Monday, 9 September 2024



Main Text: 2 Kings 7:3-8

By Rev Samuel Arimoro


Life can often present situations that seem stagnant, unchanging, or even hopeless. We may find ourselves in circumstances that look like dead-ends, much like the four leprous men at the gate of Samaria. However, a decision to refuse to remain in the same state can bring about a turnaround. "I Must Not Remain Like This" is a call to action—an awakening to the possibilities that lie beyond our current circumstances. It is a cry for change, progress, and transformation, inspired by the realization that God has more in store for us. This sermon explores the reasons why we must not remain where we are, the steps to take toward transformation, and examples from the Bible that show how God moves when we decide to move. 


a)  Understanding Our Current State
   The leprous men were in a desperate situation: they were outcasts, starving, and had no hope of survival if they remained where they were. Similarly, recognizing that staying in our current state—whether spiritual, emotional, or physical—could lead to spiritual death or stagnation is the first step toward change. 

b)  The Danger of Staying the Same
   Staying in a place of complacency or defeat is dangerous. Proverbs 24:33-34 warns, "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man." Complacency leads to decline. 

c) Desire for a Better Future 
   There must be a hunger and desire for change. Proverbs 23:18 says, "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." This hope drives us to take action and move forward, believing that God has something better in store. 


a)  Decision to Arise and Move
   The four leprous men said, "Why stay here until we die?" They recognized that doing nothing would lead to certain death. They decided to get up and go. Similarly, in our walk with God, we must make a conscious decision to arise and move forward (Isaiah 60:1). 

b)   Acting in Faith
   Their decision was a step of faith. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." To leave behind a place of stagnation, we must step out in faith, trusting that God will meet us along the way. 

c) Breaking Free from Fear and Doubt 
   Fear often keeps us bound in the same place. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." We must break free from fear and doubt to embrace the new opportunities God has for us. 

d)  Persistence in the Face of Uncertainty
   The leprous men did not know what awaited them in the Aramean camp. They moved with a sense of urgency and determination. We must also be persistent, even when the path ahead is uncertain. Galatians 6:9 encourages us, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." 


a) Jabez’s Prayer for Enlargement (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)
   Jabez was born into pain and sorrow, but he refused to accept this as his destiny. He cried out to God for a change in his situation, asking for blessings and enlargement of his territory. God answered his prayer, showing that a fervent cry for change can lead to divine intervention. 

b) Blind Bartimaeus’ Cry for Help (Mark 10:46-52)
   Blind Bartimaeus refused to remain in his state of blindness. When he heard that Jesus was passing by, he cried out for mercy. Despite the crowd trying to silence him, he persisted. Jesus heard his cry and healed him. This story illustrates the importance of crying out to God and refusing to be silenced when seeking change. 

c)  The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
   For twelve years, this woman had suffered from a bleeding condition. She spent all she had on physicians, but instead of getting better, she grew worse. She refused to remain in that state; she pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Her determination and faith resulted in her healing. 

d) The Prodigal Son’s Decision to Return (Luke 15:17-24)
   The prodigal son came to a point where he realized that he could not remain in his miserable state. He decided to return to his father’s house. His decision to change his situation led to his restoration and reconciliation with his father. 

e)  Jacob Wrestling with God (Genesis 32:24-30)
   Jacob knew his life needed a change. He wrestled with an angel all night, refusing to let go until he was blessed. His persistence resulted in a name change and a new identity. 


a)   Breakthrough and New Opportunities 
   The four leprous men found that the Aramean camp was empty, and they took possession of the spoils. Moving from a place of stagnation opens doors to new opportunities and breakthroughs. 

b) Divine Intervention and Favour
   When we decide not to remain the same, we position ourselves for divine intervention, just like Jabez, Bartimaeus, and the woman with the issue of blood. God responds to our faith and determination. 

c)  Restoration and Fulfillment
   The prodigal son was restored to his former position when he decided to return. Our decision to seek change leads to restoration and the fulfilment of God’s promises. 

d) Transformation and New Identity
   Jacob's encounter with God resulted in him becoming Israel, a prince with God. Refusing to stay in the same place allows God to transform us into His purpose for our lives. 


a)  Maintain a Consistent Prayer Life
   Prayer is a vital tool for seeking divine change. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to "pray without ceasing." 

b)  Stay in God’s Word 
   The Word of God is a guide for transformation (Romans 12:2). Studying and meditating on it reveals God’s plans and propels us toward change. 

c)  Be Open to Divine Guidance and Instruction
   God often directs us through His Spirit. Being sensitive and obedient to His leading will help us move in the right direction (Isaiah 30:21). 

d) Seek Godly Counsel and Fellowship
   Surround yourself with people who challenge you to grow and move forward in your faith journey (Proverbs 27:17). 

e) Cultivate an Attitude of Faith and Expectation
   Believe that God can change your situation and expect Him to act (Hebrews 11:6). 


God has not called us to a life of stagnation or defeat. Like the four leprous men, we must rise from our current situations, make a decision for change, and step out in faith. There is a better place and a higher level waiting for us, but it requires a conscious decision to move. Declare today, "I Must Not Remain Like This," and watch God move mightily in your life. 


1. Prayer for Divine Direction: "Lord, show me the steps I need to take to move from my current situation." 

2. Prayer Against Complacency: "Father, deliver me from every spirit of complacency and stagnation." 

3. Prayer for Boldness:
"Give me the courage to step out in faith and pursue change in my life." 

4. Prayer for Divine Intervention: "O Lord, intervene supernaturally in every area where I am struggling." 

5. Prayer for Restoration:
"Father, restore everything I have lost during my time of stagnation." 

6.  Prayer for Wisdom:
"Grant me wisdom to make decisions that will propel me forward." 

7. Prayer for Spiritual Growth: "Help me to grow deeper in my relationship with You, Lord." 

8. Prayer for Divine Connection: "Connect me with people and resources that will help me progress." 

9.  Prayer for Strength: "Strengthen me, Lord, to press on and not give up." 

10. Prayer for Open Doors: "Father, open new doors of opportunity and breakthrough for me." 


1. I declare that every form of stagnation and delay in my life is broken; I am advancing into my God-ordained destiny in Jesus' name. 

2. I declare that I am rising above every limitation and obstacle; no force can stop my progress and breakthrough. 

3. I declare that my season of struggle is over; I enter into a season of divine favour blessings, and open doors. 

4. I declare that every dead situation in my life is coming back to life; I receive divine restoration and fulfilment of God's promises. 

5. I declare that I am clothed with strength and courage to step out in faith and pursue the divine opportunities ahead of me. 

6. I declare that God's light shines upon my path; I receive divine direction, guidance, and wisdom in all my decisions. 

7. I declare that the power of God is at work in me, breaking every chain of fear, doubt, and unbelief; I am moving forward with boldness. 

8. I declare that I am connected to the right people and resources that will help me fulfil my purpose and destiny. 

9. I declare that my prayers for transformation are answered; I experience a supernatural turnaround and elevation. 

10. I declare that I am a living testimony of God’s grace, power, and favour; my life shall continually manifest His glory. 

May these declarations manifest in your life in Jesus' name! Amen.  

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