Sunday 6 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 110:3 

Supporting Texts: Acts 1:8, Isaiah 40:29-31, Matthew 28:18-20

We live in a time when God's power is being revealed like never before. Psalm 110:3 declares, "Your people shall be willing in the day of Your power." This scripture emphasizes the importance of readiness, surrender, and cooperation when God’s power is manifesting. The days of His power are marked by miracles, breakthroughs, spiritual revival, and divine empowerment. This message will explore what it means to live in the days of God’s power and how to position ourselves to experience and walk in that power.


a) Manifestation of God's Authority and Strength 
The days of God's power are characterized by a tangible demonstration of His authority. It is a time when God’s dominion and might are visibly at work among His people. Acts 1:8 speaks of the empowerment believers receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, enabling them to be witnesses of Christ with power.

b) A Time of Revival and Willingness
In the days of His power, there is an awakening of the spirit, where God’s people are stirred to action and obedience. Psalm 110:3 says, “Your people shall be willing.” It is a time when hearts are ready to submit to God’s purposes, and the church experiences revival, both individually and corporately.

Biblical Example: The Early Church (Acts 2:1-4) 
On the day of Pentecost, the power of God was released upon the disciples. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues, marking the beginning of the church’s mission. This was a clear manifestation of God's power, and it led to the transformation of many lives. Thousands were saved in one day, showing how the power of God can bring great revival.


a) Supernatural Signs and Wonders 
The days of His power are accompanied by miracles, healings, and divine interventions. As seen in the ministry of Jesus and the apostles, God's power was made manifest in tangible signs. Mark 16:17-18 states that signs will follow those who believe, pointing to a supernatural lifestyle.

b) Boldness and Courage in the Face of Opposition
In the days of His power, believers are empowered to be bold, even in the midst of persecution or adversity. The Holy Spirit equips us to preach the gospel and stand firm in the truth, regardless of the challenges. Acts 4:31 records how, after prayer, the place where the disciples were gathered was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.

Biblical Example:  Peter’s Transformation (Acts 4:13) 
Peter, who once denied Jesus out of fear, became bold after being filled with the Holy Spirit. He preached fearlessly before the Sanhedrin, testifying of Christ's resurrection and performing miracles. This boldness was a clear sign of God’s power at work in his life.


a) A Life of Prayer and Intimacy with God 
To experience God’s power, we must draw near to Him through consistent prayer and devotion. James 5:16 reminds us that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Jesus Himself modeled a lifestyle of prayer, often withdrawing to pray and seek the Father’s will before performing miracles.

b) Total Dependence on the Holy Spirit 
The days of His power are only accessed through the help of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who empowers us, guides us, and equips us to fulfill God’s purposes. Zechariah 4:6 declares, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." Walking in the Spirit ensures that we stay aligned with God’s plan and receive His power.

Biblical Example: Jesus’ Baptism and Ministry (Luke 3:21-22; Luke 4:1, 14) 
Before beginning His public ministry, Jesus was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Afterward, He went into the wilderness to fast and pray, and He returned in the power of the Spirit. His entire ministry was marked by the power of God, resulting in healings, miracles, and teaching with authority.


a) Kingdom Expansion and Harvest of Souls
When God’s power is at work, there is a great harvest of souls. The days of His power are marked by revival, where people turn to God in large numbers. Matthew 28:18-20 calls us to go into all the world, and this mission can only be accomplished by the power of God working through us.

b) Divine Protection and Victory
Living in the days of His power guarantees God’s protection and victory over the forces of darkness. Isaiah 54:17 says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." God's power ensures that His people are victorious in spiritual battles and protected from harm.

Biblical Example: Paul’s Deliverance from the Storm (Acts 27:22-25) 
In the midst of a deadly storm, Paul stood in faith and declared that no life would be lost, because God had spoken to him. This demonstration of faith in God’s power brought divine protection, and every person on the ship was saved. God’s power not only sustains us but brings deliverance in times of crisis.

The days of His power are now, and God is ready to demonstrate His might through His people. The question is, are we willing to surrender, seek Him, and be vessels for His power? As we position ourselves in prayer, faith, and reliance on the Holy Spirit, we will see the manifestation of God's power in every area of our lives.

1. Father, release Your power in my life and make me a vessel of Your glory. 

2. Lord, let me be willing and obedient in the days of Your power. 

3. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh and empower me to do Your will. 

4. Lord, release supernatural signs and wonders in my life and ministry. 

5. I declare boldness and courage to preach Your Word without fear. 

6. Father, let Your power bring revival in my family, church, and nation. 

7. Lord, I depend on Your Spirit to lead and guide me in all things. 

8. Father, empower me to overcome every opposition and challenge I face. 

9. Lord, bring a great harvest of souls through Your power working in me. 

10. Father, protect me from every attack of the enemy and grant me victory

1. You will walk in the power of God, and miracles will follow you. 

2. In the days of His power, you will be a willing and active vessel for God’s glory. 

3. Every limitation in your life is broken by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

4. You will be bold to proclaim the gospel, and God will back you with signs and wonders. 

5. The power of God will bring revival and transformation to your home and community. 

6. You are empowered by the Spirit to overcome every obstacle in your path. 

7. God’s power will manifest in your life, bringing divine protection and victory. 

8. You will be a part of the great harvest of souls in these last days. 

9. The days of God’s power are here, and you will not miss your portion. 

10. From today, you will experience a new dimension of God’s power in every area of your life.

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