Thursday 10 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 24:1
Supporting Texts: Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Ephesians 1:3, Proverbs 10:22

The Scripture in Genesis 24:1 declares that Abraham was old and well advanced in age, and the Lord had blessed him in all things. Abraham's life serves as a powerful example of someone who lived under the blessing and favour of God. His story shows us that God desires to bless His people abundantly—beyond measure. In this sermon, we will explore what it means to be blessed beyond measure, using Abraham’s life as a case study.


a) All blessings flow from God, the creator of heaven and earth (James 1:17).

b) The blessings of God are not limited by human circumstances or efforts; they are an outpouring of His divine grace.

c) Abraham’s blessings came as a result of God’s covenant promise and faithfulness (Genesis 12:1-3).

d) It is important to recognise that true blessings come from God, not from human endeavours alone.

e) Biblical Example: Isaac, Abraham’s son, was blessed in a time of famine because God’s favour rested upon him (Genesis 26:12-13).


a) God’s blessings encompass every aspect of life—spiritual, physical, and material (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).

b) Abraham was not only wealthy in material possessions, but he was also blessed with spiritual favour, good health, and family.

c) Many people focus solely on material wealth, but God’s blessings extend to peace, joy, health, and wisdom.

d) Being blessed beyond measure means having an abundance of spiritual and emotional well-being.

e) Biblical Example: Solomon, though materially blessed, recognised that wisdom and understanding were greater gifts from God (1 Kings 3:9-13).


a) Abraham's blessings were a direct result of his obedience to God's call and command (Genesis 12:4).

b) Walking in obedience opens the door to experiencing the fullness of God's blessings in our lives.

c) Obedience to God aligns us with His purpose, allowing His blessings to manifest in our lives without hindrance.

d) Just as Abraham obeyed without hesitation, we must learn to trust God’s instructions and follow them.

e) Biblical Example: In Deuteronomy 28:1, God promises blessings for those who diligently obey His voice and follow His commandments.


a) Abraham’s life shows us what it means to live in the "blessing zone," where God’s favour continually rests upon us.

b) When we live a life of faith and dependence on God, His blessings follow us wherever we go.

c) Like Abraham, our lives can be marked by continuous favour, provision, and divine intervention.

d) God’s blessings are not confined to a single moment; they are meant to follow us throughout our lives (Psalm 23:6).

e) Biblical Example: Joseph lived in the blessing zone, and everything he did prospered because the Lord was with him (Genesis 39:2-5).


a) God desires to bless His children beyond their wildest dreams, exceeding their expectations (Ephesians 3:20).

b) Abraham’s life is a testimony of God’s abundant blessings in every area—he was blessed in wealth, health, family, and spiritual legacy.

c) God’s desire is not only to bless us but also to make us a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2).

d) The blessings of God are generational—what He started with Abraham extended to Isaac, Jacob, and beyond.

e) Biblical Example: When Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fish, there was an overflow beyond what was needed, showing that God blesses beyond measure (John 6:12-13).

Abraham’s life is a picture of being blessed beyond measure. He was a man who walked in obedience and faith, and as a result, God blessed him in all things—spiritually, materially, and physically. The same God who blessed Abraham wants to bless us today. As we walk in faith and obedience, we can trust God to bless us beyond measure in every area of our lives.


1. Lord, bless me in all areas of my life, just as You blessed Abraham.

2. Father, give me the grace to walk in obedience to Your Word.

3. Lord, help me to recognise that all true blessings come from You.

4. Father, let Your blessings overflow in my life—spiritually, materially, and physically.

5. Lord, help me to live in the blessing zone, where Your favour continually rests upon me.

6. Father, bless me beyond measure and make me a blessing to others.

7. Lord, remove any hindrance to the flow of Your blessings in my life.

8. Father, let Your blessings be evident in my health, family, and work.

9. Lord, bless me with divine wisdom, peace, and joy in abundance.

10. Father, let my life be a testimony of Your faithfulness and blessings.


1. I declare that you will be blessed beyond measure, just as Abraham was.

2. May the blessings of God follow you in every area of your life.

3. I decree that you will walk in obedience and experience the fullness of God's blessings.

4. Your life will overflow with spiritual, physical, and material blessings.

5. I declare that you will live in the blessing zone, where God's favour never ceases.

6. May you be blessed with wisdom, peace, and joy that surpasses understanding.

7. I decree that your family will be blessed for generations to come.

8. I declare that God will make you a blessing to others.

9. Your life will testify of God's abundant blessings in all things.

10. I declare that you will see the overflow of God’s blessings beyond your expectations.

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