Wednesday 2 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Exodus 14:15 
Supporting Texts: Philippians 3:13-14, Isaiah 40:31, Proverbs 4:18

Unstoppable progress means moving forward despite opposition, challenges, or setbacks. It is the kind of progress that God grants His children when they trust in Him, stay focused on His purpose, and refuse to be held back by circumstances. In Exodus 14, we see a vivid example of unstoppable progress when God commanded Moses to tell the Israelites to move forward despite the Red Sea being before them and the Egyptian army behind them. With divine intervention, what seemed impossible became a miraculous path to victory.

Unstoppable progress is not by human effort but by divine empowerment. When God gives you the mandate to move forward, no obstacle can stop you. It is His will for you to continually advance, both spiritually and in all areas of your life.


a) Move Forward in Faith (Exodus 14:15)
In the face of adversity, God's command to the Israelites was clear: "Tell the children of Israel to go forward." Despite the Red Sea before them, God’s instruction was not to retreat or stand still but to advance. Faith in God’s word and promises is the key to making unstoppable progress. Faith pushes us to take steps even when the situation looks impossible.

b) Obstacles are Opportunities for Miracles
When God commands you to move forward, obstacles are simply stepping stones to greater glory. The Red Sea was not a barrier to Israel’s progress; it became the path to their deliverance. God turns impossibilities into opportunities for breakthroughs when we trust Him.

Biblical Example: Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River (Joshua 3:14-17) 
Just as the Red Sea was parted for Moses, God also parted the Jordan River for Joshua. When the priests stepped into the water carrying the Ark of the Covenant, the river stopped flowing, and the people crossed on dry ground. This illustrates how God ensures progress for His people when they trust Him and take action.


a) Overcoming Fear and Doubt 
Fear and doubt are two of the greatest barriers to progress. The Israelites were afraid of the pursuing Egyptians and doubted their ability to cross the Red Sea, but God reminded them that He was with them. Fear paralyzes, but faith activates God's power. To experience unstoppable progress, you must refuse to let fear dictate your decisions and trust in God’s ability to make a way.

b) Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone 
Many times, we are tempted to stay in familiar places because they feel safe. However, true progress requires moving out of your comfort zone. Abraham had to leave his homeland to receive the promise (Genesis 12:1). God often calls us to places that challenge our faith so that we can experience His miraculous provision and guidance.

Biblical Example: Peter Walking on Water (Matthew 14:28-31) 
Peter stepped out of the boat in faith when Jesus called him to walk on water. Despite the stormy conditions, Peter made progress as long as his focus was on Jesus. However, when he allowed fear to creep in, he began to sink. This demonstrates that progress is unstoppable as long as we keep our eyes on Christ.


a) Strength for the Journey 
Unstoppable progress requires strength that comes from God. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." God gives supernatural strength to those who trust in Him, enabling them to keep moving forward even when the road is difficult.

b) The Role of the Holy Spirit in Progress
The Holy Spirit is our divine helper and guide. He gives us the wisdom, strength, and courage to keep advancing. In Acts 1:8, Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. This empowerment led to the rapid spread of the gospel, despite intense persecution. When you are filled with the Spirit, nothing can stop you from fulfilling God's plan for your life.

Biblical Example: Nehemiah’s Success in Rebuilding the Walls (Nehemiah 6:15-16
Nehemiah faced tremendous opposition while rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, but through prayer, wisdom, and determination, the work was completed in record time. His progress was unstoppable because he relied on God’s strength and guidance.


a) A Focus on the Goal (Philippians 3:13-14) 
Paul encourages us to forget what lies behind and press forward towards the goal. Unstoppable progress requires a forward-focused mindset. We must leave behind past failures, disappointments, and distractions, and concentrate on reaching the prize that God has set before us.

b) Persistence in the Face of Opposition
The enemy often intensifies his attacks when we are close to breakthrough, but persistence is key to overcoming opposition. Galatians 6:9 reminds us, "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Keep pushing forward, even when progress seems slow or obstacles appear insurmountable. With God on your side, you will reach your destination.

Biblical Example: The Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8) 
The widow in Jesus’ parable did not give up on her plea for justice, even though the judge initially refused her. Her persistence eventually won her the justice she sought. Similarly, unstoppable progress requires us to keep moving forward in faith, knowing that God will grant us victory.

Unstoppable progress is possible when we trust in God, act in faith, and rely on His divine empowerment. Just as God led the Israelites through the Red Sea, He will make a way for you to move forward, no matter what obstacles stand in your path. As long as you keep your eyes on God and refuse to be deterred by challenges, you will experience divine progress and fulfilment of His promises.

1. Father, give me the grace to move forward despite the challenges I face. 

2. Lord, remove every obstacle standing in the way of my progress. 

3. Father, strengthen me by Your Spirit for unstoppable progress in my life. 

4. Lord, help me to overcome fear and doubt, and to trust in Your power. 

5. Father, take me out of my comfort zone and lead me into the place of progress. 

6. Lord, empower me by the Holy Spirit to fulfil my divine destiny. 

7. Father, grant me the persistence to press on towards the mark of my calling. 

8. Lord, give me the wisdom to navigate every challenge that comes my way. 

9. Father, let Your hand be upon me for continuous progress and success. 

10. Lord, I declare that I will not be stopped or hindered in my journey of progress.

1. I declare that every obstacle to your progress is removed in the name of Jesus. 

2. You will move forward despite every challenge, and nothing will stop you. 

3. The power of God will grant you unstoppable progress in every area of your life. 

4. I decree that every chain holding you back is broken today.
5. You will experience divine acceleration and advancement in all your endeavours. 

6. Every plan of the enemy to hinder your progress is destroyed in Jesus’ name. 

7. You will not grow weary or faint, but you will soar on wings like eagles. 

8. God’s favour will go before you and open doors for your progress. 

9. I declare that you will press on to victory, and your progress will not be delayed. 

10. This month, you will testify of unstoppable progress in Jesus’ name!

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