Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 13:25
Supporting Texts: Job 33:14-18, Joel 2:28, Zechariah 3:1-5

Dreams are one of the primary ways through which God communicates with His people. However, just as God uses dreams to guide, encourage, and instruct, the enemy can also use dreams to sow fear, confusion, and destruction. Evil dreams can have negative consequences if not addressed through prayer and deliverance. In this sermon, we will explore the nature of evil dreams, their spiritual implications, and how to secure deliverance from them through the power of God.


a) Dreams as a Spiritual Battleground:
The dream world is a place where spiritual battles often take place. Evil spirits can infiltrate dreams to attack, manipulate, or afflict individuals (Matthew 13:25).

b) Types of Evil Dreams:
Evil dreams may include dreams of death, failure, being pursued, eating in the dream, sexual encounters, or seeing yourself in past environments. These dreams are often used by the enemy to oppress and manipulate destinies.

c) The Enemy’s Agenda Through Evil Dreams:
Satan uses evil dreams to plant seeds of destruction, sickness, fear, or setback into the lives of people (John 10:10). If these dreams are not dealt with, they can manifest in the physical realm.

Biblical Example: In Matthew 13:25, Jesus explains how the enemy comes at night while men sleep to sow tares among the wheat.


a) Hindrance to Destiny Fulfillment:
Evil dreams can delay or prevent a person from fulfilling their God-given destiny. Dreams of failure, backwardness, or captivity can symbolize stagnation or regression in life (Jeremiah 29:11).

b) Oppression and Affliction:
Through evil dreams, the enemy can introduce affliction, such as sickness, loss of peace, or fear. People may wake up feeling drained, confused, or disturbed (Job 7:14).

c) Covenant-Breaking and Destruction:
Sometimes, evil dreams serve as channels for reinforcing evil covenants or bringing destruction to a person’s life. For example, sexual encounters in dreams can represent spiritual pollution or unholy covenants.

Biblical Example: In Job 33:14-18, God warns that dreams can reveal hidden dangers, while the enemy uses dreams to ensnare people.


a) Dreams of Failure or Rejection:
Dreams where a person consistently fails exams, misses opportunities, or experiences rejection indicate spiritual attacks aimed at limiting progress.

b) Dreams of Pursuit or Captivity:
Dreams of being chased or held captive signify spiritual warfare, where the enemy is trying to oppress or trap a person (Psalm 91:3).

c) Dreams of Eating or Sexual Encounters:
Dreams involving eating strange food or sexual encounters are often used by the enemy to introduce spiritual contamination or renew evil covenants.

Biblical Example: Zechariah had a dream in which the enemy accused him, but the Lord rebuked Satan and delivered Zechariah from the accusations (Zechariah 3:1-5).


a) Prayers of Deliverance:
Deliverance from evil dreams requires targeted prayers. Rebuke the dream and nullify its effects through the blood of Jesus. Declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

b) Pleading the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against all forms of spiritual attack. Plead the blood over your dreams, home, and life for protection and cleansing (Revelation 12:11).

c) Engaging in Spiritual Warfare:
Equip yourself with the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:11). Use the Word of God, prayer, and fasting to wage war against any spiritual forces that attempt to attack you in the dream realm.

Biblical Example: In Acts 12, Peter was delivered from the enemy's plans after the church prayed fervently. Similarly, deliverance from evil dreams requires consistent and fervent prayers.


a) Spiritual Vigilance:
Be watchful in the spirit. Evil dreams can sometimes return if we let our guard down. Pray before sleeping and commit your dreams into God’s hands every night (1 Peter 5:8).

b) Declaring God’s Promises Over Your Life:
Regularly declare God's Word over your life. Speak protection, favour, and divine guidance into your future. Declare that no evil dream will come to pass in your life (Isaiah 55:11).

c) Living in Holiness and Obedience:
Evil dreams often gain entry when there are spiritual openings in our lives. Repent of any known sin and live a life that pleases God (1 John 3:21-22).

Biblical Example: In Genesis 41, Pharaoh's troubling dreams were used by God to reveal His plans, showing that God can turn any dream around for good when we are aligned with Him.

Evil dreams are spiritual strategies of the enemy to derail or destroy destinies, but as children of God, we have the power to overcome them. Through the blood of Jesus, fervent prayer, and standing on God's Word, we can nullify every evil dream and walk in the victory Christ has given us. We must remain spiritually vigilant and continuously cover our lives with divine protection to maintain our deliverance.


1. Father, I thank You for Your power to deliver me from every evil dream.

2. By the blood of Jesus, I cancel every evil dream sent to manipulate my destiny.

3. Lord, I break every evil covenant or connection established through dreams in Jesus' name.

4. I rebuke every demonic power trying to attack me through my dreams, and I command them to flee in Jesus' name.

5. Father, send Your angels to protect me while I sleep, and let Your peace cover my dreams.

6. I declare that no weapon formed against me through dreams shall prosper in Jesus' name.

7. Every spirit of backwardness or failure projected through dreams, I cancel it now in the name of Jesus.

8. Father, purify my spirit, soul, and body from every contamination caused by evil dreams.

9. By the authority in the name of Jesus, I break free from every spiritual attack sent through dreams.

10. Lord, fill my dreams with divine encounters, heavenly revelations, and Your guidance in Jesus' name.


1. I declare that every evil dream sent to destroy your destiny is nullified by the blood of Jesus.

2. From today, the power of God will guard your dreams, and no evil shall come near you.

3. I prophesy that you will dream dreams of divine revelations and guidance, and no evil power shall manipulate your dreams.

4. Every evil attack sent through your dreams is reversed in Jesus' name.

5. You are delivered from every spirit of backwardness, stagnation, and delay projected through your dreams.

6. The blood of Jesus covers your mind and heart; no evil shall take root in your life.

7. From today, the nightmares that tormented you shall cease, and you shall sleep peacefully in Jesus' name.

8. Every evil power that pursued you in your dreams is defeated and destroyed in Jesus' name.

9. Your nights will be filled with God's presence, and you will wake up refreshed and filled with divine strength.

10. I decree that no evil dream shall manifest in your life; only God's plans and purposes for your life will stand.

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