Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  1 Kings 18:36-39 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 22:9-14, Judges 6:25-28, 2 Chronicles 7:1-2

The altar of sacrifice is a place where divine exchanges occur. It is where God meets man, and where battles are fought and won in the spiritual realm. Throughout Scripture, we see the altar as a place of divine intervention, breakthrough, and victory. One of the most powerful examples is the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18). Elijah defeated his enemies not by physical might but through the power of the altar and the sacrifice he presented to God. Today, we will explore how the altar of sacrifice can be the place where you gain victory over your enemies.


a) What is the Altar? 
In the Bible, the altar represents a sacred place of meeting between God and man. It is where sacrifices are offered, and God's presence is invoked. It also symbolises a place of covenant, where divine promises are made, and battles are won in the spirit.

b) The Power of Sacrifice
Sacrifice on the altar carries spiritual weight. When we offer something precious to God, it moves His hand to act on our behalf. In Genesis 22, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac, and God intervened, providing a ram as a substitute and blessing Abraham with great promises. Sacrifice releases divine intervention and opens doors to breakthrough.

Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 22:9-14) 
When Abraham obeyed God and brought Isaac to the altar, God saw his faith and provided a ram in Isaac's place. This act of sacrifice brought a divine covenant, and Abraham's enemies were defeated through his obedience and faith.


a) Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:36-39)
The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal shows the power of the altar in defeating enemies. Elijah repaired the altar, placed a sacrifice on it, and called on God to answer by fire. God responded by consuming the sacrifice with fire, proving His power and defeating the false prophets. Elijah’s enemies were destroyed at the altar because he followed God’s instructions and offered a worthy sacrifice.

b) Gideon and the Altar of His Father (Judges 6:25-28) 
Gideon was instructed by God to tear down his father's altar to Baal and build an altar to the Lord. This act of obedience resulted in God empowering Gideon to defeat the Midianites, who were oppressing Israel. The destruction of the enemy began with the re-establishment of a godly altar.

Biblical Example: Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-39) 
Elijah’s enemies, the prophets of Baal, were defeated when fire fell from heaven, proving God’s supremacy. Elijah’s sacrifice on the altar led to a display of God’s power, and the people turned back to God. The victory was won at the altar through the power of sacrifice.


a) Obedience Prepares the Ground for Victory 
Sacrifice without obedience is meaningless. God values the heart behind the sacrifice. When we obey God’s instructions, we invite His power to work in our lives. In 1 Samuel 15:22, Samuel told Saul that obedience is better than sacrifice. Before presenting your offering, ensure your heart is aligned with God's will.

b) Sacrifice Unlocks Divine Intervention 
In moments of crisis, the altar of sacrifice can unlock divine intervention when offered in obedience. Hezekiah's prayer of sacrifice (Isaiah 38) moved God to extend his life by 15 years. When you place your trust in God, your obedience coupled with sacrifice brings about victory.

Biblical Example: Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:1-5) 
When faced with death, Hezekiah prayed earnestly and offered his life as a living sacrifice. His prayer moved God, and his life was extended. This example highlights the power of obedience in sacrifice and how it can turn around a negative situation.


a) Sacrifice Provokes God's Fire
When sacrifices are made at the altar, it provokes the fire of God. This fire represents divine intervention, cleansing, and judgement upon the enemies. Just as the fire consumed Elijah’s sacrifice, when we present our sacrifices to God in faith, His fire consumes the plans of the enemy.

b) The Blood Sacrifice of Jesus 
The ultimate sacrifice was made by Jesus on the cross. His sacrifice provided the final victory over sin, death, and every enemy. When we come to God through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are standing in a place of victory. The blood of Jesus speaks for us at the altar, defeating the accusations of the enemy.

Biblical Example:  Jesus (Hebrews 10:12-14) 
Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice, defeating every spiritual enemy and granting us eternal victory. His sacrifice on the altar of the cross is the ultimate example of how victory is secured through sacrifice.


a) Build an Altar of Prayer and Worship
Your altar today is the place of prayer and worship. As you offer sacrifices of praise, worship, and prayer, you are creating an environment where God can move powerfully in your life. Set aside time daily to seek God's face, and let your altar be a place of divine encounter.

b) Offer Sacrifices of Thanksgiving and Faith
The Bible says to present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1). Your life, given fully to God, is a powerful weapon against the enemy. Thanksgiving, even in difficult situations, is a sacrifice that invites God’s presence and power into your circumstances.

Biblical Example:  Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:1-2) 
When Solomon dedicated the temple, he offered an extravagant sacrifice to God. In response, fire came down from heaven, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. This demonstrates that when we build an altar and offer sacrifices to God, He responds with His presence and power.

Victory over your enemies can be secured at the altar of sacrifice. Whether it’s the altar of prayer, worship, or physical sacrifice, God honours the offering of a pure heart. Just as Elijah, Abraham, and Gideon saw their enemies defeated through the altar, so too can you. Approach God’s altar with obedience and faith, and you will witness His divine intervention.

1. Lord, help me to build an altar of sacrifice in my life where Your presence can dwell. 

2. Father, every enemy in my life, let them be defeated at the altar of sacrifice. 

3. Lord, by the fire of Your presence, consume every plan of the enemy against me. 

4. I declare victory over every enemy of my progress and destiny in Jesus' name. 

5. Lord, as I offer my life as a living sacrifice, let Your power be released in my situation. 

6. Father, every altar speaking against my life, I tear it down in the name of Jesus. 

7. Lord, let my sacrifices provoke Your divine intervention in every area of my life. 

8. By the blood of Jesus, I overcome every enemy at the altar of sacrifice. 

9. Father, let Your fire fall upon my sacrifices and grant me victory. 

10. I declare that I will walk in victory through the power of sacrifice in Jesus' name.

1. I declare that every enemy standing against your progress will be defeated at the altar of sacrifice. 

2. The fire of God will consume every hindrance to your breakthrough. 

3. As you present your sacrifices to God, you will see divine intervention in every area of your life. 

4. I decree that every altar raised against you is destroyed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

5. You will walk in victory over every foundational and generational battle. 

6. The Lord will answer your prayers by fire, and your enemies will be put to shame. 

7. Every sacrifice you make in obedience to God will provoke His blessings upon your life. 

8. I declare that your altar of prayer and worship will bring down strongholds. 

9. You will experience supernatural breakthroughs as you honour God with your sacrifices. 

10. I decree that the victory you seek is already won through the blood of Jesus at the altar of sacrifice.

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