Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 31:15
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 49:24-25, Acts 12:1-11, Jeremiah 15:21


Evil hands represent forces of darkness that manipulate, control, or oppress a person’s life and destiny. These hands seek to hinder the progress, health, and prosperity of individuals by holding them captive. Just as physical hands can act, spiritual hands can also work either for good or evil. The Bible assures us that God is mighty to deliver us from any form of bondage and oppression. In this message, we will explore the concept of deliverance from evil hands and how to walk in the freedom that Christ has provided.


a) Evil Hands as Instruments of Oppression:
Evil hands symbolize powers and principalities that work to oppress, afflict, and enslave individuals. These spiritual forces act like unseen hands that keep people in bondage (Jeremiah 15:21).

b) Evil Hands in the Bible:
The Bible shows instances where wicked individuals or powers laid their hands on God’s people to harm them, but God delivered them (Acts 12:1-7).

c) Evil Hands as Controllers of Destiny:
Evil hands attempt to hijack or manipulate a person’s destiny, preventing them from reaching their full potential (Psalm 106:10).

Biblical Example: Herod stretched out his hand to harm the church, imprisoning Peter, but God delivered Peter from his evil grip through angelic intervention (Acts 12:1-11).


a) Inexplicable Delays:
When there are continuous delays in breakthroughs, despite hard work and prayer, it may indicate that evil hands are working to frustrate your efforts.

b) Constant Failure at the Edge of Success:
When a person gets close to achieving success but repeatedly fails at the last minute, this is often a sign of evil manipulation (1 Thessalonians 2:18).

c) Unexplainable Stagnation:
When every aspect of a person’s life remains stagnant, despite their efforts, it could be that spiritual forces are holding them back (Isaiah 42:22).

Biblical Example: The evil hands of Pharaoh held the Israelites in bondage, causing prolonged suffering, until God intervened with deliverance (Exodus 3:7-10).


a) Crying Out to God for Deliverance:
When God’s people cry out for deliverance, He responds with power. The Bible says, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you" (Psalm 50:15).

b) The Power of Persistent Prayer:
Persistent and fervent prayers can break the grip of evil hands. Peter was delivered from the hands of Herod through the prayers of the church (Acts 12:5-11).

c) Pleading the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus has the power to break every chain and render null and void every evil work against us. The blood cancels every satanic decree and breaks the hold of evil hands (Revelation 12:11).

Biblical Example: In Isaiah 49:24-25, God promises to deliver His people from the mighty and the lawful captors, breaking the evil grip over their lives.


a) Dwelling in the Secret Place:
Psalm 91 assures us that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High will be shielded from evil. Remaining in close fellowship with God is key to divine protection.

b) Declaring the Word of God:
Speaking God’s Word over your life and declaring His promises puts a hedge of protection around you. The Word of God is a shield against every evil attack (Ephesians 6:17).

c) Putting on the Full Armour of God:
Spiritual warfare requires that believers put on the armour of God to stand against the wiles of the enemy, including evil hands (Ephesians 6:11).

Biblical Example: God protected Daniel from the evil hands of the conspirators, who tried to destroy him by throwing him into the lions' den (Daniel 6:16-22).


a) Restoration of Lost Time and Opportunities:
When God delivers us, He restores what has been stolen or delayed by evil hands. Joel 2:25 promises that God will restore the years that the locusts have eaten.

b) Healing from the Wounds of Bondage:
After deliverance, God heals the emotional, mental, and physical wounds caused by years of oppression (Isaiah 61:1).

c) Walking in Freedom and Victory:
Once delivered, it is important to walk in freedom and not allow the enemy to re-enter. This requires staying close to God, continuing in prayer, and guarding your life against any form of spiritual attack (Galatians 5:1).

Biblical Example: After Peter’s miraculous deliverance, he continued to walk in his calling with even greater boldness and effectiveness in the ministry (Acts 12:12-17).


Evil hands may seek to control, oppress, and hinder our progress, but the power of God is more than sufficient to deliver us. By crying out to God, standing firm in prayer, and declaring the victory won by the blood of Jesus, we can be set free from every grip of the enemy. Just as Peter, Daniel, and the Israelites were delivered from the hands of their oppressors, you too can experience divine deliverance and restoration in every area of your life.


1. Father, thank You for Your mighty hand of deliverance over my life.

2. Lord, deliver me from every evil hand holding me back in Jesus' name.

3. By the power of the blood of Jesus, I break free from every spiritual bondage.

4. Every evil hand manipulating my destiny, be cut off in Jesus' name.

5. Father, restore every opportunity and blessing that has been delayed by evil hands.

6. I decree that no evil hand shall oppress my family or me any longer in Jesus' name.

7. Lord, protect me from the plans and schemes of wicked hands.

8. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and family for divine protection.

9. Every gate of evil hands holding my blessings, be destroyed in Jesus' name.

10. Father, I declare total freedom and restoration from every grip of the enemy.


1. I declare that every evil hand oppressing your life is cut off today in Jesus' name.

2. You are breaking free from every chain of bondage, and you will walk in victory.

3. No evil hand will succeed in manipulating your destiny any longer in Jesus' name.

4. Every opportunity and blessing delayed by the enemy is being restored to you.

5. From today, you will walk in divine protection, and no evil hand will touch you.

6. Your life will experience a total turnaround as God delivers you from every form of oppression.

7. I decree that you will rise above every evil plot and walk in the fullness of God’s promises.

8. Every evil hand holding your family, career, or health is being cut off by the power of God.

9. You will possess your blessings and enter into a season of divine restoration.

10. The hand of God will lift you up, and no evil hand will be able to bring you down again.

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