Friday 13 September 2024



Main Text: 1 Kings 18:19-39 
Supporting Text: Judges 6:25-32

By Rev Samuel Arimoro


The concept of altars is central in spiritual warfare and divine encounters throughout the Bible. An altar represents a place of worship, sacrifice, and covenant. It is where spiritual transactions occur—either with God or with other spiritual entities. The battle between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:19-39) is a vivid demonstration of the power struggle between godly and ungodly altars. In the spiritual realm, an altar is only as powerful as the deity it serves. This sermon explores the confrontation between altars, how to build and maintain a godly altar, and how to confront and overcome ungodly altars.


a) Altars as Places of Worship and Sacrifice (Genesis 12:7; Genesis 8:20)
Altars are places where sacrifices are made, and covenants are established. Noah built an altar to God after the flood, and God blessed him (Genesis 8:20). Abram also built altars wherever he encountered God (Genesis 12:7). A godly altar is where we encounter God and make our sacrifices to Him.

b) Altars as Places of Spiritual Transactions (Judges 6:25-26)
In Judges 6:25-26, God instructed Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and build an altar to the Lord. This demonstrates that altars are places of spiritual exchange, where covenants are broken or established. Every believer must understand that there are godly and ungodly altars influencing their lives.

c) Altars Representing Spiritual Authority (1 Kings 18:36-39; Exodus 17:15) 
Elijah’s altar on Mount Carmel represented God’s authority over Israel, while the altar of Baal represented demonic authority. The victory of Elijah’s altar symbolized the supremacy of God’s authority. In Exodus 17:15, Moses built an altar called "The Lord is my Banner," signifying God’s victory and authority over the enemies of Israel.


a) Identifying Ungodly Altars (Deuteronomy 7:5; 2 Kings 21:3-5)
Ungodly altars are places where demonic entities are worshipped, or where sin and idolatry prevail. In 2 Kings 21:3-5, King Manasseh built altars for Baal and Asherah, leading Israel into sin. In our lives, ungodly altars could represent anything that takes the place of God—such as greed, immorality, or witchcraft.

b) Breaking Down Ungodly Altars (Judges 6:25-28; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5) 
To build a godly altar, we must first tear down ungodly altars. Gideon was instructed to destroy his father's altar to Baal and replace it with an altar to God (Judges 6:25-28). Spiritually, we are called to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

c) Replacing with Godly Altars (Genesis 35:2-3; Romans 12:1) 
After destroying ungodly altars, we must establish godly altars. In Genesis 35:2-3, Jacob instructed his household to get rid of foreign gods and prepare to build an altar to the true God. Today, we build godly altars by offering our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1).


a) Building Altars of Prayer (Daniel 6:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
A godly altar is built through consistent prayer. Daniel prayed three times a day, maintaining his altar despite opposition (Daniel 6:10). A powerful prayer life keeps the fire on our altar burning continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

b) Altars of the Word and Worship (Psalm 119:105; John 4:24) 
Godly altars are sustained by a steady intake of God's Word and sincere worship. The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). True worship, in spirit and truth, keeps our spiritual altars strong (John 4:24).

c) Altars of Faith and Sacrifice (Hebrews 11:4; Philippians 4:18) 
Like Abel, who offered a more excellent sacrifice by faith (Hebrews 11:4), we must maintain altars of faith and sacrifice. Sacrificial giving and commitment to God are like sweet-smelling aromas to Him (Philippians 4:18).


a) Victory Over Demonic Forces (1 Kings 18:36-39; Acts 16:25-26) 
Just as Elijah's altar brought fire from heaven, our godly altars will bring down God's power against any opposing forces. Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns at midnight, and their altar shook the foundations of the prison (Acts 16:25-26).

b) God’s Fire Falling on Our Altars (Leviticus 9:23-24; Acts 2:1-4) 
God responds to a properly built altar by sending His fire. When Moses and Aaron offered sacrifices, God’s fire consumed them (Leviticus 9:23-24). On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered in unity, and God’s fire filled them (Acts 2:1-4).

c) Sustaining the Fire on the Altar (Leviticus 6:12-13; Romans 12:11)
The fire on the altar must not go out. Leviticus 6:12-13 instructs the priests to keep the fire burning continually. We must be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, ensuring our altars are always ablaze (Romans 12:11).


The battle between altars is a spiritual reality that every believer must understand. We are called to build and maintain godly altars of prayer, worship, and sacrifice. To see God's power manifest in our lives, we must confront and dismantle ungodly altars, replacing them with altars that honour God. Like Elijah, may we see the fire of God fall on our altars, proving His supremacy in our lives and bringing victory over every opposing force.


1. "Lord, help me to identify and dismantle every ungodly altar in my life."
2. "Father, empower me to build a strong and unshakable altar of prayer and worship."
3. "O God, let Your fire fall upon every altar of sacrifice I have built unto You."
4. "Lord, give me the grace to continually keep the fire on my altar burning."
5. "Father, break every covenant and power of ungodly altars over my life and family."
6. "O God, restore the altar of Your presence in my life."
7. "Lord, teach me to maintain a consistent prayer life that fuels my altar."
8. "Father, fill my life with Your Holy Spirit, keeping my altar ablaze."
9. "O God, give me the wisdom to build altars that glorify Your name."
10. "Lord, as I build a godly altar, let every demonic altar erected against me be destroyed."


1. I declare that every ungodly altar in your life is broken down by the power of God.
2. I decree that the fire of God will fall upon your altar, bringing divine encounters.
3. I proclaim that you will build and maintain a strong altar of prayer and worship.
4. I declare that God’s authority is established over every area of your life.
5. I decree that every altar speaking against your destiny is silenced and destroyed.
6. I declare that you will experience divine victories as you stand on a godly altar.
7. I proclaim that your altar will be a place of miracles, signs, and wonders.
8. I decree that you are delivered from every covenant tied to ungodly altars.
9. I declare that you will be fervent in spirit, keeping the fire on your altar burning.
10. I proclaim that God's presence will be evident in your life as you build altars that honour Him.

May God empower you to build altars that glorify Him and bring His divine power into every aspect of your life!

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