Tuesday 1 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 75:6-7 
Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 2:7-8, Daniel 2:21, Genesis 41:37-44

Promotion is something many people seek, whether in their careers, ministries, or personal lives. However, true promotion comes from God. Psalm 75:6-7 reminds us that promotion does not come from the east, west, or south, but from the Lord who exalts one and humbles another. Divine promotion is not based on human effort alone, but on the favour and timing of God. In this sermon, we will explore the principles that align us for divine promotion and how God can lift us up beyond what we could ever imagine.

a) The Source of Promotion 
Many people look for promotion through human means—whether by pleasing their superiors, manipulating situations, or competing with others. However, true and lasting promotion comes only from God. He is the one who exalts the humble and brings down the proud (1 Samuel 2:7-8). When God promotes, no man can stop it, and no power can hinder His plan.

b) God’s Sovereignty in Promotion 
Daniel 2:21 tells us that God changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. This means that God is in full control of who gets promoted and when. We must learn to trust in His perfect timing and His sovereign will.

Biblical Example: 
Joseph is a prime example of divine promotion. From being sold into slavery by his brothers to being falsely accused and thrown into prison, Joseph experienced numerous setbacks. Yet, in one day, God elevated him from a prisoner to the second-in-command in Egypt (Genesis 41:37-44). His promotion was beyond human comprehension and was orchestrated by God.


a) Humble Yourself Before God
James 4:10 says, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." Humility is an essential key to receiving divine promotion. God exalts those who are humble and willing to serve, just as He did with David. David was a shepherd boy, unknown to the world, yet God chose him to be king over Israel because of his humble heart.

b) Serving Faithfully in Obscurity 
Often, God tests our humility by allowing us to serve in obscurity. Before Joseph was promoted, he was faithful in Potiphar’s house and in the prison. He served diligently, even when no one was watching. When we are faithful in the little things, God sees our heart and promotes us at the right time.

Biblical Example: 
David was anointed to be king as a young boy, but he had to wait many years before he took the throne. During that time, he faithfully served King Saul and endured trials and challenges. His humility and faithfulness positioned him for divine promotion when the time came (1 Samuel 16).


a) Promotion Requires Preparation
When God promotes, it is not just for our benefit, but for His purposes. Divine promotion comes with great responsibility. Joseph’s promotion in Egypt was not just for his own elevation, but to save the lives of many during the famine. God promotes us so that we can fulfil His divine purpose on the earth.

b) Stewardship of Promotion 
When God promotes us, we must be good stewards of the positions He gives us. Whether it is in ministry, business, or family, we are to use our promotion to glorify God and serve others. Divine promotion should lead to greater humility and service, not pride and self-exaltation.

Biblical Example:
Esther is another example of someone who was divinely promoted for a purpose. As queen, she used her position to intercede for her people and save them from destruction (Esther 4:14). Her promotion was not just for her own comfort, but for the salvation of her people.


a) Trust in God’s Timing 
One of the most challenging aspects of divine promotion is waiting on God’s timing. It can be difficult when we see others being promoted, while we feel stuck in the same place. However, God’s timing is perfect. He knows when we are ready for the next level, and He promotes us at the right time.

b) Don’t Rush Ahead of God
When we try to promote ourselves or rush ahead of God’s plan, we can end up causing more harm than good. Saul lost his kingship because he took matters into his own hands and did not wait for God’s timing (1 Samuel 13:8-14). We must learn to be patient and trust that God’s promotion will come at the appointed time.

Biblical Example: 
Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but he had to wait 40 years in the wilderness before he stepped into his role. God used that time to prepare him for the great responsibility of leading His people (Exodus 3).


a) What God Promotes, No Man Can Demote
When God promotes you, no one can take it away. Divine promotion is secure because it is based on God’s favour and His eternal purposes. Psalm 89:20-24 speaks of how God’s hand established David’s throne forever. When God promotes, it is lasting and cannot be overturned by human efforts.

b) Promotion by Grace 
It is important to remember that divine promotion is not something we earn through our efforts alone. It is by God’s grace and favour. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us that everything we receive from God, including promotion, is by grace, not by works. When we acknowledge this, we stay humble and give all the glory to God.

Biblical Example: 
Job experienced a divine promotion after his season of trial. God restored everything he had lost and gave him twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10). His promotion came as a result of God’s grace and faithfulness, not because of anything he did.

Divine promotion is not based on human effort, but on God’s grace, favour, and timing. As we humble ourselves before Him, serve faithfully, and trust in His timing, God will lift us up and place us in positions of influence and blessing for His glory. This October, let us position ourselves for divine promotion by seeking God’s presence, walking in humility, and being faithful in the little things. As we do, we will experience a supernatural elevation that no man can stop.

1. Lord, I thank You because promotion comes from You alone. 

2. Father, humble my heart to serve You faithfully in every season. 

3. Lord, prepare me for the divine promotion You have for me. 

4. Father, help me to wait patiently for Your perfect timing.
5. Lord, grant me the grace to be a good steward of the promotion You give me. 

6. Father, exalt me for Your glory and purpose. 

7. Lord, let my promotion be visible to all and undeniable. 

8. Father, lift me up in this season and place me in positions of influence. 

9. Lord, let my promotion be permanent and secure by Your grace. 

10. Father, thank You for the divine promotion that is coming my way.

1. I declare that this month, you will experience divine promotion that comes from the Lord! 

2. You are being elevated to new heights, and no man can stop what God is doing in your life. 

3. I decree that God will lift you up in ways that surpass human understanding. 

4. This is your season of supernatural promotion and increase! 

5. Just as Joseph was promoted from the prison to the palace, you will experience a sudden elevation. 

6. Every delay in your promotion is being removed in the name of Jesus! 

7. I declare that you are stepping into positions of influence and authority for the glory of God. 

8. Your promotion will not be hindered, and it will be permanent. 

9. I decree that divine favour will surround you, and God’s grace will open doors of promotion for you. 

10. This month, you will testify of God’s goodness as He lifts you to new levels of blessing and success!

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