Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Ezekiel 18:2
Supporting Texts: Lamentations 5:7, Galatians 3:13-14, Isaiah 10:27


Evil patterns are negative cycles or destructive behaviors that repeat from generation to generation. These patterns can manifest in different forms—poverty, sickness, broken marriages, untimely death, and more. The Bible addresses such issues as generational iniquities or curses that can affect a family line, but the good news is that through Jesus Christ, we can be delivered from these evil patterns. This sermon will guide us on how to identify, break free from, and live victoriously over evil patterns in our lives.


a) What are Evil Patterns?
Evil patterns are recurring negative events that follow a predictable cycle, often seen within family lines or personal lives. These patterns can be financial struggles, health issues, or relational breakdowns that repeat across generations.

b) Sources of Evil Patterns:
Evil patterns often stem from ancestral curses, spiritual covenants, or unbroken iniquities that persist due to unconfessed sins or spiritual ignorance (Lamentations 5:7).

c) The Influence of Generational Curses:
The Bible speaks about the sins of the fathers visiting the children, indicating how patterns of iniquity can pass from one generation to another (Exodus 20:5). However, in Christ, we are given the power to break free from these curses.

Biblical Example: The Israelites suffered generational iniquities until they turned back to God for deliverance.


a) Recurrent Failures:
Do you notice a pattern of failure in specific areas of your life—businesses failing at the same point, relationships breaking down in similar ways, or constant health problems?

b) Patterns in Family History:
Often, evil patterns are identifiable by looking at the family tree. Is there a history of untimely deaths, poverty, barrenness, or addiction that seems to affect multiple generations?

c) Spiritual Discernment and Prayer:
Seek the Holy Spirit’s help to discern if a particular issue in your life or family has its roots in spiritual bondage (1 Corinthians 2:10-11).

Biblical Example: Gideon realized that his family had an evil pattern of idolatry, and God instructed him to tear down the altar of Baal (Judges 6:25-27).


a) Repentance and Confession:
One of the most powerful keys to breaking free from generational curses and evil patterns is genuine repentance. Confess your sins and the sins of your forefathers, seeking God's mercy and deliverance (2 Chronicles 7:14).

b) The Power of the Blood of Jesus:
Jesus’ death and resurrection broke the curse of the law, giving believers authority to declare freedom from every generational curse and evil pattern (Galatians 3:13-14).

c) Prayer of Deliverance:
Intense, persistent prayer is needed to break free from spiritual strongholds. Pray specifically against the evil patterns you've identified, using the authority of God’s Word (Matthew 18:18).

Biblical Example: Jabez prayed a specific prayer for deliverance from the evil pattern of pain in his life, and God granted his request (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).


a) Living a Righteous Life:
After breaking free from an evil pattern, it is important to walk in righteousness, staying close to God through prayer, studying His Word, and living in obedience (Isaiah 1:19).

b) Renouncing Evil Alliances and Agreements:
Many evil patterns persist because of covenants, oaths, or spiritual agreements made by previous generations. Renounce any ungodly ties to ancestral practices or spiritual connections that may keep these patterns alive (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).

c) Spiritual Vigilance and Warfare:
Continue to engage in spiritual warfare through fasting, prayer, and declaring God’s promises over your life. The enemy will attempt to reintroduce old patterns, but through vigilance, you can maintain your victory (Ephesians 6:12-13).

Biblical Example: After being delivered from evil, the Israelites were commanded to avoid the practices of the nations they conquered, ensuring they did not fall back into old patterns (Deuteronomy 12:29-31).


Evil patterns are real, but they are no match for the power of God. Through the blood of Jesus, we have victory over every generational curse and evil pattern. Today, as we pray and declare God’s promises, every evil pattern in your life and family will be broken, and you will walk in the freedom Christ has given.


1. Father, I thank You for the power in the blood of Jesus that sets me free from every curse.

2. Lord, expose and destroy every hidden evil pattern in my life.

3. I repent of the sins of my ancestors and break every generational curse in Jesus' name.

4. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I declare my freedom from every recurring failure and disappointment.

5. Lord, cleanse my family lineage from every inherited pattern of sickness, poverty, or untimely death.

6. I renounce every ungodly covenant or alliance made by my forefathers in Jesus' name.

7. Father, give me spiritual discernment to identify and destroy any evil altar speaking against my destiny.

8. I declare that no evil pattern shall have dominion over my life and family.

9. Lord, strengthen me to walk in obedience and righteousness, maintaining my deliverance.

10. Every evil cycle in my life and family is permanently broken by the power in the name of Jesus.


1. I declare that every evil pattern in your life is broken today in Jesus' name.

2. You will no longer experience the failures of the past; your season of victory has begun.

3. Every cycle of poverty and lack is destroyed; you are stepping into abundance.

4. I decree that untimely death shall no longer be heard in your family.

5. Every generational curse hindering your progress is shattered by the blood of Jesus.

6. The Lord is delivering you from every hidden spiritual bondage holding you back.

7. You will rise above every limitation placed by ancestral powers.

8. God is bringing you into a season of divine restoration and recovery.

9. Your destiny will no longer be hindered by the patterns of the past.

10. I declare that you and your household shall walk in freedom, favour, and fruitfulness in Jesus' name.

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