Tuesday 17 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 7:11-15 
Supporting Texts: John 11:38-44, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, Isaiah 25:8

There are moments in life when it feels like everything is over—when hope seems buried and our dreams appear dead. But today, I declare that "That burial shall not hold!" No matter how final things may seem, the touch of God can reverse every situation. In Luke 7:11-15, we read the account of a widow’s son, whose funeral procession was interrupted by Jesus. What was supposed to be a day of mourning became a day of joy and resurrection. When God steps into the scene, death is cancelled, and life is restored.

In this message, we will explore how Jesus can stop every "burial" in our lives—be it the burial of hope, health, joy, or destiny.


a) The Widow’s Despair
The widow in Luke 7 had already lost her husband, and now she was about to bury her only son. She was in deep sorrow, symbolizing how we often feel when we are at the edge of losing what we hold dear. However, Jesus specializes in intervening in moments of despair. The same Jesus who raised the widow's son can intervene in your life today.

b) The Finality of a Burial 
Burial signifies the end, a point of no return. It represents situations where all hope seems lost, and the future looks bleak. But as believers, we serve a God who brings life out of death. In John 11:38-44, Jesus demonstrated this by raising Lazarus, who had been buried for four days. So, even when things seem buried and dead, Jesus can bring them back to life.


a) Jesus Sees Your Pain (Luke 7:13)
Jesus saw the widow and had compassion on her. His heart is moved by our tears and suffering. No matter how forgotten or abandoned you feel, Jesus sees your pain. He knows every secret sorrow and is ready to intervene.

b) Jesus Touches What Seems Dead (Luke 7:14) 
Jesus touched the coffin and stopped the procession. This is a powerful statement! What everyone considered dead and ready for burial, Jesus touched and halted. That touch can stop any negative event in your life today, and bring restoration where there was once death.

c) The Power of His Word (Luke 7:14) 
When Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, arise!” life returned to the widow's son. This shows us the power in the Word of God. One word from Jesus can reverse the irreversible and restore what has been lost.

d) Celebration Instead of Mourning (Luke 7:15)
After the young man rose, he began to speak, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. The procession of death became a procession of celebration. When Jesus steps in, He turns your mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11). Instead of sorrow, there will be joy and laughter.


a) Have Faith in God’s Power 
Faith is the key to experiencing divine intervention. Just as Jesus told Martha in John 11:40, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"—we too must believe that no situation is too far gone for God to restore.

b) Call on Jesus in Your Time of Need
The widow didn’t even have to call out to Jesus—He saw her need and responded. How much more will He respond when we call on Him in faith? Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us to call unto the Lord, and He will answer and show us great and mighty things.

c) Surround Yourself with People of Faith 
Notice that the crowd that followed Jesus witnessed the miracle (Luke 7:16-17). It's important to surround yourself with people who have faith, who can believe with you for a divine turnaround, and not those who will keep preparing for the burial.

d) Trust in God’s Timing
Jesus arrived just in time to stop the burial. God's timing is perfect. He may not come when we expect, but He is always on time. Trust in His timing for your breakthrough.


a) Death Has No Power Over You
As believers, death no longer has dominion over us. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 declares that death has been swallowed up in victory. Whatever form of death—be it spiritual, emotional, or physical—God has the final say, and His verdict is life.

b) Your Future is Secure in Christ
The widow thought her future was buried with her son, but Jesus restored him and her hope. When God intervenes, your future is secured in His hands. He has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

c) There Will Be a Testimony 
The miracle of the widow’s son spread throughout the region. When God steps into your situation, it won’t just be for you—it will be a testimony for others to witness and glorify God. Revelation 12:11 reminds us that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

That burial shall not hold! Whether it's your dreams, health, finances, or joy that seems dead, Jesus is ready to touch and bring life back. Just as He stopped the burial procession in Nain, He can stop every negative process in your life. Don't give up hope; the One who brings life out of death is on your side. Jesus has the power to stop every burial and turn every funeral into a celebration.

1. Lord, touch every dead situation in my life and bring it back to life.

2. Father, stop every evil plan against my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

3. Lord, I cancel every premature burial in my family and future.

4. Father, turn my mourning into joy and my sorrow into laughter.

5. I command every dead dream, hope, and vision to come alive in Jesus’ name.

6. Father, let Your divine touch cancel every verdict of death over my life.

7. Lord, arise and give me a testimony that will bring glory to Your name.

8. I reject every procession of death and declare life over my situation.

9. Father, let there be a divine interruption of every evil plan concerning my future.

10. Lord, I decree that my future is secure in Christ, and no power of death will stop me.

1. I declare that every plan for your burial is cancelled in Jesus' name.

2. I prophesy life into every area of your life that seems dead or hopeless.

3. I declare that the procession of sorrow in your life has been halted by divine intervention.

4. I decree that every evil plan for your future is reversed, and you will live and fulfil God’s purpose.

5. I declare that your season of mourning is over, and your season of joy has begun.

6. I prophesy that God’s touch will bring resurrection to your dreams and aspirations.

7. I declare that your testimony will inspire many and bring glory to God.

8. I decree that the power of death has no hold over your life and destiny.

9. I declare that from today, every step you take will lead to life, blessing, and breakthrough.

10. I prophesy that you will live in the fullness of God's promises, and your joy will be complete.

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