Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 24:7-10
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 45:1-3, Matthew 16:18, Acts 12:10

Gates in the spiritual realm represent points of access or control over territories, lives, destinies, or situations. Evil gates are spiritual barriers that restrict progress, delay breakthroughs, or allow demonic access into people's lives. These gates can be physical, spiritual, or symbolic, hindering the fulfilment of God's promises. Just as physical gates serve to control access, evil spiritual gates work to limit and oppress God's people. However, through the power of Jesus Christ, we can break free from these evil gates and walk into the fullness of God's blessings.


a) Gates as Access Points:
Gates symbolize control over entry and exit points. In the spiritual realm, gates represent where decisions, control, and authority are exercised (Genesis 28:17).

b) Gates as Places of Power:
In ancient cities, important decisions and judgments were made at the gates. Similarly, spiritual gates are where spiritual forces control or influence what happens in a person’s life or destiny (Proverbs 31:23).

c) Gates of Hell vs. Gates of Heaven:
Jesus spoke of the “gates of hell” that would not prevail against the church (Matthew 16:18). This signifies that the enemy has evil gates that try to resist God’s work, but they cannot withstand the authority of Christ.

Biblical Example: Jesus declared in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church, showing that the enemy's gates can be overthrown.


a) Gates of Delay:
These are gates that cause delays in the manifestation of breakthroughs. They hinder or block prayers from being answered (Daniel 10:13).

b) Gates of Bondage:
These gates trap individuals in repetitive cycles of sin, addiction, or demonic oppression (Isaiah 61:1).

c) Gates of Limitation:
These gates impose restrictions on the success and progress of individuals. They prevent people from advancing in their careers, ministries, or personal lives (Psalm 107:16).

d) Gates of Death:
The Bible speaks of the "gates of death" which symbolize untimely death or destruction (Job 38:17). These gates must be overcome to experience life in abundance.

Biblical Example: Peter was delivered from the iron gate in Acts 12:10, which was a symbolic representation of demonic imprisonment and limitation.


a) Recurrent Setbacks:
When a person experiences consistent failure or delay at the edge of breakthroughs, it may be a sign of evil gates (Psalm 107:16).

b) Stagnation or Unfulfilled Destiny:
If someone’s progress is inexplicably hindered or their destiny remains unfulfilled despite efforts, an evil gate may be at work (Isaiah 45:2).

c) Patterns of Premature Death or Misfortune:
Cycles of untimely death or continuous misfortune in a family could indicate a gate of death or destruction (Job 38:17).

Biblical Example: The children of Israel faced an evil gate in the form of the Red Sea, which tried to block their escape from Egypt, but God opened the gate and made a way for them (Exodus 14:21-22).


a) The Power of the Name of Jesus:
Jesus has given us authority to bind and loose on earth, meaning we have the power to break down every evil gate through His name (Matthew 16:19).

b) Fervent Prayer and Declarations:
Persistent prayer is essential for breaking through evil gates. Like Peter’s deliverance in Acts 12:5-10, prayer can cause gates to open on their own accord.

c) The Power of Praise and Worship:
Praise can lift up the gates and bring down strongholds, as it creates an atmosphere for God's presence (Psalm 24:7-10). When Paul and Silas praised God in prison, the gates of their captivity were shaken open (Acts 16:25-26).

Biblical Example: In Joshua 6, the walls of Jericho, a symbolic evil gate, fell down through the power of praise and obedience to God's instruction.


a) Inheritance of the Righteous:
God's promise to Abraham’s descendants was that they would possess the gates of their enemies (Genesis 22:17). As believers, we have this inheritance to take dominion over every evil gate.

b) Overcoming by Faith and Obedience:
Faith in God's promises and obedience to His Word are keys to overcoming evil gates and possessing what belongs to us (Isaiah 45:2).

c) Victory through the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus breaks every covenant with evil gates and sets us free from the power of darkness (Revelation 12:11).

Biblical Example: The Israelites were given the power to possess the gates of their enemies when they obeyed God and walked in faith (Joshua 6:20).

Evil gates are real spiritual barriers, but they are no match for the power of Jesus Christ. Whether it is a gate of delay, bondage, limitation, or death, God has given us the authority to break through them. Through the power of prayer, faith, and praise, every evil gate standing before you will be lifted, and you will walk into your destiny.


1. Father, I thank You for giving me authority over every evil gate in my life.

2. Lord, let every gate of limitation and delay be lifted in the name of Jesus.

3. I break free from every gate of bondage and restriction holding my destiny in Jesus' name.

4. By the power of the Holy Spirit, every gate of death is destroyed in my life in the name of Jesus.

5. Father, open the gates of breakthrough and success before me today in Jesus' name.

6. I command every demonic gate hindering my progress to be broken in Jesus' name.

7. Lord, grant me the grace to possess the gates of my enemies and walk in victory.

8. I declare that no evil gate shall prevail against my life, my family, or my destiny in Jesus' name.

9. By the power of the blood of Jesus, I am delivered from every evil covenant at the gates.

10. Father, open the gates of heaven over my life and pour out Your blessings in abundance.


1. I declare that every evil gate standing in your way is lifted today in Jesus' name.

2. You will possess the gates of your enemies, and no force of darkness will hold you back.

3. Every gate of delay and limitation is broken, and you are stepping into your season of breakthrough.

4. The Lord is opening new gates of favour and opportunity for you in this season.

5. Every gate of destruction or death that the enemy has set before you is destroyed in Jesus' name.

6. You will walk through open doors of success and favour from this day forward.

7. I declare that no evil gate shall have control over your life, and you are free in Jesus' name.

8. You will break through every spiritual barrier and enter into the fullness of God's promises.

9. Every evil gate resisting your prayers and progress is shattered by the power of the Holy Spirit.

10. From today, the gates of heaven are opened over your life, and you will walk in divine favour.

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