Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Galatians 6:17
Supporting Texts: Ezekiel 9:4-6, Genesis 4:15, Isaiah 44:5

Evil marks represent spiritual and physical identifiers placed on individuals to limit, afflict, or torment them. These marks are not always visible to the naked eye, but they can manifest in various negative patterns, attracting misfortune, rejection, or calamity. God’s desire is to break every evil mark over His people and replace them with marks of blessing and favour. This sermon will examine the nature of evil marks, their spiritual significance, and how to receive deliverance through Christ.


a) Definition of Evil Marks:
Evil marks are spiritual labels that signify ownership or affliction by the enemy. These marks can come through curses, demonic attacks, or covenants made consciously or unconsciously.

b) Biblical Foundation:
In Galatians 6:17, Paul declares, “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” This indicates that marks can either be for good or for evil, depending on their origin.

c) Types of Evil Marks:
Evil marks can include spiritual rejection, limitation, misfortune, and failure at the edge of breakthrough.

Biblical Example: In Genesis 4:15, after Cain murdered Abel, God placed a mark on him. This mark represented a consequence for his sin but also prevented others from killing him. This shows the spiritual power behind marks.


a) Persistent Rejection:
If you constantly face rejection in your relationships, career, or life in general, it could be due to an evil mark of rejection.

b) Unexplainable Misfortune:
Experiencing repeated cycles of failure, misfortune, or bad luck, even when all conditions for success seem to be in place, could indicate an evil mark.

c) Constant Delay and Frustration:
When breakthroughs are repeatedly delayed or blocked for no clear reason, this could be a symptom of an evil mark that is repelling favour.

Biblical Example: Job experienced a series of misfortunes when Satan targeted him, although his situation was later turned around by God’s intervention (Job 1:6-12).


a) Generational Curses:
Evil marks can be inherited from ancestors through generational curses. These marks operate as spiritual agreements that affect multiple generations (Exodus 34:7).

b) Sin and Disobedience:
Evil marks can be placed upon individuals who engage in sinful lifestyles, opening the door for the enemy to afflict them (Deuteronomy 28:15-19).

c) Witchcraft and Occult Practices:
Involvement in witchcraft or occultism can result in the transfer of evil marks, as the enemy seeks to claim ownership over those who participate in such activities.

Biblical Example: The people of Israel disobeyed God and consequently bore the marks of slavery and oppression in Egypt (Exodus 1:11-14).


a) Jesus Breaks Every Curse:
Christ came to set us free from every curse, including evil marks. Galatians 3:13 declares that Jesus became a curse for us, delivering us from the law’s curse.

b) The Blood of Jesus Cleanses:
The blood of Jesus has the power to remove every evil mark. By His sacrifice, we are cleansed from every stain of the enemy (Revelation 12:11).

c) Divine Repositioning:
When God delivers us from evil marks, He positions us for blessing and favour. He replaces the mark of rejection with a mark of approval and success (Isaiah 62:2-4).

Biblical Example: In Ezekiel 9:4-6, God commanded His angel to mark the foreheads of those who were faithful, and they were spared from judgment. God’s marks of protection override any mark of the enemy.


a) Repentance and Confession:
Acknowledge any sins that may have opened the door for the enemy to place an evil mark. Confession and repentance lead to deliverance (1 John 1:9).

b) Break Evil Covenants and Renounce Agreements:
Renounce every evil covenant or agreement with the enemy that may have been established, knowingly or unknowingly. Speak against them in prayer and break their hold through the power of Christ’s name (Isaiah 28:18).

c) Apply the Blood of Jesus:
Plead the blood of Jesus over your life and every aspect where the evil mark may be manifesting. The blood of Jesus has the power to erase every mark of affliction (Hebrews 12:24).

d) Invoke the Power of the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit brings freedom and breaks every chain. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh and empower you to walk in victory over every evil mark (2 Corinthians 3:17).

e) Stay in God’s Word and Presence:
The word of God is a weapon against the enemy’s schemes. Regularly meditate on scriptures that affirm your identity and authority in Christ. Stay rooted in prayer and fellowship with God to maintain your deliverance (Ephesians 6:17).


Evil marks can hinder one’s destiny, but God’s power is greater than any mark the enemy places on us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we have been given the victory to overcome and remove these marks from our lives. As we apply the principles of repentance, breaking covenants, and relying on the blood of Jesus, we will experience total deliverance and restoration. God desires to replace every evil mark with His mark of favour, blessing, and success.


1. Lord, I repent of every sin and open door that has allowed the enemy to place an evil mark upon my life, in Jesus' name.

2. By the blood of Jesus, I erase every evil mark operating in my life and destiny.

3. I renounce every evil covenant and agreement that has empowered the enemy to afflict me, in the name of Jesus.

4. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh and empower me to walk in victory over every form of affliction, in Jesus’ name.

5. Every evil mark of rejection and limitation placed upon me, be removed by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name.

6. I declare that I am marked for favour, blessing, and success by the hand of God.

7. Father, replace every mark of misfortune with a mark of divine breakthrough in my life.

8. Lord, deliver me from every generational curse and evil inheritance that has brought affliction into my life.

9. I cover my life with the blood of Jesus and declare that no evil shall come near my dwelling, in Jesus’ name.

10. Lord, establish me in Your word and presence so that I remain free from every form of bondage, in Jesus’ name.


1. I declare that every evil mark over your life is erased by the blood of Jesus!

2. You are marked for greatness, and no power of darkness shall limit your destiny.

3. Every cycle of rejection, misfortune, and failure is broken in the name of Jesus.

4. The hand of God is upon you to deliver you from every curse and affliction.

5. Your life will begin to attract divine favour and breakthroughs beyond imagination.

6. I prophesy that God will shield you from every evil plan, and His protection will surround you.

7. Every inherited curse is cancelled, and you shall walk in the freedom Christ has provided.

8. The Lord will open new doors of success, and no evil mark will block your progress.

9. You shall receive the mark of distinction that sets you apart for greatness.

10. From today, the story of your life changes, and you will walk in divine favour and victory in Jesus' name!

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