Monday 7 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 91:1
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Supporting Texts:
Psalm 27:5
Isaiah 26:3
Matthew 6:6
Exodus 33:14
Colossians 3:3
John 15:4

The concept of the "secret place" represents a deep, intimate relationship with God. It is where we find safety, peace, and spiritual nourishment. Dwelling in God’s secret place is not about physical location but about spiritual proximity to God. This Bible study will explore what it means to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, the benefits of remaining there, and how we can cultivate a life of constant fellowship with God.

The secret place is where we experience God in a personal and profound way. It is a place of spiritual refuge and communion.

a) A Place of Intimacy with God: The secret place is where we engage in deep fellowship with God, away from distractions, and align our hearts with His (Matthew 6:6).

b) A Place of Protection: It is a spiritual refuge where we are shielded from the storms of life and the attacks of the enemy (Psalm 91:1).

c) A Place of Revelation: In the secret place, God reveals His will, His character, and His plans for our lives (Jeremiah 33:3).

d) A Place of Rest: God’s presence offers rest and peace that the world cannot provide (Exodus 33:14).

e) A Place of Strength: When we dwell in God’s presence, we are renewed and strengthened spiritually, mentally, and emotionally (Isaiah 40:31).

Biblical Example:
Moses (Exodus 33:11) often met with God in the Tent of Meeting, experiencing deep intimacy with God. His face shone with God’s glory as a result of dwelling in God’s presence.


Dwelling in God’s secret place is not a one-time event but a continuous lifestyle of communion with Him.

a) Develop a Consistent Prayer Life: Prayer is the key to entering and dwelling in God’s secret place. It fosters ongoing communication with God (Matthew 6:6).

b) Meditate on God’s Word: God’s Word is His voice to us. Meditating on Scripture keeps us aligned with His will and strengthens our relationship with Him (Joshua 1:8).

c) Cultivate an Attitude of Worship: Worship is more than singing; it is a lifestyle that exalts God in all circumstances, drawing us closer to Him (Psalm 95:6-7).

d) Practice Solitude and Stillness: In the secret place, we learn to quiet our minds and hearts, allowing God to speak to us in the stillness (Psalm 46:10).

e) Live a Life of Obedience: Dwelling in God’s secret place requires obedience to His commands. It is a reflection of our love and trust in Him (John 14:15).

Biblical Example:
David (Psalm 27:4) longed to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. His desire for God’s presence was central to his kingship and personal life, making him a man after God’s own heart.

Those who dwell in the secret place of God experience a range of spiritual and practical benefits that flow from His presence.

a) Divine Protection: God becomes our refuge and fortress, shielding us from harm and spiritual attacks (Psalm 91:2-4).

b) Peace and Calm: Dwelling in God’s presence brings peace that transcends understanding, guarding our hearts and minds (Isaiah 26:3).

c) Divine Guidance: In the secret place, God gives direction and guidance, helping us make wise decisions (Psalm 32:8).

d) Spiritual Fruitfulness: Abiding in God allows us to bear spiritual fruit, as our lives become productive and impactful for His kingdom (John 15:4-5).

e) Supernatural Deliverance: When we face challenges, God delivers us, showing His faithfulness and power in times of trouble (Psalm 91:14-16).

Biblical Example:
Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-6) was led by God to dwell by the Brook Cherith during a time of famine. In that secret place, God provided for Elijah’s needs, sending ravens to feed him and water from the brook.


While God desires for us to dwell in His secret place, there are obstacles that can prevent us from fully experiencing His presence.

a) Busyness and Distractions: The cares of life and the busyness of daily routines can pull us away from spending quality time with God (Luke 10:40-42).

b) Unconfessed Sin: Sin separates us from God and hinders our ability to dwell in His presence (Isaiah 59:2).

c) Lack of Faith: Doubt and unbelief can prevent us from fully trusting in God’s presence and promises (Hebrews 11:6).

d) Neglecting Spiritual Disciplines: A lack of prayer, Bible study, and worship weakens our connection to God, making it harder to dwell in His presence (James 4:8).

e) Fear and Anxiety: Fear and worry can cloud our minds and prevent us from experiencing the peace of God’s secret place (Philippians 4:6-7).

Biblical Example:
Martha (Luke 10:38-42) was distracted by the tasks of serving while Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet. Martha’s busyness hindered her from dwelling in the secret place, while Mary experienced the peace and wisdom that came from being in Jesus’ presence.


It is often in times of difficulty that we need to dwell in God’s secret place the most. Remaining there provides the strength and peace necessary to endure trials.

a) Trusting God in Uncertainty: Even when life is uncertain, dwelling in God’s secret place reminds us that He is in control (Isaiah 41:10).

b) Drawing Strength from His Presence: God’s presence provides supernatural strength when we feel weak or overwhelmed (2 Corinthians 12:9).

c) Casting Our Cares on Him: In times of trouble, we are invited to cast all our worries on God, trusting that He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

d) Finding Rest in His Promises: God’s promises are our anchor during difficult times. In His presence, we can rest in His faithfulness (Psalm 37:7).

e) Experiencing His Comfort and Peace: Even in the valley of the shadow of death, God’s presence is our comfort and peace (Psalm 23:4).

Biblical Example:
Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25) were imprisoned, yet they chose to dwell in God’s presence through prayer and worship. As a result, they experienced God’s miraculous deliverance and peace, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Dwelling in God’s secret place is an invitation to experience the fullness of His presence, protection, and peace. It is a place of intimate communion with God where we are strengthened and guided by His Spirit. In this place, we find refuge from the storms of life and are empowered to live victoriously. As we cultivate a lifestyle of dwelling in God’s presence, we will experience the abundant blessings that flow from His secret place.

1. Lord, teach me to dwell in Your secret place every day of my life.

2. Father, help me to find peace and rest in Your presence.

3. Holy Spirit, draw me into a deeper, more intimate relationship with You.

4. Lord, remove every distraction that hinders me from spending time with You.

5. Father, grant me the grace to trust You in every season of life.

6. Lord, protect me and my family as we dwell under the shadow of Your wings.

7. Father, reveal more of Yourself to me as I seek Your face.

8. Lord, strengthen my faith and keep me grounded in Your Word.

9. Father, help me to abide in You, bearing fruit for Your Kingdom.

10. Lord, fill me with Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

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