Wednesday 2 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Mark 5:25-29 
Supporting Texts: Acts 16:25-26, Matthew 8:2-3, Isaiah 65:24

Our God is a God of immediacy. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of how God stepped into situations and brought instant change. The power of God is not bound by time; He can move swiftly and cause miracles to happen immediately. When the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus, she experienced instant healing. Likewise, we serve a God who can bring about sudden turnarounds in our lives. No matter what you’re facing, God is able to intervene immediately when we approach Him with faith.


   - a) Bold Faith Moves God
The woman with the issue of blood demonstrated bold faith by pushing through the crowd to touch Jesus (Mark 5:25-29).

   - b) Trusting in God’s Power: Our faith should not be in human ability but in God’s power to change our situation in an instant (Matthew 19:26).

   - c) Expecting Immediate Change: We must believe that God can respond to our needs right away when we cry out to Him (Hebrews 11:6).

  - d)  God Rewards Persistent Faith:
Even when delayed, persistent faith can result in immediate breakthroughs (Luke 18:1-8).

   - e)  Biblical Example: The centurion's servant was healed instantly because of his great faith (Matthew 8:5-13).

   - a)  Praying in Faith: When we pray with faith, God can move instantly in our lives (James 5:16).

   - b) Sudden Breakthroughs in Prayer: In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas experienced immediate deliverance when they prayed and sang praises to God.

   - c) God's Timing is Perfect: Even though we may not always see immediate results, God’s timing is always right on time (Isaiah 55:8-9).

   - d)  Seeking God’s Presence: When we approach God's throne with boldness, He can release instant miracles (Hebrews 4:16).

   - e)  Biblical Example: Elijah prayed for fire, and it fell immediately, displaying God's power (1 Kings 18:36-38).


   - a)  Quick Obedience Brings Immediate Results: When we obey God without delay, we position ourselves for immediate blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

   - b)  Following God's Instructions 
Naaman received immediate healing when he obeyed Elisha's instruction to wash in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:14).

   - c)  Living in Alignment with God’s Will:
Walking in obedience keeps us in a place where God can bless us quickly (Psalm 84:11).

   - d)  Obedience Opens Doors to Divine Intervention: When we trust God’s direction and act upon it, He can perform immediate miracles in our lives (John 2:5-9).

   - e)  Biblical Example: The ten lepers were healed as they obeyed Jesus and went to show themselves to the priests (Luke 17:12-14).

   - a)  Crying Out for Mercy:
The blind Bartimaeus experienced immediate healing because he cried out for Jesus’ mercy (Mark 10:46-52).

   - b)  God is Rich in Mercy: God's mercy is powerful and can cause instant turnarounds in our lives (Ephesians 2:4-5).

   - c) Approaching God's Throne of Grace:
When we call upon God’s mercy, we open the door for Him to respond immediately (Hebrews 4:16).

   - d) God’s Compassion for His Children: Our Father in heaven is full of compassion, and He moves swiftly to meet the needs of His children (Psalm 103:13).

   - e) Biblical Example:
The widow of Nain experienced an immediate miracle when Jesus had compassion and raised her son from the dead (Luke 7:11-15).


   - a) God’s Timing is Perfect: There are moments in our lives when God chooses to act immediately because His divine timing aligns with His purpose for us (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

   - b) Sudden Divine Visitations: Just as Peter was miraculously freed from prison immediately by an angel, God can deliver us at His appointed time (Acts 12:6-11).

   - c) Resting in God’s Sovereignty:
Even when we do not see immediate results, we must trust that God is working behind the scenes for our good (Romans 8:28).

   - d) God Moves When We Least Expect It:
Sometimes God’s intervention comes suddenly, catching us by surprise (Isaiah 48:3).

   - e) **Biblical Example: Joseph’s promotion to become second in command of Egypt came suddenly after years of waiting (Genesis 41:14-44).

The God of immediately is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still in the business of performing sudden miracles, bringing instant healing, and opening doors of breakthroughs. When we combine faith, prayer, and obedience, we create an atmosphere where God can move immediately. Whether it is healing, deliverance, or a breakthrough, remember that nothing is too hard for God. Trust Him for an immediate turnaround in your situation, for He is a God who can move swiftly.

1. Father, give me the faith to believe You for immediate breakthroughs. 

2. Lord, intervene immediately in every situation that seems hopeless in my life. 

3. I pray for sudden healing and deliverance in every area of my life. 

4. Lord, let Your mercy bring immediate change to my circumstances. 

5. Father, teach me to obey Your Word without hesitation so I can experience immediate blessings.

6. I declare that every delay in my life will turn into divine acceleration. 

7. Lord, visit my family with immediate solutions to every challenge we are facing. 

8. I ask for immediate open doors and breakthroughs in my career and finances. 

9. Father, release sudden miracles in my ministry and spiritual walk with You. 

10. Lord, move immediately in our church, bringing revival and transformation.

1. I declare that your season of waiting is over; receive immediate breakthroughs. 

2. Every door that has been closed will open suddenly in Jesus' name. 

3. The God of immediately will intervene in every impossible situation in your life. 

4. I decree that healing, deliverance, and restoration will manifest in your life immediately.

5. Sudden divine visitations will bring joy and testimonies to your household. 

6. I declare that you will experience swift answers to your prayers. 

7. Every obstacle in your path will be removed instantly by the hand of God. 

8. Your enemies will be confounded as God brings about immediate change in your life. 

9. I declare divine acceleration over your destiny; what should take years will happen in moments. 

10. This is your season of immediate favour, blessings, and supernatural provision. 

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