Tuesday 1 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 5:22-24 
Supporting Texts: Amos 3:3, Hebrews 11:5-6

Walking with God is a biblical metaphor that describes a close and intimate relationship with Him. In the Bible, Enoch is famously known as one who "walked with God" and as a result, God took him, sparing him from death. This is the level of relationship and fellowship God desires with His people. It requires consistency, faith, and a desire to live a life that pleases God.


a) Understanding God’s Ways: Amos 3:3 asks, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Walking with God means aligning your desires and will to His.
b) Surrendering to God's Will Walking with God requires yielding our plans and desires to Him (Matthew 6:10).

c) Seeking His Guidance: We must seek God's direction in every area of life (Proverbs 3:5-6).
d) Following His Commands: Walking in obedience to God's word is essential (John 14:15).

e) Biblical Example: Abraham walked with God by obeying His command to leave his homeland, trusting God for the promise (Genesis 12:1-4).


a) Faith is the Foundation: Hebrews 11:6 states that without faith, it is impossible to please God.

b) Trusting in God's Promises: Walking with God often involves trusting His timing and promises, even when circumstances look bleak (Romans 4:18-21).

c) Staying Steadfast in Trials: Walking with God doesn't mean a life without trials, but it requires faith to remain steadfast in the midst of challenges (James 1:2-4).

d) Daily Dependence on God: Faith in God requires a daily surrender and reliance on His strength (2 Corinthians 5:7).

e) Biblical Example: Enoch’s faith in God allowed him to walk with Him consistently, and he was taken to heaven without seeing death (Hebrews 11:5).


a) Transforming Our Character:  Walking with God transforms us into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18).
b) Growing in Holiness:
As we walk with God, we are called to live lives of holiness and righteousness (1 Peter 1:15-16).

c) Bearing Fruit:
A close walk with God results in bearing fruit in our character and conduct (Galatians 5:22-23).

d)  Intimacy in Prayer:
A walk with God deepens our prayer life, making it a two-way communication (Colossians 4:2).

e) Biblical Example: Noah walked with God, and because of his maturity and obedience, he found favour in God’s sight and was saved from the flood (Genesis 6:9).


a) Divine Encounters: Walking with God can open doors to divine encounters and revelations (Acts 10:9-13).

b) Experiencing God's Presence:
Like Moses, who spoke with God as a man speaks with his friend, walking with God brings us into a place of deep communion (Exodus 33:11).

c) Receiving Divine Guidance: God directs those who walk with Him, giving them clarity and wisdom (Isaiah 30:21).

d) God's Protection:
Walking with God ensures His protection over us, just as He protected Israel in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 31:6).

e) Biblical Example: Elijah, who walked so closely with God, was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11).

Walking with God is a lifelong journey of faith, obedience, and deep communion. It is not without challenges, but the rewards are immeasurable. Those who walk with God experience His favour, guidance, and presence in every season of life. Just as Enoch, Noah, and Abraham walked with God, we are called to walk with Him daily in faith, surrender, and commitment.

1. Lord, give me the grace to walk with You consistently in my daily life. 

2. Help me to surrender my will and plans to Your perfect will. 

3. Father, increase my faith to trust You in every situation. 

4. Teach me to seek Your guidance in every decision I make. 

5. Lord, help me to grow in spiritual maturity as I walk with You. 

6. Keep me grounded in holiness as I pursue a deeper relationship with You. 

7. Father, let my walk with You lead to supernatural encounters and blessings. 

8. Protect me from the distractions that hinder my walk with You. 

9. Lord, let my life bear the fruit of the Spirit as I continue to walk with You. 

10. Father, help me to be an example of someone who walks closely with You, so that others may be drawn to You.

1. As you walk with God, I declare that you shall experience divine breakthroughs. 

2. May your faith in God grow stronger each day as you walk with Him. 

3. The presence of God will go with you in every situation and grant you peace. 

4. As you obey God's will, doors of favour and opportunities shall open for you. 

5. Your walk with God shall produce great testimonies in your life. 

6. You shall not lack divine direction in your journey of life. 

7. The Lord will elevate you as you walk with Him in holiness and obedience. 

8. Every obstacle in your path shall be removed as you walk with God. 

9. Your life will be a reflection of God's glory as you walk with Him. 

10. In every step you take, may you walk in the fullness of God's blessings and favour. 

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