Tuesday 15 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:
John 12:9-10
Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of Him but also to see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well.”

Supporting Texts:
Psalm 27:2-3
Isaiah 54:17
Exodus 14:13-14
Psalm 91:1-3
2 Kings 6:16-18

There are forces that desire to end the lives of people prematurely, either spiritually, physically, or emotionally. In the story of Lazarus, after Jesus raised him from the dead, the chief priests plotted to kill him because his life was a testimony of God’s power. Similarly, in our lives, there are unseen forces that may be after us due to the plans and purposes of God. However, just as God protected Lazarus, He will expose and bring down every enemy of your life. This study explores the reasons why people or forces may come after your life and how to respond through faith and divine protection.


a) Your Life is a Testimony of God's Power:
Lazarus became a living testimony of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ (John 12:9-10). The more God works in your life, the more those against God's purpose may rise against you. Satanic forces target those who carry a powerful testimony of God’s power.

b) Jealousy and Envy:
Just like the chief priests who were envious of the attention Lazarus was receiving, there are people who, out of jealousy and envy, may seek to harm you (Genesis 37:4-5). Jealousy can lead to hatred and evil plots.

c) Fear of Your Rising Influence:
Lazarus’ resurrection drew many people to Christ, and this caused fear in the hearts of the religious leaders. When God begins to elevate you, some may feel threatened by your influence and try to destroy you (Esther 3:5-6).

d) You Carry a Divine Destiny:
Satan often targets those with a divine destiny because he fears what God will accomplish through them (Matthew 2:16). Your life and purpose may be a direct threat to the kingdom of darkness.

e) You are a Part of God's Kingdom:
Believers are in a constant spiritual battle because the enemy seeks to destroy those who belong to Christ (1 Peter 5:8). Anyone who aligns with Christ automatically becomes a target of the enemy's schemes.

Biblical Example:
In 1 Kings 19:1-2, after Elijah’s victory on Mount Carmel, Jezebel sought to take his life because he had destroyed the prophets of Baal and demonstrated the power of God. Likewise, when God grants us victory, our spiritual adversaries may seek to retaliate.


a) Divine Protection is Assured:
God promises to protect His children from every scheme of the enemy. Psalm 91:1-2 declares that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High will abide under His shadow, securing their safety.

b) No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper:
Isaiah 54:17 assures us that no weapon fashioned against us shall succeed. Even though the enemy may plan, those plans will be nullified by God's power.

c) The Lord Fights for You:
Exodus 14:14 reminds us that the Lord will fight our battles while we remain still. He is our Defender and will expose every plot against our lives.

d) Hidden Enemies Will Be Exposed:
In Jeremiah 11:18, the Lord revealed a plot against the prophet’s life. God will expose anyone secretly planning evil against you and bring their plans to light.

e) God’s Presence is Your Shield:
Psalm 23:4 states that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil because God is with us. His rod and staff comfort and protect us in the face of danger.

Biblical Example:
In 2 Kings 6:16-18, when Elisha was surrounded by the enemy, he prayed, and the Lord opened the eyes of his servant to see the chariots of fire surrounding them. God’s invisible army protects His people, even when the enemy seems overwhelming.


a) Put Your Trust in God:
Psalm 27:1 declares that the Lord is our light and salvation; we have nothing to fear. When you sense an attack on your life, put your full trust in God's ability to save and protect you.

b) Engage in Fervent Prayer:
Through prayer, we engage spiritual forces and gain victory over them (Ephesians 6:18). The early church prayed fervently for Peter when Herod sought to kill him, and God sent an angel to deliver him (Acts 12:5-7).

c) Declare God’s Word Over Your Life:
Speak the promises of protection from the Word of God. Declarations such as "No weapon formed against me shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17) and "The Lord is my refuge" (Psalm 91:2) build your faith and create a spiritual shield around you.

d) Walk in Wisdom and Discernment:
When God reveals the schemes of the enemy, use wisdom and discernment to navigate through them. Jesus often withdrew from places where His life was in danger, using wisdom to avoid unnecessary confrontations (John 10:39).

e) Plead the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against the enemy. Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb. Plead the blood of Jesus over your life for divine protection.

Biblical Example:
In Daniel 6, Daniel’s enemies plotted to kill him by throwing him into the lion's den. However, Daniel trusted in God, and the Lord shut the mouths of the lions, protecting him from harm.


a) The Wicked Will Be Exposed and Destroyed:
Psalm 37:35-36 assures us that the wicked will not prevail. Though they may seem powerful for a time, God will ultimately bring them to destruction.

b) God Will Turn Their Evil Plans Against Them:
Proverbs 26:27 declares that whoever digs a pit will fall into it. The very traps set for you by the enemy will become their own undoing, just as Haman was hanged on the gallows he prepared for Mordecai (Esther 7:10).

c) Your Enemies Will Flee Before You:
Deuteronomy 28:7 states that when the enemy comes against you, they will flee before you in seven directions. God will scatter your adversaries and bring confusion to their plans.

d) God Will Avenge You:
Romans 12:19 says that vengeance belongs to the Lord. He will repay those who plot against your life, ensuring justice on your behalf.

e) No Plot Against God’s People Can Succeed:
Job 5:12 tells us that God frustrates the plans of the crafty so that their hands cannot carry out their schemes. Every plan against your life will be overturned by God's power.

Biblical Example:
In Exodus 14:23-28, Pharaoh and his army pursued the Israelites to destroy them, but God intervened. He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites but drowned their enemies in the same waters. This demonstrates that God is able to bring swift judgment on those who seek to harm His people.

There may be forces or individuals who, like the chief priests in John 12, seek to destroy your life because of the testimony and purpose God has given you. But as we’ve seen, God is a Protector, a Defender, and a Righteous Judge. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and anyone after your life will be exposed and defeated by the power of God. Trust in His protection, engage in fervent prayer, and rest in the knowledge that God will fight for you.


1. Lord, expose and destroy every hidden enemy plotting against my life.

2. Father, protect me from every evil plan designed to bring me down.

3. Lord, confuse the strategies of my enemies and cause their plans to fail.

4. Father, surround me with Your divine protection and shield me from harm.

5. Lord, arise and fight against those who are after my life.

6. Father, grant me discernment to recognise and avoid the traps set by the enemy.

7. Lord, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

8. Father, let the blood of Jesus cover me and secure my protection.

9. Lord, scatter every enemy pursuing my life, and cause them to flee.

10. Father, bring swift judgment upon those who seek to destroy my destiny.


1. Anyone after your life shall be exposed and destroyed by the power of God!

2. Every weapon formed against you will fail in the mighty name of Jesus.

3. You will walk in divine protection; no harm shall come near you.

4. Every plot against your life will be frustrated by the hand of God.

5. I declare that every plot against your life will fail in the name of Jesus.

6. The Lord will scatter every evil gathering against your life.

7. God’s protection will shield you from seen and unseen dangers.

8. I decree that your life is secure in the hands of God.

9. Every evil trap set for you will catch the one who set it.

10. The Lord will deliver you from every hand that seeks to destroy you!

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