Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 58:6
Supporting Texts: Galatians 5:1, Psalm 107:14, Acts 16:25-26


Evil bonds refer to spiritual chains or ties that hold individuals captive, hindering their progress and limiting their freedom in Christ. These bonds can manifest in various forms—emotional, spiritual, mental, or even physical—causing oppression and stagnation. Jesus came to set us free from every form of bondage, and through His power, we can experience total deliverance. This sermon will explore the nature of evil bonds, their causes, and the path to deliverance through Christ.


a) Definition of Evil Bonds:
Evil bonds are spiritual chains that keep people in bondage to sin, generational curses, demonic oppression, or emotional pain. These chains can be inherited or self-imposed through sinful actions.

b) Biblical Foundation:
Isaiah 58:6 declares God’s desire to "loose the bonds of wickedness" and free those who are oppressed. God’s will for His children is liberty, not bondage.

c) Types of Evil Bonds:
Evil bonds may include addiction, generational curses, witchcraft, ungodly soul ties, and demonic oppression.

Biblical Example: The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt for 400 years, but God sent Moses to deliver them (Exodus 3:7-10).


a) Spiritual Stagnation:
When a person is bound spiritually, they may find it difficult to grow in their relationship with God. There is a sense of spiritual dryness or being stuck.

b) Recurring Cycles of Defeat:
If you constantly find yourself going in circles, repeating the same mistakes, or facing the same failures, it may be a sign of spiritual bondage.

c) Inability to Break Free from Sin:
Some people are bound by sinful habits they cannot seem to break despite their efforts. This could be an indication of an evil bond.

Biblical Example: In Mark 5:1-13, we see the story of the demoniac who was bound by evil spirits until Jesus delivered him.


a) Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free:
Luke 4:18 declares Jesus’ mission to bring liberty to the captives. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus broke every chain that binds us.

b) The Blood of Jesus is Powerful:
The blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and break the chains of sin and oppression (Revelation 12:11).

c) The Authority of the Believer:
As believers, we have authority in the name of Jesus to command every evil bond to be broken (Mark 16:17). We must exercise this authority in faith.

Biblical Example: In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas were miraculously delivered from prison when God broke their physical chains, symbolizing His power over all forms of bondage.


a) Identify the Bondage:
The first step to deliverance is recognizing the areas in your life where you are bound. This could be addiction, fear, bitterness, or any form of oppression.

b) Repent and Renounce:
Once the bondage is identified, it is crucial to repent of any sin associated with it and renounce any ties to the evil bond. Confession brings freedom (1 John 1:9).

c) Declare Your Freedom in Christ:
After repenting, declare your freedom in Christ. Speak the Word of God over your life, affirming that you are no longer a slave to sin or fear but are free in Jesus (Galatians 5:1).

Biblical Example: In John 8:36, Jesus declares, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." This is a promise we can claim in faith


a) Walk in Obedience to God’s Word:
After receiving deliverance, it is essential to live a life of obedience to God’s Word. Disobedience can open doors for the enemy to bring you back into bondage (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

b) Surround Yourself with Believers:
Fellowship with other believers strengthens your faith and helps you stay accountable. Isolation can make you vulnerable to attack (Hebrews 10:25).

c) Stay in Prayer and the Word:
A life of prayer and meditation on God’s Word will keep you spiritually alert and resistant to the schemes of the enemy (Ephesians 6:18).

Biblical Example: In Matthew 12:43-45, Jesus warns that when a person is delivered, the enemy may try to return. It is crucial to fill your life with God’s presence to prevent a return to bondage.


Evil bonds are real, but the power of God is greater. Through faith in Jesus, every chain of bondage can be broken. The key to maintaining freedom is living a life rooted in obedience, prayer, and the Word of God. Remember, Christ has already secured your victory on the cross, and you can walk in that freedom every day.


1. Lord, thank You for the freedom I have in Christ.

2. Father, I repent of every sin that has opened the door to evil bonds in my life.

3. By the blood of Jesus, I break every chain of bondage over my life.

4. I renounce every evil covenant or agreement that has kept me bound.

5. Lord, deliver me from every generational curse that holds me captive.

6. I declare that I am free from every evil bond in the name of Jesus.

7. Holy Spirit, empower me to walk in the freedom Christ has given me.

8. I break every tie to addiction, fear, and oppression in Jesus’ name.

9. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every chain is broken.

10. Father, fill my life with Your presence so that no evil bond can return.


1. I decree that every evil bond over your life is broken in the name of Jesus.

2. From today, you will walk in total freedom, no longer bound by the enemy.

3. Every chain of fear, addiction, and oppression is loosed from your life.

4. You will rise above every limitation set by the enemy.

5. I declare that generational curses will no longer have power over your life.

6. The power of God will move mightily in your life, breaking every form of bondage.

7. You will walk in the liberty of the Spirit and never return to chains of the past.

8. Every door that the enemy has used to keep you bound is permanently closed.

9. Your story will be one of victory and deliverance, and others will see the power of God in your life.

10. I declare that you are free indeed, and no evil bond will ever hold you captive again.

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