Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 7:11-15 
Supporting Texts:  Mark 5:25-34, Matthew 8:1-4, Isaiah 53:4-5

A divine touch from God has the power to transform lives, situations, and circumstances. When God touches a person, the supernatural power of healing, restoration, and deliverance is released. In Luke 7:11-15, we see Jesus raising the widow's son from the dead with a single touch. This miracle of resurrection demonstrates how God’s touch can bring life into dead situations.

The same divine touch is available to believers today. Whether you need healing, breakthrough, or restoration, one touch from the Lord is enough to change everything. The power of God’s touch can break chains, heal sicknesses, restore broken relationships, and bring dead dreams back to life.


a) Jesus’ Compassionate Touch in Nain
In Luke 7:11-15, Jesus encounters a widow whose only son has just died. Her situation seemed hopeless—she had already lost her husband, and now she was about to bury her son. Jesus, filled with compassion, touched the bier, and commanded the young man to rise. Immediately, life returned to him.

b) The Life-Giving Power of Jesus' Touch 
Jesus’ touch didn’t just comfort the widow; it changed her situation completely. The touch of Jesus brings life where there was death. It brings hope to the hopeless and joy to the sorrowful. When the divine touch of Jesus comes into our lives, everything changes. Whether it’s a dead situation, a broken heart, or a desperate need, one touch from God is enough to turn things around.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
This woman had suffered for twelve years, but she believed that if she could only touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, she would be healed. When she touched Jesus by faith, she was instantly healed. Jesus’ divine power was released through that touch, showing that faith can activate the supernatural power of God.


a) Jesus Heals with a Touch 
In Matthew 8:1-4, a leper approached Jesus and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus responded by touching the leper, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately, the man was healed of his leprosy. Jesus’ touch brought immediate and complete healing. No sickness or disease can resist the touch of the Master.

b) Restoration Beyond Physical Healing 
The touch of God not only heals physical ailments but also brings emotional and spiritual restoration. Jesus restored the widow's joy and gave her a reason to live again by raising her son. Similarly, He can restore what has been lost in our lives—whether it is peace, hope, or joy. The divine touch of Jesus brings total restoration to every area of life.

Biblical Example: Naaman’s Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14) 
Naaman was a powerful man, but he was suffering from leprosy. After following the instruction from Prophet Elisha to dip in the Jordan River seven times, he was completely healed. This story demonstrates that God’s touch, whether through direct contact or prophetic instruction, can bring healing and restoration.


a) Breaking the Chains of Bondage
In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas were imprisoned, but after they prayed and sang praises to God, there was a divine touch in the form of an earthquake. The prison doors were opened, and their chains were loosed. God’s divine touch can break the chains of bondage in our lives, whether they are spiritual, emotional, or physical.

b) Deliverance from the Power of Death 
In the story of the widow’s son, Jesus delivered him from the power of death with a touch. This miracle demonstrates that no situation is too far gone for God’s touch to bring deliverance. Whether you are facing impossible odds or battling a long-standing issue, God’s touch can bring the breakthrough you need.

Biblical Example: Lazarus Raised from the Dead (John 11:38-44) 
Lazarus had been dead for four days, but when Jesus arrived and called him forth, he was raised to life. This shows that God’s divine touch can reverse even the most hopeless situations and bring about miraculous deliverance.


a) Faith as the Key 
Throughout the Bible, we see that faith is crucial to accessing God’s divine touch. The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her faith. Blind Bartimaeus received his sight because he believed in Jesus' ability to heal him (Mark 10:46-52). If you want to experience the divine touch of God, you must come to Him in faith, believing that He can and will change your situation.

b) Prayer and Seeking God's Presence 
God’s divine touch often comes in response to fervent prayer and a deep desire for His presence. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God promises that if His people humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. Persistent prayer and a heart that seeks God will always draw His divine touch into your life.

Biblical Example: Jacob Wrestles with God (Genesis 32:22-32) 
Jacob wrestled with the angel of God and said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” His persistence in seeking a touch from God resulted in a divine blessing and a transformation of his identity. He was no longer Jacob the deceiver but Israel, a prince with God.

A divine touch from God is powerful and life-changing. Whether you need healing, deliverance, restoration, or breakthrough, one touch from the Master can transform your life. The widow in Nain experienced a miracle when Jesus touched her son, and that same divine touch is available to you today. Come to God in faith, cry out to Him in prayer, and expect Him to move in your life. Remember, just one touch from God is enough to change everything.

1. Father, I thank You for Your divine touch in my life. 

2. Lord, touch every dead situation in my life and bring it back to life. 

3. Father, by Your divine touch, heal me from every sickness and disease. 

4. Lord, restore everything I have lost by Your divine touch. 

5. Father, touch me today and break every chain of bondage in my life. 

6. Lord, I receive Your divine touch for breakthrough in every area of my life. 

7. Father, let Your hand rest upon me for divine favour and blessing. 

8. Lord, touch my family and bring healing, restoration, and deliverance. 

9. Father, by Your touch, bring me out of every difficult and hopeless situation. 

10. Lord, touch my finances, career, and ministry, and cause me to flourish.

1. I declare that one touch from God will change your life forever. 

2. Every dead situation in your life is coming back to life by the divine touch of God. 

3. You are healed from every sickness and disease by the power of God’s touch. 

4. Every chain of bondage is broken, and you are delivered by the hand of God. 

5. I decree that supernatural restoration is coming to every area of your life. 

6. The same God who raised the widow's son will touch your situation and turn it around. 

7. You will experience breakthrough after breakthrough as God’s divine touch comes upon you. 

8. I declare that God’s hand is upon you for favour, increase, and blessing. 

9. No situation is too far gone—God’s divine touch will bring miraculous deliverance. 

10. You will testify of God’s divine touch in your life this month, in Jesus’ name!

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