Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Jeremiah 31:29-30
Supporting Texts: Exodus 20:5-6, Ezekiel 18:2-4, Galatians 3:13

Evil bloodlines refer to the negative spiritual inheritances passed down through generations within a family. These bloodlines can carry curses, strongholds, and patterns of sin that affect the present and future generations. The Bible reveals that God is aware of these bloodlines and that He has provided a way for us to break free from their bondage. This sermon will explore the nature of evil bloodlines, their impact on our lives, and the divine provision for deliverance through Christ.


a) Definition and Implications of Bloodlines:
Bloodlines are spiritual connections that carry the characteristics, blessings, and curses from one generation to the next. They encompass both natural lineage and spiritual inheritance. Evil bloodlines can lead to cycles of sin, failure, and bondage.

b) Biblical Foundations of Bloodlines:
The concept of bloodlines is rooted in Scripture, where God emphasizes the consequences of sin across generations (Exodus 20:5-6). This is not just a physical inheritance but a spiritual one as well.

c) The Role of Family Ties:
Family ties can significantly influence our spiritual journey. Just as blessings can flow through bloodlines, so can curses. Understanding this connection is crucial for spiritual deliverance (Jeremiah 31:29-30).

Biblical Example: The lineage of King David faced struggles due to the sins of earlier generations, showing how evil bloodlines can have lasting effects (2 Samuel 12:10-12).


a) Recognizing Patterns of Sin and Failure:
One of the first steps in breaking free from evil bloodlines is to identify recurring patterns within your family, such as divorce, addiction, illness, or financial struggles. These patterns can signal the presence of an evil bloodline.

b) Emotional and Spiritual Struggles:
Individuals may experience emotional turmoil, depression, or spiritual oppression linked to ancestral sins. It is vital to recognize these struggles as potential indicators of evil bloodlines.

c) Unexplained Recurrent Problems:
Situations that seem to arise out of nowhere and persist despite efforts to resolve them may be linked to evil bloodlines. This could include chronic health issues or persistent relational conflicts.

Biblical Example: In John 9:1-3, the disciples asked Jesus about a man born blind, wondering if it was due to his own sin or that of his parents. Jesus clarified that it was an opportunity for God's work to be displayed, illustrating the impact of bloodlines.


a) The Promise of Deliverance:
God has promised to deliver His people from the curses of evil bloodlines through Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:13 assures us that Christ became a curse for us, breaking the hold of generational curses.

b) The Authority of Believers:
Believers have been given authority to speak life and blessings over their bloodlines. This authority enables us to reject the negative patterns inherited from our ancestors.

c) The Role of Prayer and Fasting:
Prayer and fasting are essential tools for breaking free from evil bloodlines. They help to sharpen our spiritual awareness and break the chains of bondage (Matthew 17:21).

Biblical Example: In Acts 16:16-18, Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl, demonstrating the power of deliverance over evil spirits that may have ties to bloodlines.


a) Acknowledge and Repent:
Begin by acknowledging the existence of any negative patterns in your bloodline and repenting for any known or unknown sins committed by your ancestors (Ezekiel 18:30).

b) Break the Legal Rights:
In prayer, declare and break the legal rights that evil bloodlines have over your life. You must assert your identity in Christ and claim the victory He has won for you (Romans 8:1-2).

c) Declare Freedom Over Your Bloodline:
Use your words to declare freedom over your life and the lives of your family members. Speak life, blessings, and healing, rejecting the hold of evil bloodlines (Proverbs 18:21).

Biblical Example: In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus declared His mission to heal the brokenhearted and proclaim liberty to the captives, which applies to breaking the chains of evil bloodlines.


a) Live in Obedience to God:
Following God's commands and living a life of obedience is essential for maintaining deliverance. Disobedience opens doors to curses and strongholds (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

b) Surround Yourself with Support:
Build a community of believers who can support you in your journey of faith and deliverance. Fellowship with like-minded individuals strengthens your resolve (Hebrews 10:24-25).

c) Continuously Seek God’s Presence:
Regularly engage in prayer, worship, and the study of God's Word to ensure you remain rooted in Him. The closer you are to God, the less influence evil bloodlines will have over you.

Biblical Example: In Philippians 4:13, Paul reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, emphasizing that our strength lies in our relationship with Him.

Deliverance from evil bloodlines is not only possible but is promised to us through Christ. By acknowledging the negative patterns, repenting, and actively seeking God’s deliverance, we can break free from every chain that binds us. Remember that your identity in Christ is stronger than any generational curse or evil inheritance. As we lean on Him, we can step into the abundant life that God has designed for us.

1. Father, I thank You for the power of deliverance through Christ.

2. I acknowledge and repent for any sins committed by my ancestors that have affected my bloodline, in Jesus’ name.

3. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I break the legal rights of every evil bloodline in my life.

4. I declare freedom from every curse associated with my family lineage, in the name of Jesus.

5. Let every negative pattern of sin and failure in my family be broken today, in Jesus’ name.

6. I speak life and blessings over my bloodline, declaring that my family is free from every curse.

7. Lord, let the blood of Jesus cleanse my lineage from all evil inherited curses.

8. I claim my identity in Christ and reject any evil bloodline influence over my life, in Jesus’ name.

9. I cover my family with the blood of Jesus, declaring that we are blessed and highly favoured.

10. Father, help me to live in obedience to Your Word and stay rooted in You.


1. I decree that every chain of evil bloodline is broken over your life in the name of Jesus.

2. From today, you will experience the freedom that comes from your identity in Christ.

3. Every generational curse affecting your family is canceled by the blood of Jesus.

4. I declare that your bloodline will be known for blessings, not curses.

5. The Lord will rewrite the history of your family, and you will testify of His goodness.

6. You are no longer a victim of your bloodline; you are a victor in Christ.

7. Your family will walk in the blessings of God from this day forward.

8. I prophesy that every evil pattern in your lineage is shattered in the name of Jesus.

9. You will create a new legacy of faith, righteousness, and blessings for future generations.

10. I declare that you are a carrier of God’s favour, and evil will have no hold over you.

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