Tuesday 15 October 2024



Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:
Psalm 56:6
“They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul.”

Supporting Texts:
Psalm 91:1-3
2 Kings 6:11-12
Psalm 37:32
1 Peter 5:8
Job 1:6-7

In our spiritual journey, there are forces, both seen and unseen, that seek to monitor our movements, actions, and lives with evil intent. Monitoring spirits and people often align themselves with the agenda of darkness, waiting for opportunities to hinder, delay, or attack. Just as David recognised that people and forces were watching his steps, we must also be aware of the spiritual realities that surround us. In this exposition, we will explore who might be monitoring us, why they do so, and how we can overcome these spiritual forces through the power of God.


a) Satan and His Agents:
The devil constantly roams around seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8). His agents, both human and spiritual, monitor the lives of believers to find weak points through which they can attack. Just as Satan watched Job’s life, hoping to accuse and afflict him (Job 1:6-7), so he monitors the lives of God’s people today.

b) Enemies of Progress:
There are people who become jealous of your success or progress in life, and they seek to monitor you to find ways to stop or delay your advancement. Psalm 37:32 describes the wicked as watching the righteous, waiting for an opportunity to harm them.

c) Household Enemies:
Sometimes, the people closest to you can become instruments of monitoring, intentionally or unintentionally. These individuals may gather information about you to report back to the enemy or to use against you. Jesus faced such betrayal with Judas (John 13:21-27).

d) Spiritual Spies:
Just as in the physical, where spies gather intelligence, there are also spiritual spies—demonic spirits assigned to monitor your life and bring back reports to the kingdom of darkness. In 2 Kings 6:11-12, the king of Syria was puzzled as to how the Israelites always knew his plans, not realising that Elisha, through divine insight, was monitoring his movements.

e) Wicked Observers:
Wicked people may observe your life, not with good intentions, but with the aim of seeing your downfall. They wait for your mistakes or missteps to use against you (Psalm 56:6). They desire to see your failure and seize opportunities to bring you down.

Biblical Example:
In Acts 16:16-18, a girl with a spirit of divination followed Paul and Silas, monitoring their movements and declaring who they were. Though her words were true, the spirit behind her was evil, and Paul cast it out. This shows that monitoring spirits may even masquerade as allies, but their true purpose is to gather information for evil use.


a) To Frustrate God's Plans for Your Life:
The primary reason for monitoring spirits or individuals is to frustrate the plans and purposes of God in your life. They seek to hinder your destiny and derail you from fulfilling God’s will (1 Peter 5:8).

b) To Cause Delay and Stagnation:
Monitoring spirits are often assigned to cause delays in your progress. They want to ensure that you remain stagnant or that your blessings are delayed, just as the prince of Persia delayed Daniel’s answer to prayer (Daniel 10:12-13).

c) To Gather Information for Attack:
The enemy monitors your life to gather information that can be used against you. Just as spies in the physical world gather intelligence, these spiritual forces gather data to find weak points where they can strike (Job 1:9-11).

d) To Accuse You Before God:
The enemy is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). He monitors your life to find faults, mistakes, or sins that he can present before God to hinder your blessings or accuse you in the spiritual realm.

e) To Instill Fear and Discouragement:
Monitoring spirits or people may constantly watch you in an attempt to instill fear and make you feel as if you are always being watched. This fear can lead to discouragement and distraction from your divine assignment (Psalm 56:3-4).

Biblical Example:
In Nehemiah 4:11, enemies monitored the progress of the wall’s reconstruction and plotted to attack and stop the work. Their intent was to delay and frustrate the efforts of Nehemiah and the people, but God gave them the wisdom to be on guard.


a) Pray for Divine Protection:
Pray for the covering and protection of God. Psalm 91:1-2 assures us that when we dwell in the secret place of the Most High, we are under His divine protection. Engage in prayers that invoke God’s shield over your life.

b) Plead the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against every form of spiritual attack. Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb. Cover yourself, your family, and your destiny with the blood of Jesus to block the enemy’s access to your life.

c) Ask for Divine Exposure:
Pray that God will expose every secret enemy and monitoring spirit in your life. In Jeremiah 11:18, the Lord revealed a plot against Jeremiah. Similarly, pray that God will reveal those who are monitoring you with evil intent.

d) Walk in Spiritual Discernment:
Ask God for the gift of discernment to detect the presence of monitoring spirits or enemies around you (1 Corinthians 12:10). Through discernment, you will know when the enemy is watching and how to counteract his efforts.

e) Declare and Decree:
Make declarations of God's Word over your life. Speak promises such as “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17) and “The Lord is my shield and defender” (Psalm 18:2). Decreeing God’s Word confuses the plans of the enemy.

Biblical Example:
In 2 Kings 6:16-17, Elisha prayed for God to open the eyes of his servant to see the spiritual forces protecting them. Though the enemy was watching, God had already surrounded Elisha with heavenly forces. Similarly, when you pray for divine protection, God surrounds you with His army, making the efforts of monitoring spirits ineffective.


a) The Wicked Will Be Exposed and Scattered:
Psalm 68:1 says, “Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered.” When God arises in your situation, every wicked force monitoring your life will be exposed and scattered.

b) Their Plans Will Fail:
Psalm 33:10 tells us that the Lord brings the plans of the wicked to nothing. Every plan of the enemy to monitor and harm your life will be frustrated and come to nothing by the power of God.

c) Divine Confusion in the Enemy’s Camp:
In Exodus 14:24, God threw the Egyptians into confusion as they pursued the Israelites. Pray that God will cause confusion in the camp of those monitoring you, rendering their efforts useless.

d) Their Own Schemes Will Trap Them:
Proverbs 26:27 says that whoever digs a pit will fall into it. Those monitoring you with evil intent will fall into the very traps they have set for you.

e) God Will Silence Them Forever:
In Psalm 55:23, God promises to bring the wicked down to the pit of destruction. Those who persist in monitoring and plotting against your life will face God’s judgment and be silenced forever.

Biblical Example:
In Daniel 6:24, the enemies who plotted to monitor and destroy Daniel were thrown into the lions' den themselves after their plan failed. God reversed their evil plot and brought destruction upon them instead.

Monitoring spirits and enemies may attempt to watch, hinder, or attack your life, but God has given us spiritual weapons to overcome them. Through prayer, the blood of Jesus, and the Word of God, we can block every attempt of the enemy. Trust in God’s protection, walk in discernment, and rest in the knowledge that God is your shield. No force monitoring your life will prevail against the power of God working on your behalf.


1. Father, expose and destroy every monitoring spirit or enemy watching my life.

2. Lord, cover me with Your blood and shield me from every evil force.

3. Father, confuse the plans of those who are monitoring my steps with evil intent.

4. Lord, arise and scatter every force of darkness monitoring my progress.

5. Father, grant me discernment to detect and overcome spiritual spies.

6. Lord, let every evil eye monitoring my destiny be blinded.

7. Father, frustrate the plans of the wicked against me.

8. Lord, let Your angelic protection surround me at all times.

9. Father, silence every wicked voice reporting my activities to the enemy.

10. Lord, let the plans of those monitoring me be turned back upon them in Jesus' name.


1. Every monitoring spirit assigned to track your progress is destroyed in the name of Jesus.

2. I declare that no evil eye shall see or sabotage your blessings in Jesus’ name.

3. You are hidden under the shadow of the Almighty, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

4. The plans of the wicked monitoring your life are scattered by fire, in Jesus' name.

5. I decree divine confusion in the camp of those plotting against your destiny.

6. Every spiritual spy sent to gather information about you is exposed and rendered powerless, in Jesus' name.

7. God will blind the eyes of your enemies and close every access point they have to your life.

8. I declare that the pit dug for you by your enemies will swallow them instead, in Jesus’ name.

9. Your life is untouchable by the forces of darkness; you are covered by the blood of Jesus.

10. From today, divine favour and protection will follow you, and every evil plan against you will fail in Jesus’ name.

May the Lord's divine protection be your portion always. Amen.

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