Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Jeremiah 1:10
Supporting Texts: Psalm 144:5-6, Isaiah 54:17, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5


In the spiritual realm, altars are powerful points of contact for both divine and evil activities. They represent a place where sacrifices are made, prayers are offered, and covenants are established. However, not all altars are of God. Evil altars are erected by demonic forces to summon curses, afflictions, and hindrances in the lives of individuals and communities. Today, we will explore how to attain deliverance from these evil altars and walk in the freedom and power that Christ provides.


a) Definition of Evil Altars:
Evil altars are places where sacrifices are made to demonic spirits, often leading to the oppression of individuals and families. These altars can be physical structures or spiritual entities that operate through generational curses and personal sins.

b) The Purpose of Evil Altars:
The purpose of evil altars is to invoke demonic powers against people, families, and nations. They aim to control and manipulate destinies, causing setbacks and failures (Jeremiah 1:10).

c) Biblical Examples of Evil Altars:
In 1 Kings 18, the prophets of Baal set up an altar to summon fire from heaven, demonstrating how evil altars can invoke spiritual warfare.

Biblical Example: In Genesis 28:18, Jacob set up an altar to the Lord after his encounter with God, highlighting the contrast between holy and evil altars.


a) Signs of Evil Altar Influence:
Signs may include repeated patterns of failure, chronic illness, stagnation in life, and conflicts within families. These can indicate the presence of evil altars that need to be addressed.

b) The Impact of Family Altars:
Many families carry the weight of evil altars from previous generations. These altars can influence behaviors, health, and financial situations, leading to cycles of defeat and despair.

c) Recognizing Personal Altars:
Sometimes, we inadvertently set up altars through sinful habits, unholy associations, or vows made in times of distress.

Biblical Example: In Exodus 20:4-5, God warns against making idols or altars to other gods, emphasizing the dangers of setting up any form of evil altar.


a) The Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against evil altars. It speaks mercy and redemption, nullifying the effects of evil sacrifices made against us (Revelation 12:11).

b) Prayer and Fasting:
Engaging in fervent prayer and fasting is crucial for breaking the hold of evil altars. Isaiah 58 emphasizes how fasting can shatter the yoke of bondage and set the oppressed free.

c) The Word of God:
The Word of God is a weapon that destroys strongholds and brings down evil altars (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Regularly speaking God’s promises empowers believers to dismantle the influence of evil.

Biblical Example: In 1 Kings 18:30-39, Elijah rebuilt the altar of the Lord and called down fire from heaven, demonstrating the power of God's altar over evil altars.


a) Acknowledging the Need for Deliverance:
The first step towards deliverance is recognizing that evil altars exist and that they need to be confronted. Admitting the influence of these altars is crucial for breakthrough.

b) Repentance and Renunciation:
Repenting of any known sins and renouncing any covenants made with evil altars is vital for spiritual freedom. Proverbs 28:13 assures us that he who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

c) Engaging in Spiritual Warfare:
Believers must engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, declarations, and actions that dismantle the structures of evil altars in their lives. This can include anointing their homes, breaking generational curses, and proclaiming victory over evil influences.

Biblical Example: In Acts 16:16-18, Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl, demonstrating the authority believers have to dismantle evil altars in their environment.


Deliverance from evil altars is essential for living a victorious Christian life. By understanding their influence, employing spiritual weapons, and engaging in prayer and repentance, we can break free from the chains that bind us. Let us take a stand against evil altars in our lives, families, and communities and declare our freedom in Christ.


1. Heavenly Father, I thank You for the power in the blood of Jesus to cleanse me from every evil altar

2. Lord, reveal any evil altars affecting my life and family in Jesus' name.

3. I renounce and break every covenant made with evil altars in my family line.

4. I declare that no evil altar shall prosper against my destiny in the name of Jesus.

5. Father, empower me through prayer and fasting to dismantle the influence of evil altars.

6. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, breaking the hold of evil altars.

7. Lord, fill my life with Your Word, which destroys the influence of evil.

8. I declare that every generational curse linked to evil altars is broken in the name of Jesus.

9. Father, give me the strength to engage in spiritual warfare against every evil altar.

10. I proclaim my freedom from every evil influence and declare that I walk in victory.


1. I declare that every evil altar erected against you is dismantled in the name of Jesus.

2. You are free from the influence of evil altars, and your life will reflect the glory of God.

3. No weapon formed against you, including evil altars, shall prosper.

4. Your generational curses are broken, and you will experience newness of life.

5. The blood of Jesus covers you, shielding you from every demonic attack.

6. You will walk in divine favor and victory as you confront evil altars.

7. Your testimony will encourage others to seek freedom from evil influences.

8. The spirit of oppression is lifted from your life, and you will experience peace.

9. You are empowered to break free from every limitation set by evil altars.

10. You are destined for greatness, and no evil altar can hinder your purpose.

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