Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 62:2
Supporting Texts: Zechariah 3:1-4, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Revelation 2:17


In life, people may face evil labels or negative identities imposed on them either by others, circumstances, or the enemy. These labels often come with limiting forces that affect a person’s destiny, relationships, and potential. However, through the power of God, deliverance from these evil labels is possible, and God has the authority to rename and restore.


a) What are Evil Labels?
Evil labels are negative identities, names, or reputations that are imposed upon someone, either through experiences, failures, or the words of others. These labels may include words like “failure,” “rejected,” “barren,” “cursed,” or “forgotten.”

b) Origin of Evil Labels:
Evil labels can come from different sources such as people (family, friends, society), self-imposed through negative thoughts, or spiritually through curses and evil pronouncements (Proverbs 18:21).

c) The Impact of Evil Labels:
Evil labels can limit a person’s progress, hinder opportunities, affect relationships, and lead to a distorted self-image. The enemy uses these labels to keep people from living in the fullness of God’s purpose.

Biblical Example:
Jabez was labelled as “sorrowful” from birth due to the circumstances of his birth (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). Despite this evil label, he cried out to God for a change, and God granted his request, delivering him from the limitations of that label.


a) God's Promise of a New Name:
In Isaiah 62:2, God promises to give His people a new name. This signifies a change in identity and destiny. When God gives a new name, it comes with blessings, authority, and favour.

b) God's Renaming Process:
Just as God changed Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, and Simon to Peter, God is able to change the evil labels on our lives into labels of blessing and purpose. His divine touch brings transformation.

c) Deliverance Through Jesus Christ:
Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have access to a new identity in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). No matter the evil label, Jesus’ power breaks the chains and offers us a new beginning.

Biblical Example:
In Zechariah 3:1-4, Joshua the high priest was clothed in filthy garments representing his defiled state, but God rebuked Satan and commanded the removal of the filthy garments, giving Joshua clean, new clothes—a symbol of a changed identity.


a) Identify and Renounce the Label:
Recognize any negative label or identity that has been placed upon your life. Renounce and reject it in the name of Jesus. Speak words of faith and declare your true identity in Christ.

b) Pray for Divine Intervention:
Just as Jabez prayed and God heard his cry, bring your case before God and ask Him to deliver you from every evil label. Call on Him to give you a new name and a fresh identity.

c) Walk in Your New Identity:
After receiving deliverance, it is important to walk in the truth of who you are in Christ. Meditate on scriptures that affirm your new identity, and reject any lies from the enemy.

Biblical Example:
The woman with the issue of blood had been labelled “unclean” for 12 years, but when she encountered Jesus and touched the hem of His garment, she was healed and restored. Her label of “unclean” was replaced with “daughter” (Mark 5:25-34).


a) From "Rejected" to "Chosen":
God replaces labels of rejection with His label of being chosen. In Christ, we are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).

b) From "Cursed" to "Blessed":
No matter the curses spoken over your life, God’s blessing overrides them. You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

c) From "Failure" to "Victorious":
Even if past failures have defined you, God calls you victorious. In Christ, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).

Biblical Example:
In Revelation 2:17, God promises to give a new name to those who overcome. This name signifies a new identity and a fresh start, free from the evil labels of the past.


God desires to deliver us from every evil label that has been placed upon our lives. Through His power, we can experience freedom and walk in the fullness of our true identity in Christ. Just as God gave new names and identities to people in the Bible, He is still in the business of renaming and restoring destinies today. Cry out to Him, and He will break every evil label, replacing it with a divine label of blessing and purpose.


1. Father, I renounce every evil label that has been placed upon my life, in Jesus’ name.

2. Lord, deliver me from every curse and negative identity that hinders my progress.

3. By the blood of Jesus, I erase every mark of rejection, failure, and misfortune in my life.

4. Father, give me a new name that reflects Your purpose and destiny for my life.

5. I declare that I am chosen, blessed, and victorious in Christ Jesus.

6. Lord, uproot every lie of the enemy that has shaped my identity, in the name of Jesus.

7. I receive the power to walk in my true identity as a child of God.

8. Father, break every chain of limitation caused by evil labels in my life.

9. Lord, restore my dignity, honour, and destiny as You change my name, in Jesus' name.

10. I declare that no evil label will follow me into my future. I am free and victorious!


1. I declare that every evil label over your life is cancelled by the power of God!

2. Your new name shall reflect God’s favour, blessing, and purpose.

3. Every label of failure is erased, and you shall experience supernatural success.

4. The hand of God is upon you to rewrite your story for good.

5. You shall be known as the blessed and favoured of the Lord.

6. Every limitation caused by negative words spoken over your life is broken in Jesus’ name.

7. I prophesy that your life will reflect God’s glory, and you will fulfil your divine purpose.

8. Every mark of rejection and sorrow is removed, and you shall be celebrated.

9. The Lord will clothe you with a new identity, and you will walk in divine promotion.

10. From today, you shall walk in the victory and freedom that Christ has purchased for you!

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