Tuesday 8 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 7:3-8 
Supporting Texts: Philippians 3:13-14, Isaiah 43:18-19, Romans 12:2

There are seasons in life when you must refuse to settle for your current condition. Just like the four lepers at the gate of Samaria, there comes a time when you must make a bold declaration: "I cannot remain like this!" This statement is a resolve to leave behind the past and step into the new things God has for you. Stagnation, limitations, and old mindsets must be broken for you to move forward. This sermon explores the importance of pressing forward, changing your circumstances, and stepping into God’s promises.


a) Identifying Stagnation and Limitation
Before change can occur, you must first acknowledge that something is not right. The lepers in 2 Kings 7:3 understood their dire situation. Stagnation and limitations can appear in various forms—spiritually, financially, relationally, or even in ministry. Staying in the same place for too long can be dangerous and hinder the blessings God has for you.

b) Refusing to Settle for Less
God’s desire for you is not to remain stuck in past failures, disappointments, or mediocrity. When you recognize that your current state is not where God wants you to be, a holy dissatisfaction will rise within you, pushing you toward change.

Biblical Example: Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) 
Jabez was born in sorrow, but he refused to let that define his future. He called on God to bless him and change his situation. Like Jabez, you must recognize your need for a shift and cry out to God for divine intervention.


a) Stepping Out in Faith
The four lepers in 2 Kings 7:4 made a crucial decision: "Why sit we here until we die?" They chose to step out of their comfort zone, even though the future seemed uncertain. Faith requires movement. You cannot wait for everything to align perfectly; sometimes, you must move forward and trust that God will meet you along the way.

b) Renewing Your Mind for Transformation 
Romans 12:2 calls us to renew our minds so that we can be transformed. To move from your current state, your mindset must change. You must believe that God has more in store for you than what you see right now. Stop thinking small; God is calling you to a higher level.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
The woman with the issue of blood had suffered for twelve years, but she took a bold step of faith by reaching out to touch Jesus. Her action resulted in her healing. This shows that faith combined with action brings change.


a) Letting Go of the Past
Isaiah 43:18-19 reminds us not to dwell on the former things because God is doing a new thing. Holding onto past mistakes, failures, or even past successes can prevent you from stepping into what God has prepared for your future. You must let go to move forward.

b) Overcoming Fear and Doubt
Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to change. Many people remain stuck because they are afraid of the unknown or doubt their ability to succeed. But God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). To break free, you must confront and overcome these internal limitations.

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:11-16) 
Gideon initially saw himself as weak and incapable, but God called him a "mighty man of valor." When Gideon stepped out in faith, God used him to bring victory to Israel. Like Gideon, you must break free from any self-imposed limitations.


a) Pressing Forward with Determination
Philippians 3:13-14 encourages us to forget what is behind and press forward toward the goal. Your future is far greater than your past, but it requires persistence and determination. You cannot afford to remain stagnant when there is so much more that God wants to do in your life.

b) Trusting God for the New Season
God promises to do a new thing, and He will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:19). You must trust God for the new season He has prepared for you, even when the path seems unclear.

Biblical Example:  Elisha Following Elijah (2 Kings 2:1-15) 
Elisha refused to remain in one place or be discouraged by obstacles. He followed Elijah persistently until he received the double portion of anointing. His determination paid off. You must press forward with a similar determination to receive what God has for you.


a) When You Move, God Moves 
When the four lepers took a step of faith, God caused the Syrian army to flee, and what seemed impossible became their breakthrough. Your action triggers divine movement. When you refuse to remain as you are, God will open doors that seemed shut and bring unexpected breakthroughs.

b) Testifying of God’s Faithfulness 
When God brings you out of stagnation, your life becomes a testimony to others. The lepers who found the abundance of the Syrian camp didn’t keep the blessing to themselves; they shared the good news with others. Your testimony of transformation will encourage others to pursue change in their own lives.

Biblical Example: The Israelites Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-29) 
The Israelites faced a seemingly impossible situation at the Red Sea, but when Moses stretched out his hand in faith, God parted the waters. This miraculous breakthrough came because of a step of faith, and it changed the course of their journey forever.

You cannot remain in the same state when God has so much more in store for you. Like the lepers, you must rise up, take action, and step into your breakthrough. Change your mindset, refuse to settle for less, and trust God to transform your life. Declare today, “I cannot remain like this!” and watch as God takes you into new dimensions of His blessings.

1. Father, I refuse to remain stagnant in life; move me forward in the name of Jesus. 

2. Every limitation holding me back, be broken now in Jesus' name. 

3. Lord, renew my mind and help me to see the new things You are doing in my life. 

4. Father, give me the boldness to step out in faith and take action for my breakthrough. 

5. I declare that fear and doubt will no longer hold me captive in Jesus’ name. 

6. Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities and doors You have set before me. 

7. Every power of stagnation in my family, be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 

8. I receive the grace to press forward and fulfill my God-given destiny. 

9. Father, lead me into supernatural breakthroughs that will change my story in Jesus' name. 

10. I declare that I will not remain the same; I am stepping into a new season of victory!

1. I declare that every form of stagnation in your life is broken today in Jesus’ name. 

2. You will move from glory to glory, and from strength to strength. 

3. Every past limitation is shattered, and you are stepping into a new season of abundance.
4. Your mindset is renewed, and you will see possibilities where others see impossibilities. 

5. I declare that doors of opportunity are opening for you in unexpected places. 

6. You will not be held back by fear; you will rise up in faith and take your breakthrough. 

7. The blessings of God will overtake you, and you will not remain in the same condition. 

8. Supernatural breakthroughs will locate you, and your testimony will inspire many. 

9. God will make a way for you in the wilderness, and rivers will flow in your desert. 

10. From today, you are stepping into a new season of favor, increase, and divine promotion in Jesus' name!

God is calling you to move forward and break free from every limitation. Don't settle for where you are—declare, "I cannot remain like this," and trust that He will take you to higher ground!

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