Monday 23 September 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Genesis 30:22-23 
Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 1:19-20, Isaiah 54:4, Zephaniah 3:19-20

Reproach is a condition that brings shame, disgrace, or dishonour, often weighing down an individual's life. In Genesis 30:22-23, we see Rachel, who had been barren for many years, finally receiving God's intervention when He remembered her and removed her reproach by blessing her with a child, Joseph. This powerful moment in Rachel's life represents the moment when God steps in to turn situations around, bringing an end to shame and ushering in joy and fulfilment.

In this sermon, we will explore how God removes reproach from His people and brings them into a new season of honour and blessing.


a) God’s Divine Intervention
Rachel had been crying out to God for a child for many years, and her barrenness brought her reproach in her family. But Genesis 30:22 tells us that God "remembered" Rachel, and when He did, her story changed. When God remembers you, your long-standing issues and reproaches are brought to an end.

b) God Answers in His Own Time
It is important to understand that God's timing is perfect. Though Rachel’s reproach lingered for a while, when the time of deliverance came, nothing could stop it. Your season of reproach is not permanent—God has an appointed time for your breakthrough.

Biblical Example: Hannah’s Barrenness (1 Samuel 1:19-20)
Just like Rachel, Hannah faced the reproach of barrenness. But when God remembered her, He blessed her with Samuel, and her reproach was rolled away. God’s remembrance leads to miraculous turnarounds.


a) Reproach Hinders Progress
Reproach is not just a source of shame; it also hinders people from moving forward in life. It can bring mockery, ridicule, and even limit opportunities. But when God removes your reproach, He opens doors of favour and advancement.

b) Reproach Comes from Different Sources
Reproach can come from barrenness, sickness, failure, poverty, or prolonged disappointment. No matter the source of reproach in your life, God is able to roll it away and replace it with honour.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Luke 8:43-48) 
For 12 years, this woman suffered reproach due to her illness, and she was considered unclean by society. But when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment, her reproach was instantly removed. God can do the same for you.


a) Your Testimony Will Silence Mockers 
When Rachel gave birth to Joseph, her testimony silenced those who mocked her. God has a way of turning the very thing that caused shame into a powerful testimony of His goodness. Your testimony will speak for you and bring glory to God.

b) Restoration and Celebration
After Rachel’s reproach was rolled away, she not only received the blessing of a child but also p, He doesn’t just take away the shame; He replaces it with joy and celebration.

Biblical Example: Sarah’s Reproach Removed (Genesis 21:6-7) 
Sarah faced years of reproach due to barrenness, but when God gave her Isaac, she declared, "God has made me laugh, and everyone who hears will laugh with me." Her story became one of laughter and testimony.


a) Persistent Prayer and Faith 
Rachel’s breakthrough came after years of persistent prayer. In the same way, we must continue to pray and believe in God's promises, even when it seems like there is no hope. God is faithful to His word.

b) Align Yourself with God’s Will 
Rachel’s breakthrough came in God’s timing, but she had to align herself with His will and purpose. To experience the rolling away of reproach, we must walk in obedience and faith, trusting that God’s plans for us are good.

Biblical Example: Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) 
Bartimaeus faced the reproach of blindness, but his faith and persistence led to his healing. He cried out to Jesus despite opposition, and as a result, his reproach was rolled away, and he received his sight.

No matter what reproach you are facing today—whether it is barrenness, sickness, poverty, or failure—God is more than able to roll it away. Just as He remembered Rachel, He will remember you. Your story will change, and the very thing that brought shame into your life will be turned into a powerful testimony of God's goodness.

1. Lord, remember me and roll away every reproach in my life in Jesus’ name. 

2. Father, turn my shame into a testimony that brings You glory. 

3. Lord, I declare that my season of reproach is over, and my time of breakthrough has come. 

4. Father, silence every mocker in my life through Your intervention.
5. Lord, bring an end to long-standing problems in my life in Jesus’ name. 

6. Father, open doors of favour and advancement where there was once reproach. 

7. Lord, bless me in such a way that my testimony will silence my enemies. 

8. Father, let my breakthrough be undeniable and bring honour to Your name. 

9. Lord, remove every obstacle standing in the way of my blessing in Jesus’ name. 

10. Father, grant me the grace to persist in prayer and faith until my reproach is rolled away.

1. I declare that every reproach in your life is rolled away today in Jesus’ name. 

2. I prophesy that you will move from shame to celebration and from reproach to honour. 

3. I declare that God is remembering you, and your breakthrough is coming speedily.

4. I prophesy that your testimony will silence every mocker in your life. 

5. I declare that the source of your reproach will turn into the source of your greatest testimony. 

6. I prophesy that God is opening new doors of favour and opportunity for you. 

7. I declare that you will experience complete restoration in every area of your life. 

8. I prophesy that your season of reproach is over, and your season of celebration has begun. 

9. I declare that from today, you will be a living testimony of God's power to remove reproach. 

10. I prophesy that your life will bring glory to God and inspire others to trust in Him!

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