Thursday 3 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 60:1-3 

Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 17:55-58, Genesis 41:37-44, 1 Kings 10:1-10

Good news is something that brings joy, relief, and celebration. When God intervenes in a person’s life, the testimony becomes so impactful that it cannot be hidden. The world will hear of the great things God has done, and His glory will be revealed. Throughout Scripture, we see instances where the acts of God in the lives of individuals became public testimony. This sermon will encourage us to believe that just as God worked in the lives of biblical figures, He will cause our good news to be heard by many.


a) Favour Distinguishes
When the favour of God is upon your life, it sets you apart from others, and your good news cannot be hidden (Genesis 41:37-44).

b) Joseph's Testimony:
Joseph was in prison one moment, but the next moment, he was promoted to second-in-command over Egypt. His promotion was so significant that the entire nation heard of it.

c) God's Favour is Public
God’s blessings in our lives are not meant to be kept secret. Just as Joseph’s story reached the ears of Pharaoh, God will make your testimony known (Psalm 75:6-7).

d) Divine Exaltation
The favour of God brings you before kings and people of influence. Your testimony will be shared among the mighty (Proverbs 18:16).

e) Biblical Example
Mordecai was promoted, and the news of his promotion spread throughout the kingdom (Esther 10:1-3).


a) Testimonies That Glorify God
When God does something marvellous, it becomes a testimony that brings glory to His name (John 9:3).

b) The Blind Man’s Healing
The man born blind was healed by Jesus, and his testimony spread across the town. His healing brought glory to God and became a public testimony (John 9:6-12).

c) God's Works Speak
The miraculous acts of God in our lives will draw attention to Him, and men will glorify God because of our testimonies (Matthew 5:16).

d) Your Good News is a Witness The goodness of God in your life will serve as a witness to others, leading them to faith (Acts 4:13-14).

e) Biblical Example
The Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus led her to spread the good news about the Messiah, and many in her town believed because of her testimony (John 4:39).


a) Good News Attracts Attention
When God blesses you, people will be drawn to the testimony of what He has done in your life (Isaiah 60:1-3).

b) The Queen of Sheba
When the Queen of Sheba heard about Solomon’s wisdom and wealth, she travelled a great distance to witness it for herself (1 Kings 10:1-10).

c) Your Testimony Will Bring Honour
God’s blessings will cause people to seek you out for advice, wisdom, and guidance. Your good news will elevate your status (Proverbs 22:29).

d) God’s Blessings Are Irresistible
When God opens doors and elevates you, your testimony will become an irresistible attraction for those who seek to know more (Zechariah 8:23).

e) Biblical Example
David's victory over Goliath caused Saul to inquire about him, and his fame spread throughout Israel (1 Samuel 17:55-58).


a) God Turns Bad Situations Around
No matter how bad your situation may seem, God can turn it into good news that will be heard by all (Romans 8:28).

b) The Story of Job
Job went from losing everything to receiving double blessings. His restoration became a testimony, and his story is still shared today (Job 42:10-17).

c) God Redeems Our Failures
What the enemy meant for evil, God can turn for good. Your pain will be transformed into a public testimony of God's grace (Genesis 50:20).

d) Good News from the Ashes When God restores, it is always greater than what was lost. People will hear of your comeback, and God will be glorified (Isaiah 61:7).

e) Biblical Example
Hannah went from being childless to having a son, Samuel. Her joy and testimony spread, and her name became known in Israel (1 Samuel 2:1-10).


a) Sudden Breakthroughs
God is able to bring about sudden breakthroughs that will shock those around you (Isaiah 48:3).

b) From Zero to Hero
David was a shepherd boy, but in a moment, he became a national hero after defeating Goliath. His rise to prominence was sudden and undeniable (1 Samuel 18:6-7).

c) God's Timing is Perfect
When God chooses to bless you, it will happen suddenly, and men will hear about it immediately (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

 d) Be Prepared for Sudden Change:
Stay faithful and diligent because your good news can come when you least expect it (Malachi 3:1).

e) Biblical Example
In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas experienced a sudden earthquake that opened the prison doors, and their deliverance became a testimony for all to hear.

Your testimony will be heard far and wide because God is working in your life. Men shall hear your good news, and it will bring glory to God. Just as Joseph, David, and Job had testimonies that could not be hidden, so too will your life be a public display of God's favour, mercy, and power. Hold on to God’s promises, for He is about to do something in your life that will cause others to take notice. Your testimony is not just for you, but for the world to see the greatness of God.

1. Father, let my testimony be heard by many for Your glory. 

2. Lord, grant me favour that will cause men to seek me out. 

3. I declare that every bad news in my life is turning into good news. 

4. Lord, elevate me in the sight of men through Your divine blessings. 

5. Father, let my testimony be a witness that draws people to You. 

6. Lord, grant me sudden breakthroughs that will amaze those around me. 

7. I declare that my good news will replace every sorrow and pain. 

8. Father, let my life be a public display of Your power and favour.
9. Lord, bring divine restoration to every area of my life. 

10. I declare that men shall hear my good news and give glory to God.

1. I declare that your good news will be heard by many this season. 

2. May God’s favour lift you to a place of public recognition. 

3. Your testimony will overshadow every bad news in your life. 

4. The Lord will cause sudden breakthroughs in your life that will amaze others. 

5. I decree that men will seek you out because of the blessings of God upon your life. 

6. Every setback is turning into a divine setup for your promotion. 

7. I declare that your good news will spread beyond your expectations. 

8. The hand of God will lift you up for the world to see. 

9. You will be a living testimony of God’s power and grace. 

10. Men shall hear your good news and glorify the God of heaven. 

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