Monday 7 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 27:4
“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.”

Supporting Texts:
Exodus 33:14-15
Psalm 16:11
Isaiah 63:9
Matthew 18:20
John 14:23
1 Chronicles 16:27
Psalm 84:10-11
Revelation 21:3


The beauty of God’s presence is a theme woven throughout Scripture, inviting believers into a deeper relationship with Him. To dwell in God’s presence is to experience His love, grace, and glory in transformative ways. The psalmist expresses a profound desire to remain in God’s presence, highlighting its beauty and the peace it brings. This Bible study will explore what it means to encounter the beauty of God’s presence, the effects it has on our lives, and how we can cultivate an ongoing experience of His presence.


The beauty of God’s presence encompasses His character, holiness, love, and glory. Encountering God means experiencing the fullness of His attributes.

a) God’s Holiness: His holiness sets Him apart and defines His purity and righteousness. In His presence, we recognize our need for repentance and holiness (Isaiah 6:1-5).

b) God’s Love: His presence is filled with unconditional love and compassion. It is a safe haven where we can find refuge and healing (Psalm 136:1).

c) God’s Glory: The radiance of His glory shines brightly in His presence, reflecting His majesty and power (Exodus 33:18-19).

d) God’s Peace: In His presence, we find peace that surpasses all understanding, providing comfort amid life's storms (Philippians 4:7).

e) God’s Guidance: His presence offers direction and wisdom for our daily lives, leading us along the right paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Biblical Example:
Moses experienced the beauty of God’s presence on Mount Sinai, where he received the Ten Commandments and spoke with God face to face (Exodus 34:29-30). His face shone with the glory of God, demonstrating the transformative power of being in God’s presence.


Desiring God’s presence is essential for spiritual growth and intimacy with Him. Here are reasons to seek His presence:

a) Fulfilling Our Spiritual Hunger: Our souls long for connection with God, and His presence satisfies our deepest spiritual needs (Psalm 42:1-2).

b) Experiencing His Guidance: Seeking God’s presence brings clarity and direction in our lives, helping us make decisions aligned with His will (Psalm 25:4-5).

c) Finding Strength in Weakness: In times of difficulty, God’s presence becomes a source of strength and encouragement (Isaiah 41:10).

d) Transforming Our Lives: Encountering God’s presence brings about personal transformation, as we are changed into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18).

e) Cultivating a Heart of Worship: Being in God’s presence leads us to worship Him wholeheartedly and express our love and gratitude (Psalm 95:6).

Biblical Example:
David sought the Lord earnestly, expressing his desire to dwell in God’s presence (Psalm 63:1-3). His life exemplified the importance of pursuing God for fulfillment and strength.


Cultivating an awareness of God’s presence requires intentionality and spiritual disciplines. Here are ways to experience His beauty:

a) Prayer and Worship: Engaging in prayer and worship creates an atmosphere where we can experience God’s presence (Matthew 18:20).

b) Reading and Meditating on His Word: God’s Word reveals His character and presence, allowing us to encounter Him through Scripture (Hebrews 4:12).

c) Creating a Quiet Space: Setting aside time for solitude and silence helps us listen to God and be attuned to His presence (Psalm 46:10).

d) Practicing Gratitude: A heart of gratitude opens our eyes to recognize God’s presence in our daily lives and His blessings (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

e) Fellowshipping with Other Believers: Gathering with other Christians fosters an environment where we can experience God’s presence collectively (Acts 2:42-47).

Biblical Example:
Mary of Bethany demonstrated the beauty of God’s presence by sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to His teachings (Luke 10:38-42). Her choice to prioritize His presence exemplifies the importance of intimacy with God.


Experiencing the beauty of God’s presence leads to significant changes in our lives. Here are some of the transformative effects:

a) Inner Peace: Being in God’s presence brings profound peace that calms our anxieties and fears (John 14:27).

b) Increased Joy: God’s presence fills our hearts with joy, replacing sorrow and despair (Psalm 16:11).

c) Renewed Strength: In His presence, we receive the strength to overcome challenges and difficulties (Isaiah 40:31).

d) Greater Holiness: Encountering God’s holiness inspires us to pursue a life of righteousness and holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16).

e) Boldness in Witnessing: The beauty of God’s presence empowers us to share our faith with confidence and boldness (Acts 4:31).

Biblical Example:
The Apostle Paul experienced profound transformation after encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus. His life was radically changed, leading him to boldly proclaim the gospel (Acts 9:3-6).


The beauty of God’s presence is an invitation to experience His love, peace, and transformation. As we seek His presence through prayer, worship, and the Word, we open ourselves to the profound beauty that comes from a close relationship with Him. May we cultivate a desire to dwell in the house of the Lord and experience the life-changing effects of His presence in our daily lives.


1. Lord, help me to desire and seek Your presence above all else.

2. Father, open my eyes to see the beauty of Your holiness.

3. Help me to cultivate a heart of worship and gratitude in Your presence.

4. Lord, give me the strength to face challenges as I rest in Your presence.

5. Father, renew my mind and spirit through encounters with You.

6. Lord, may I experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

7. Help me to prioritize time in Your presence in my daily routine.

8. Father, fill my heart with joy as I dwell in Your presence.

9. Lord, empower me to share Your love with boldness.

10. Father, I declare that my life will reflect the beauty of Your presence.


1. I declare that you will encounter the beauty of God's presence in your life.

2. Every burden and anxiety will be lifted as you dwell in His presence.

3. You will experience profound peace and joy as you seek Him daily.

4. God's presence will transform your heart and mind, renewing your spirit.

5. You will be a bold witness of His love and glory to those around you.

6. Your life will radiate the beauty of God's holiness and grace.

7. The Lord will guide your steps and decisions as you remain in His presence.

8. You will see miracles and breakthroughs as you pursue God earnestly.

9. Your relationship with God will deepen, bringing you closer to Him.

10. You will finish strong, having been transformed by the beauty of God's presence.

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