabeth, who both faced years of barrenness. These delays can cause people to question God’s faithfulness, leading to shame and discouragement.

Biblical Example: Sarah’s Delay (Genesis 21:6-7) 
Sarah’s barrenness was a cause of reproach, but God removed her shame by fulfilling His promise and giving her Isaac in her old age.


a) The Power of Persistent Prayer 
When faced with reproach, it is crucial to cry out to God in persistent and fervent prayer. God is faithful and attentive to the cries of His children. Just as He heard the cries of the Israelites in Egypt and delivered them, He will hear and respond to your prayers.

b) Praying for God’s Mercy and Favour
Reproach is lifted when God extends His mercy and favour. No matter the situation, God’s intervention can turn around the most hopeless circumstances and bring honour out of shame.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
The woman suffered reproach due to her long-standing illness. But when she cried out in faith and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, her reproach was rolled away instantly.


a) God’s Power Over Human Limitations
No matter the source or duration of reproach, God has the power to roll it away. His divine intervention can turn impossible situations into testimonies. Just as He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, God can remove the obstacles standing between you and your breakthrough.

b) The Testimony of Rolled Away Reproach 
When God rolls away reproach, the testimony is undeniable. Like the Israelites, who experienced the removal of Egypt’s shame after crossing the Red Sea, you will have a testimony that glorifies God and silences your adversaries.

Biblical Example: Israel at Gilgal (Joshua 5:9) 
After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, God declared to Joshua that He had rolled away the reproach of Egypt from the Israelites. Their wandering was over, and they were now positioned to enter the Promised Land.


a) Standing Firm on God's Word
To overcome reproach, you must stand firm on God’s promises. His Word is full of assurances of victory, restoration, and divine help. Even in the face of shame, continue to believe that God’s promises will be fulfilled in your life.

b) Trusting God's Timing 
God has a perfect time to roll away your reproach. Like Job, who endured great suffering and mockery, but eventually received double for his trouble, you must trust that God’s timing is perfect and that He will honour His Word in your life.

Biblical Example: Elizabeth's Miracle (Luke 1:24-25) 
Elizabeth, who was barren and faced public shame, rejoiced when God blessed her with John the Baptist. She declared that the Lord had taken away her disgrace among the people.

Reproach is a burden that no one should carry. Whether it’s from personal failure, delay, or the mockery of others, God has the power to roll it away. When you cry out to Him in faith, He will intervene, turning your shame into glory and your sorrow into joy. As you hold fast to His promises, you can be assured that He will remove every reproach and bring you into a place of honour and fulfilment.

1. Father, by Your mercy, roll away every reproach in my life in Jesus' name. 

2. Lord, remove every delay and stagnation causing reproach in my life. 

3. Father, restore me to a place of honour and glory in the name of Jesus. 

4. Lord, silence every voice of mockery and shame in my life. 

5. Father, deliver me from every situation bringing reproach to my family. 

6. Lord, release Your divine intervention in every area of my life where I am facing reproach.
7. Father, I declare that my reproach shall be turned into a testimony. 

8. Lord, grant me the grace to stand firm on Your promises, even in difficult times. 

9. Father, let Your favour surround me and lift me above every shame in Jesus' name. 

10. Lord, give me a new song of praise as You roll away my reproach.

1. I declare that every reproach in your life is rolled away in Jesus’ name. 

2. You will no longer experience shame, for God has turned your mourning into dancing. 

3. Every delay in your life shall be broken, and God’s promises shall be fulfilled. 

4. I decree that mockers will witness your breakthrough and be silenced in Jesus’ name. 

5. You are moving from reproach to honour, from shame to glory. 

6. The Lord will restore everything that has brought reproach to your life. 

7. I declare that your testimony of deliverance shall shock those who mocked you. 

8. You will rejoice like Hannah, for God has answered your prayers and rolled away your reproach. 

9. Your life will be a testimony of divine intervention and supernatural turnaround. 

10. From this day forward, reproach will never have a place in your life again in Jesus’ name.

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