Tuesday 1 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Proverbs 10:9 
Supporting Texts: Proverbs 11:3, Psalm 25:21, Job 2:3

Integrity is one of the most important virtues that a believer can possess. Proverbs 10:9 says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. In a world where deception, compromise, and dishonesty are prevalent, God calls His children to live lives of integrity. In this sermon, we will explore what it means to live a life of integrity and how it impacts our relationship with God and others.


a) Integrity Defined
Integrity is derived from the word “integer,” which means whole or complete. It refers to the consistency between what we say, what we believe, and how we act. A person of integrity is someone whose life reflects truth and righteousness in every situation. They are not divided between different values or actions but live by a consistent moral code based on God’s Word.

b) Integrity in the Heart 
Living a life of integrity starts in the heart. Proverbs 11:3 says, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” Integrity is not just about outward behaviour; it is about an inner commitment to God’s truth and righteousness. God sees the heart, and He desires that we live with sincerity and honesty, even in our thoughts and motives.

Biblical Example: 
Daniel is a great example of someone who lived a life of integrity. Even when he was in a foreign land, surrounded by ungodly influences, Daniel remained true to his faith. He refused to compromise, even when faced with death in the lion’s den. His integrity caused him to stand out and gain favour with both God and man (Daniel 6).


a) Walking Securely
Proverbs 10:9 tells us that whoever walks in integrity walks securely. Integrity gives us confidence and security because we have nothing to hide. When we live with transparency and honesty, we don’t have to worry about being exposed or caught in lies. Integrity protects us from the consequences of deceit and brings us peace of mind.

b) Trustworthiness
A life of integrity builds trust in our relationships. People know they can rely on someone who is honest and consistent. Whether in the workplace, in family, or in ministry, integrity strengthens relationships and opens doors for greater opportunities. Psalm 25:21 says, “May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in You.”

Biblical Example: 
Joseph is another powerful example of integrity. Despite being falsely accused and thrown into prison, Joseph remained faithful to God and conducted himself with integrity. His faithfulness in Potiphar’s house and in prison led to his eventual promotion as the second-in-command in Egypt (Genesis 39-41). His integrity built trust, even in difficult circumstances.


a) Facing Temptation and Compromise 
Living a life of integrity is not always easy. We face constant temptations to compromise our values, especially in a world that often rewards dishonesty and corruption. Whether in business, relationships, or personal decisions, the pressure to take shortcuts or bend the truth can be strong. However, God calls us to resist these temptations and uphold His standards of righteousness.

b) Suffering for Integrity 
Sometimes, living with integrity may lead to suffering or persecution. When we choose to stand for what is right, we may face rejection, loss of opportunities, or even hardship. But as believers, we must remember that God honours those who remain faithful to Him, even in difficult times. Job 2:3 highlights how Job maintained his integrity despite the severe trials he faced. His commitment to God was unwavering, and God ultimately restored him.

Biblical Example
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image, choosing instead to honour God with their integrity. They were willing to face the fiery furnace rather than compromise their faith. God delivered them from the fire, and their integrity became a testimony to the greatness of God (Daniel 3).


a) God’s Blessing
Living a life of integrity brings divine favour and blessing. Psalm 84:11 says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” God delights in those who live with integrity, and He rewards them with His protection, provision, and promotion.

b) Eternal Reward 
Ultimately, our integrity is not just about receiving earthly blessings but about honouring God and securing our eternal reward. Matthew 25:21 tells us that those who are faithful and live with integrity will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Living with integrity is part of our witness to the world, and it prepares us for the rewards of heaven.

Biblical Example: 
King David, despite his flaws, was known as a man of integrity. Psalm 78:72 says, “And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skilful hands he led them.” God chose David as king because of his heart of integrity, and David’s reign was marked by God’s favour and blessing.

a) Align Your Life with God’s Word
To live with integrity, we must base our lives on the Word of God. The Bible is our standard for truth and righteousness. Regularly studying and meditating on Scripture helps us to align our thoughts, words, and actions with God’s will.

b) Be Accountable 
Having accountability is crucial in maintaining integrity. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage and hold you accountable in your walk with Christ. Being transparent with others helps us stay on the right path and avoid falling into temptation.

c) Guard Your Heart 
Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts, for everything we do flows from it. Living a life of integrity requires constant vigilance over our thoughts, desires, and motivations. We must ask God to purify our hearts and help us stay true to Him.

Living a life of integrity is not always easy, but it is essential for every believer. Integrity is about being true to God’s Word, walking in honesty, and being consistent in our character, no matter the circumstances. As we live with integrity, we walk securely, gain the trust of others, and experience the blessings of God. Let us commit to living lives of integrity, trusting that God will reward our faithfulness, both now and in eternity.

1. Lord, help me to live a life of integrity, even in difficult times. 

2. Father, purify my heart and align my thoughts, words, and actions with Your will. 

3. Lord, give me the strength to resist the temptation to compromise my values. 

4. Father, help me to walk securely in integrity, knowing that You are my rewarder. 

5. Lord, let my life be a testimony of Your truth and righteousness to others. 

6. Father, build trust in my relationships through a life of honesty and transparency. 

7. Lord, give me the grace to stand firm in integrity, even when I face trials and persecution. 

8. Father, I ask for Your favour and blessing as I commit to walking in integrity. 

9. Lord, help me to guard my heart and stay true to Your Word in every situation. 

10. Father, let my integrity lead to divine promotion and open doors in my life.

1. I declare that you will walk in integrity, and your life will reflect God’s truth and righteousness. 

2. Your integrity will open doors of favour and promotion that no man can close. 

3. I decree that God will protect and guide you as you live a life of honesty and uprightness. 

4. You will not compromise your values, but you will stand firm in your faith, even in the face of trials. 

5. I declare that your integrity will be a testimony to others, and it will draw people to Christ. 

6. God’s blessings and favour will follow you as you walk in integrity, and you will experience supernatural security. 

7. Every temptation to compromise will be overcome by the strength of the Lord in your life. 

8. I decree that your relationships will be built on trust, and your integrity will strengthen every bond. 

9. The Lord will honour your faithfulness and reward you with both earthly and eternal blessings. 

10. Your life of integrity will bring glory to God, and He will elevate you in every area of your life!

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