Saturday 5 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

Supporting Texts:

Exodus 33:18-19
Isaiah 60:1-2
John 17:22
Romans 8:18
Habakkuk 2:14


God's glory is one of the most awe-inspiring and powerful aspects of His nature. His glory represents His presence, His power, and His holiness. Throughout Scripture, people who experienced God's glory were transformed. Today, God desires that every believer move into new dimensions of His glory, encountering deeper revelations of His presence and experiencing transformation that leads to greater purpose. This study focuses on understanding what it means to experience God’s glory and how we can step into a new dimension of His presence.


The glory of God is often referred to as His manifested presence—the visible or tangible expression of His nature.

a) The Meaning of God’s Glory: God’s glory refers to His majesty, splendour, and the fullness of His attributes (Isaiah 6:3).

b) The Glory Revealed in Creation: All of creation declares the glory of God, revealing His power and divine nature (Psalm 19:1).

c) The Glory Revealed in Jesus Christ: Jesus is the full manifestation of God's glory in human form (John 1:14).

d) God’s Glory in the Believer: As believers, we are vessels of God’s glory, and we are called to reflect His image in the world (Colossians 1:27).

e) Progressive Revelation of Glory: God reveals His glory in increasing measures as we grow spiritually and seek His face (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Biblical Example:
Moses (Exodus 33:18-19) asked God to show him His glory. As a result, God revealed a glimpse of His glory, which changed Moses’ face to shine with the brilliance of God's presence.


God wants to take us from one level of glory to another, leading us into deeper experiences of His presence and power.

a) Desiring God’s Presence: A hunger for more of God’s presence is essential for experiencing His glory. Like Moses, we must long for deeper encounters (Psalm 42:1).

b) Consecration and Purity: God's glory is drawn to purity, and consecration positions us to experience more of His presence (Joshua 3:5).

c) Walking in Faith: Faith opens the door to new dimensions of God’s glory. We must believe that God desires to manifest His presence in our lives (Hebrews 11:6).

d) Pursuing Intimacy with God: Intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and meditating on His Word brings us closer to His glory (James 4:8).

e) Obedience to God’s Will: Obedience is key to unlocking new dimensions of God’s glory. When we follow God’s direction, we experience His manifest presence (John 14:21).

Biblical Example:
Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-4) encountered God’s glory in a powerful vision that transformed him and gave him a new commission. This experience changed the course of his life and ministry.


When we experience God’s glory, it has a profound impact on every aspect of our lives, transforming us from the inside out.

a) Transformation: God’s glory transforms us into the image of Christ, enabling us to live holy and victorious lives (2 Corinthians 3:18).

b) Empowerment for Service: The glory of God empowers us to serve Him with boldness, wisdom, and anointing (Acts 4:31).

c) Healing and Restoration: In the presence of God’s glory, healing and restoration take place, both physically and spiritually (Luke 5:17).

d) Revelation of God’s Will: Experiencing God’s glory brings deeper revelations of His will and purposes for our lives (Exodus 34:29-35).

e) Glory that Reflects to Others: When we encounter God’s glory, it overflows to those around us, drawing others to Christ (Matthew 5:14-16).

Biblical Example:
Peter, James, and John (Matthew 17:1-5) experienced the transfiguration of Jesus, where His glory was revealed. This encounter strengthened their faith and prepared them for future challenges in ministry.


Experiencing a new dimension of God’s glory requires intentional pursuit and alignment with His purposes.

a) Seek God with All Your Heart: God reveals His glory to those who seek Him earnestly (Jeremiah 29:13).

b) Live a Life of Worship: Worship opens the heavens and invites the presence of God into our midst (John 4:23-24).

c) Immerse Yourself in God’s Word: The Word of God is a revelation of His glory, and studying it draws us closer to His presence (Psalm 119:105).

d) Cultivate an Atmosphere of Prayer: Prayer invites the manifestation of God’s glory, and consistent prayer is essential for deeper encounters (Acts 2:42).

e) Walk in Love and Unity: God’s glory is revealed where there is love and unity among His people (John 17:22-23).

Biblical Example:
Solomon’s Temple (2 Chronicles 7:1-3) was filled with the glory of God during its dedication. The people witnessed God’s glory because of their unity, worship, and dedication to Him.


God reveals His glory in our lives for His purpose, which extends beyond personal transformation to impacting the world around us.

a) To Reveal Christ to the World: God’s glory in our lives points people to Christ, who is the ultimate revelation of God’s glory (John 1:14).

b) To Bring About Kingdom Advancement: The more we experience God’s glory, the more we are empowered to advance His kingdom on earth (Acts 1:8).

c) To Draw Others to God: God’s glory in our lives attracts others to seek and know Him (Isaiah 60:1-3).

d) To Prepare Us for Eternal Glory: The glory we experience now is a foretaste of the eternal glory that awaits us in heaven (Romans 8:18).

e) To Overcome Challenges: God’s glory gives us the strength and boldness to face and overcome the challenges of life (Isaiah 40:31).

Biblical Example:
Stephen (Acts 6:15; Acts 7:55-56) was filled with God’s glory even in the face of persecution, which enabled him to stand firm in his faith and forgive his enemies.


God desires to reveal His glory in new and profound ways in the life of every believer. As we pursue Him with passion, consecrate ourselves, and seek deeper intimacy with Him, we will experience new dimensions of His presence and power. These encounters will transform us, empower us for service, and enable us to reflect His glory to the world. The journey into God’s glory is one of continual growth and revelation, and it is His will for us to go from glory to glory.


1. Lord, I desire to experience a new dimension of Your glory in my life.

2. Father, reveal more of Your presence and power to me as I seek You.

3. Holy Spirit, transform my life through the revelation of God’s glory.

4. Lord, empower me for greater service as I experience Your glory.

5. Father, cleanse my heart and make me a vessel for Your glory.

6. Lord, let Your glory bring healing and restoration into every area of my life.

7. Father, help me to reflect Your glory in my daily walk with You.

8. Lord, let Your glory fill my home, my church, and my community.

9. Holy Spirit, guide me into deeper intimacy with God so that I may experience His glory.

10. Father, strengthen my faith to move into new dimensions of Your presence and power.


1. I declare that I will experience new dimensions of God’s glory in my life.

2. I decree that I will walk in the power and presence of God daily.

3. I declare that God’s glory will transform every area of my life.

4. I decree that I am a vessel of God’s glory, bringing

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