Monday 7 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 27:8
“When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face, Lord, I will seek.’”

Supporting Texts:
Exodus 33:14-15
Matthew 6:33
James 4:8
1 Chronicles 16:11
Jeremiah 29:13
Philippians 3:10
Psalm 63:1-2
Psalm 105:4

In our journey of faith, it is easy to focus on what God can give us rather than who He is. Seeking God’s face means pursuing a deeper relationship with Him, desiring His presence, and understanding His character rather than merely asking for His blessings. This Bible study will explore the significance of seeking God’s face and how it transforms our relationship with Him.


God invites us to seek Him earnestly, moving beyond surface-level interactions:

a) A Divine Invitation: God calls us to seek His face, reflecting His desire for intimacy with us (Psalm 27:8).

b) Desiring His Presence: Exodus 33:14-15 shows God’s assurance of His presence, which is fundamental for a fulfilling relationship with Him.

c) Prioritizing God: Matthew 6:33 emphasizes the importance of seeking God and His righteousness above all else, promising that all other needs will be met.

d) A Heart Response: Seeking God’s face involves a heartfelt response, aligning our desires with His (James 4:8).

e) A Journey of Faith: It is a journey that requires commitment, as seen in Jeremiah 29:13, where God promises to be found by those who seek Him with all their hearts.

Biblical Example:
Moses sought God’s face in the tent of meeting (Exodus 33:7-11), desiring more than just God’s blessings; he wanted to know God intimately.


Understanding the distinction between seeking God’s hand and His face is crucial:

a) Seeking His Hand: This represents asking for blessings, provision, and intervention in our lives. While God is willing to meet our needs, He desires more from us.

b) Seeking His Face: This entails pursuing a relationship with God, knowing Him, and understanding His heart and will for our lives.

c) Temporal vs. Eternal: Seeking His hand often focuses on temporary solutions, while seeking His face leads to eternal fulfillment and purpose (Philippians 3:10).

d) Understanding His Will: When we seek God’s face, we grow in our understanding of His character and His plans for us (Psalm 105:4).

e) True Worship: Seeking His face leads us to deeper worship and adoration, beyond asking for material blessings (Psalm 63:1-2).

Biblical Example:
The Israelites often sought God’s hand during crises (Exodus 17:3-4) but struggled to maintain a relationship with Him. Their journey illustrates the importance of seeking His face for a deeper understanding of His covenant.


When we prioritize seeking God’s face, we experience numerous spiritual benefits:

a) Intimacy with God: Seeking His face fosters a deeper relationship, as we come to know Him more intimately (1 Chronicles 16:11).

b) Guidance and Wisdom: When we seek God, He directs our paths and provides clarity (Proverbs 3:5-6).

c) Peace and Comfort: His presence brings peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).

d) Strength in Trials: We find strength and courage to face challenges when we seek His face (Isaiah 41:10).

e) Transformation: Seeking God’s face transforms our hearts and minds, aligning us more closely with His will (Romans 12:2).

Biblical Example:
David, in Psalm 63:1-3, expresses his longing for God’s presence in the wilderness. His pursuit of God resulted in deep satisfaction and joy, demonstrating the transformative power of seeking God’s face.


Engaging in practical steps can help us cultivate a deeper relationship with God:

a) Prayer and Meditation: Spend time in prayer, focusing on communion with God rather than just petitions.

b) Studying Scripture: Engage deeply with the Word of God to understand His character and will (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

c) Worship: Participate in worship that honors God’s greatness, focusing on His attributes rather than personal needs (John 4:24).

d) Fasting: Incorporate fasting into your spiritual practices as a way to draw closer to God (Matthew 6:16-18).

e) Reflective Silence: Take moments of silence to listen for God’s voice, cultivating a spirit of receptivity (Psalm 46:10).

Biblical Example:
Anna the Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38) dedicated her life to prayer and fasting in the temple, seeking God’s face and ultimately witnessing the fulfillment of God’s promise in Christ.


Seeking God’s face is a call to pursue a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. It is an invitation to move beyond transactional interactions and cultivate a genuine love for God. As we focus on His presence, we experience transformation, guidance, and peace that surpasses our understanding. Let us commit ourselves to seek God’s face wholeheartedly, trusting that in doing so, we will find all that we need.


1. Lord, teach me to seek Your face above all else.

2. Help me to prioritize my relationship with You over seeking Your hand.

3. May I grow in intimacy with You through prayer and meditation.

4. Father, fill me with a hunger and thirst for Your presence.

5. Guide my heart and mind as I seek to know You more deeply.

6. I ask for wisdom as I study Your Word and seek understanding.

7. Lord, may my worship be a true reflection of my love for You.

8. Help me to listen for Your voice in moments of silence.

9. Let my life be transformed as I seek Your face daily.

10. May I find comfort and strength in Your presence during challenging times.


1. You will experience a deepening intimacy with God as you seek His face.

2. Your heart will be aligned with God’s will as you pursue Him earnestly.

3. You will find strength and peace in His presence amidst trials.

4. God will reveal Himself to you in profound ways as you draw near.

5. Your worship will be transformed as you focus on God’s greatness.

6. You will be filled with joy as you seek a relationship with Him.

7. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth as you seek Him.

8. You will experience the fulfillment of God’s promises as you seek His face.

9. Your understanding of God’s character will deepen through your pursuit.

10. You will become a vessel of His love and light to those around you.

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