Tuesday 8 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Philippians 3:10
“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

Supporting Texts:
Jeremiah 9:23-24
John 17:3
Hosea 6:3
Psalm 103:7
Daniel 11:32
James 1:5

Knowing God goes beyond acknowledging His existence or understanding Him superficially. It’s a lifelong journey of seeking, experiencing, and growing in an intimate relationship with Him. God desires that we know Him deeply—His character, will, and ways—not just His acts or the blessings He gives. This Bible study will explore what it means to know God beyond the surface, the barriers to deeper knowledge, and how we can actively pursue this profound relationship.

Knowing God deeply is a call that goes beyond religious observances or simply attending church. It’s about an intentional pursuit to understand His heart, character, and purposes.

a) God Desires to Be Known: God wants His people to know Him personally, not just through the blessings they receive (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

b) Eternal Life is Knowing God: Jesus defines eternal life as knowing God and Jesus Christ, pointing to the essence of our salvation—relationship, not mere rituals (John 17:3).

c) The Pursuit of Knowledge: We are called to press on to know the Lord deeply, as knowing Him brings true fulfilment (Hosea 6:3).

d) Knowing His Ways, Not Just His Acts: It’s possible to know God’s works without knowing His ways. Israel knew God's acts, but Moses knew His ways (Psalm 103:7).

e) Experiencing God's Power and Character: Knowing God deeply allows us to experience His power, wisdom, and might, which empowers us for daily living (Daniel 11:32).

Biblical Example:
Moses (Exodus 33:13) desired to know God beyond the miracles He performed. He asked to know God’s ways and experience His presence, illustrating a hunger for deeper intimacy with God.

Several obstacles can hinder believers from knowing God deeply. These barriers prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God’s relationship with us.

a) Spiritual Apathy: Indifference or a lack of spiritual zeal leads to shallow knowledge of God (Revelation 3:15-16).

b) Worldly Distractions: The cares of this world and the pursuit of material things can choke our desire to know God (Luke 8:14).

c) Sin and Unrepentance: Sin separates us from God, creating a barrier to knowing Him intimately (Isaiah 59:2).

d) Religious Formalism: A form of godliness without genuine relationship reduces our faith to mere rituals (2 Timothy 3:5).

e) Pride and Self-Sufficiency: Pride in our own understanding or strength can keep us from humbling ourselves to know God (James 4:6).

Biblical Example:
The Pharisees (Matthew 15:8-9) were religious leaders who followed the law externally but lacked a deep, personal knowledge of God. Their hearts were far from God, though they appeared godly outwardly.

Knowing God deeply requires intentional pursuit. It is not something that happens automatically but must be sought with all of our hearts.

a) Seeking God with Your Whole Heart: God promises that when we seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

b) Through His Word: The Word of God reveals His character and His will. To know God, we must engage deeply with Scripture (Psalm 119:105).

c) Through Prayer: Prayer is a powerful way to deepen our relationship with God, allowing us to communicate and hear from Him (Jeremiah 33:3).

d) Through Worship: Genuine worship draws us closer to God and allows us to encounter Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24).

e) Through Obedience: True knowledge of God comes through obedience to His commands. Obeying Him shows that we truly know and love Him (John 14:21).

Biblical Example:
Paul (Philippians 3:10) longed to know Christ intimately, not only in His power but also in His sufferings. His pursuit of a deeper knowledge of God was relentless, even to the point of wanting to share in Christ’s suffering for greater understanding.

Knowing God beyond the surface comes with rich rewards that transform our lives and relationship with Him.

a) Experiencing God’s Power: When we know God deeply, we experience His power in our lives, as we live out His purposes (Ephesians 1:19).

b) Unshakable Faith: Deep knowledge of God produces steadfast faith, as we understand His sovereignty and faithfulness (Daniel 3:16-18).

c) Divine Wisdom and Insight: God grants wisdom and revelation to those who seek to know Him deeply, allowing us to navigate life with His perspective (James 1:5).

d) Peace and Security: Knowing God beyond the surface brings peace that transcends understanding and security in His promises (Isaiah 26:3).

e) Fruitfulness in Service: When we know God intimately, we become more fruitful in our service, reflecting His character and power in everything we do (John 15:4-5).

Biblical Example:
Daniel (Daniel 11:32) knew God deeply, which enabled him to stand firm in faith and do great exploits, even in the face of opposition and persecution.


Practical steps can help us develop a deeper relationship with God and grow in our knowledge of Him.

a) Develop a Daily Devotional Life: Regular time with God through prayer, Bible reading, and reflection helps build intimacy (Matthew 6:6).

b) Prioritise God Above All: Make knowing God the highest priority in your life, above worldly pursuits (Matthew 6:33).

c) Practice Humility: Approach God with humility, recognising our need for His grace and guidance (Micah 6:8).

d) Surround Yourself with Godly Counsel: Fellowship with other believers helps sharpen your knowledge of God and provides support in your pursuit (Proverbs 27:17).

e) Remain Teachable and Open: Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, willing to learn and grow in your understanding of God (John 16:13).

Biblical Example:
Mary (Luke 10:38-42) chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His words, prioritising her relationship with Him over other distractions. Her desire to know Christ deeply exemplifies the heart we should have.

Knowing God beyond the surface is a lifelong pursuit that transforms our lives and draws us closer to His heart. It requires intentionality, a commitment to spiritual disciplines, and a hunger for more of Him. As we seek to know God deeply, we will experience His power, wisdom, and peace in ways that impact every area of our lives.

1. Lord, give me a heart that longs to know You beyond the surface.

2. Father, help me to overcome every barrier that hinders my relationship with You.

3. Holy Spirit, guide me into a deeper understanding of God’s character and will.

4. Lord, reveal more of Yourself to me as I seek You with all my heart.

5. Father, grant me the grace to prioritise my relationship with You above all else.

6. Lord, let Your Word become alive in my heart as I study and meditate on it.

7. Father, help me to be obedient to Your commands, showing my love and knowledge of You.

8. Holy Spirit, lead me into all truth and give me divine wisdom and insight.

9. Lord, help me to remain humble and teachable as I grow in my knowledge of You.

10. Father, may my life reflect Your glory as I deepen my relationship with You.


1. I declare that you will hunger and thirst to know God more intimately.

2. Every barrier that hinders your knowledge of God is broken in Jesus’ name.

3. You will experience divine wisdom and revelation as you seek to know the Lord.

4. Your faith will be strengthened as you grow in your understanding of God’s character.

5. I declare that distractions and spiritual apathy will not hold you back from pursuing God.

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