Tuesday 1 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Kings 18:46 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 40:31, Amos 9:13, Psalm 147:15

Supernatural speed refers to the divine acceleration that comes from God, enabling us to achieve results and make progress far beyond human ability or effort. It is when God removes delays and causes you to accomplish more in a shorter time than you naturally would. Supernatural speed is one of the ways God manifests His power in our lives, allowing us to overcome obstacles, recover lost time, and fulfil His purpose in our lives.

In 1 Kings 18:46, the Bible describes how the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah, giving him supernatural speed to outrun Ahab’s chariot. This was a miraculous act of God, showcasing how divine empowerment can make a difference in our lives. As we explore this topic, we will see how supernatural speed operates, what hinders it, and how we can position ourselves to receive it from God.


a) Divine Empowerment for Speed 
Supernatural speed comes directly from God, as He is the one who can accelerate time and open doors that seem impossible to pass through. In 1 Kings 18:46, the Bible says, "The hand of the Lord came upon Elijah, and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel." The power of God gave Elijah the ability to run faster than the king’s horses and chariots, showing that God can bring speed to any situation.

b) God's Speed Defies Natural Limitations
While human efforts may be slow or hindered by challenges, when God’s hand is upon you, you can achieve more in less time. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." This supernatural strength from God empowers believers to go beyond their natural capacity.

Biblical Example: The Israelites' Journey from Egypt 
When the Israelites were leaving Egypt, they moved with supernatural speed. In one night, they plundered the Egyptians and left a nation they had been in bondage to for over 400 years. This kind of divine acceleration is what God can do when His time comes for you to move forward.


a) Disobedience to God's Instructions 
One of the primary things that hinder supernatural speed is disobedience to God's Word. When we do not align ourselves with God's will and timing, we delay the fulfilment of His promises in our lives. Jonah experienced this when he disobeyed God's command to go to Nineveh and found himself in the belly of a fish. Disobedience slows us down, but repentance brings restoration.

b) Fear and Doubt
Fear and doubt are major obstacles to experiencing supernatural speed. When you doubt God's ability to move in your life or allow fear to control your decisions, you slow down your own progress. Peter began to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm (Matthew 14:30). To experience divine speed, we must trust in God's ability to lead and accelerate us.

Biblical Example: The Israelites' Journey to the Promised Land 
The journey to the Promised Land took the Israelites 40 years instead of 11 days due to disobedience, fear, and unbelief (Deuteronomy 1:2). These attitudes caused delay, but once they repented and trusted in God, they began to move forward again.


a) Waiting on the Lord 
Isaiah 40:31 gives us a key to supernatural speed: waiting on the Lord. When you wait on God in prayer, fasting, and seeking His direction, He renews your strength and gives you the ability to achieve more. Waiting on God positions you to receive divine instructions and empowerment for the tasks ahead.

b) Faith and Obedience 
Faith and obedience are critical in experiencing supernatural speed. Hebrews 11:6 says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." To walk in divine speed, we must have faith that God can accelerate our progress and obey His instructions without hesitation.

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the 5,000 
When Jesus told the disciples to feed the 5,000, their natural resources were insufficient. But when they obeyed and handed over the little they had, God supernaturally multiplied the resources, and the task was completed in record time. Obedience brings about supernatural results.


a) Restoration of Lost Time
Supernatural speed allows you to recover lost time. Joel 2:25 says, "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten." God can bring about divine restoration of time, opportunities, and blessings that were lost due to delays or hindrances. When God’s speed is at work in your life, you will accomplish more than you could have in the natural.

b) Divine Accomplishment
When God gives you supernatural speed, you will accomplish tasks that seem impossible to achieve in a short time. Amos 9:13 speaks of a time when "the ploughman shall overtake the reaper." This means that things will happen so fast that the usual process will be accelerated. Divine speed brings you into a season of rapid accomplishment and breakthrough.

Biblical Example: Nehemiah’s Completion of the Wall 
Despite opposition, Nehemiah completed the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days (Nehemiah 6:15). This was a task that should have taken much longer, but with God's help, it was completed in record time. When God is involved, time is no longer a limitation.

This October is your month of supernatural speed! What would normally take years to accomplish, God can bring to pass in days, weeks, or months. As you trust in His power and walk in obedience, expect delays to be broken and progress to be accelerated in your life. You are stepping into a season where God will catapult you beyond your expectations and give you divine speed to accomplish His purpose.

1. Father, thank You for Your promise of supernatural speed in my life. 

2. Lord, remove every obstacle causing delay in my progress. 

3. Father, empower me with divine speed to accomplish my purpose. 

4. Lord, give me the grace to wait on You and receive Your strength. 

5. Father, help me to walk in faith and obedience to Your instructions. 

6. Lord, restore to me the years that the enemy has stolen. 

7. Father, let divine speed propel me into my destiny this month. 

8. Lord, I declare that delays and stagnation are broken in Jesus’ name. 

9. Father, help me to recover lost opportunities and time. 

10. Lord, let me experience rapid accomplishment in every area of my life.

1. I declare that this is your month of supernatural speed! 

2. Every delay in your life is being broken right now in Jesus' name.
3. I decree that you will accomplish more in this season than ever before. 

4. Divine speed is taking you to places you never thought possible. 

5. You will recover lost time and opportunities in this season. 

6. I declare that God's hand is upon you to move forward with divine acceleration. 

7. The barriers that held you back are removed, and you will progress swiftly. 

8. I decree that your faith will rise to new levels, propelling you into success. 

9. Divine restoration is coming to you; every lost blessing is being restored. 

10. I declare that you are stepping into a season of rapid and unstoppable progress!

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