Thursday 5 September 2024



Key Scripture: Psalm 95:6 – "O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker."

By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Worship is at the heart of the Christian faith. It is not just an act but a lifestyle and a response to the majesty, holiness, and love of God. True worship comes from a deep understanding of who God is and a heartfelt response to His greatness. In this sermon, we will explore what it means to worship God, why worship is essential, and how we can draw closer to God through worship. We will also look at biblical examples that teach us about the essence and power of worship.


- Definition of Worship:
Worship is the act of ascribing worth to God. It involves reverence, adoration, and submission to God's majesty and authority.

- Worship as a Lifestyle:
Worship is more than singing songs; it is a way of life. It involves our thoughts, actions, and the condition of our hearts. As Romans 12:1 says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

2. THE CALL TO WORSHIP (Psalm 95:6)

- Psalm 95:6 invites us to worship, bow down, and kneel before the Lord. This scripture indicates the posture of worship—one of humility and surrender.

- Worship involves recognizing God as our Maker, our Shepherd, and our Savior. When we come to worship, we acknowledge that we are His creation and that He deserves all honor and praise.

- Application:
Worship begins with a heart that recognizes God’s greatness and responds with reverence. When we gather for worship, we are not just performing a ritual but encountering the living God.


A. Abraham: Worship Through Obedience (Genesis 22:1-5)

- Genesis 22:5 – Abraham, when asked to sacrifice his son Isaac, tells his servants, "Stay here with the donkey; the boy and I will go over there to worship, and we will come back to you."

- Abraham’s obedience is an act of worship. Despite the difficult command, he trusted God and was willing to surrender his most precious possession.

- Key Lesson: True worship involves total surrender and obedience to God, even when it costs us greatly. Worship is not just about what we offer with our lips but what we surrender in our hearts.

B. David: Worship with All Your Heart (2 Samuel 6:12-23)

- 2 Samuel 6:14 – "And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod."

- King David displayed exuberant worship when he danced before the Lord with all his might as the Ark of the Covenant was brought back to Jerusalem. His worship was sincere, passionate, and without reservation, even though it led to criticism from his wife, Michal.

- Key Lesson: Worship should be wholehearted, and we should not be ashamed to express our love and adoration for God, even if others misunderstand or criticize us.

C. The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Worship Through Sacrifice (Luke 7:36-50)

- Luke 7:37-38 – A sinful woman came to Jesus, bringing an alabaster jar of perfume, and anointed His feet, weeping and wiping His feet with her hair.
- The woman's act of worship was costly and personal. She offered what was likely her most valuable possession, showing deep repentance and love for Jesus.

- Key Lesson: Worship often involves a sacrifice—of time, resources, pride, or comfort. True worship is costly and springs from a heart of gratitude and love.

D. The Apostle Paul and Silas: Worship in Trials (Acts 16:25-26)

- Acts 16:25 – "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them."
- Even while in prison, Paul and Silas worshipped God through singing and prayer. Despite their suffering and chains, they chose to worship, which led to a miraculous earthquake that freed them.
- Key Lesson: Worship is not dependent on circumstances. It is a choice to honor God even in the midst of trials. Worship has the power to bring divine intervention.


- John 4:23-24 – "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

- Worship is a spiritual activity that must be done in "spirit and in truth." It is not merely a ritual but a genuine encounter with God that transforms us.
- God is seeking true worshippers—those whose worship is authentic and stems from a sincere heart and understanding of who He is.


- Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages believers not to neglect gathering together. Corporate worship brings unity, edification, and a powerful sense of God's presence.

- In the early church (Acts 2:42-47), believers gathered regularly for teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Their collective worship was powerful and transformative, leading to signs, wonders, and the growth of the church.


- Isaiah 6:1-8 – When Isaiah saw the Lord seated on His throne, his immediate response was worship and repentance. This encounter transformed him and prepared him for God's call.

- Worship reveals God’s holiness and our need for repentance, leading to a transformation that equips us to serve Him better.

Worship is a call to experience God intimately. It is about recognizing His worth, surrendering our hearts, and expressing our love, adoration, and dependence on Him. The invitation from Psalm 95:6, "Come, let us worship and bow down," is an invitation to a deeper relationship with our Creator. Let us commit ourselves to worship God in spirit and in truth, both individually and collectively, and allow our worship to draw us closer to His presence.

"Lord, we come before You in worship, acknowledging Your greatness and our need for You. Help us to worship You with our whole hearts, in spirit and in truth. Transform us as we seek Your face and empower us to live lives that glorify Your name. Amen."

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