Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Haggai 2:9 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 60:1-3, Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Joel 2:28-29

The Bible speaks of the glory of God as the manifestation of His presence, power, and majesty. In these times, God is calling His people to walk in His glory, experience His power, and display His majesty to the world. These are the days of glory, where God is doing something new, where His presence is being revealed in greater ways, and where the church is called to arise and shine. We will explore how to walk in this glory, what it means to experience it, and how it transforms our lives.


a) What is the Glory of God? 
The glory of God refers to the manifestation of His nature, character, and presence. It is the weight of His divine essence, radiating His beauty, holiness, and majesty. The Bible describes it as something so powerful that when people encounter it, they are transformed. God’s glory is His visible splendor and the revelation of His greatness.

b) The Promise of Greater Glory 
Haggai 2:9 tells us that the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former. This is a promise for us today: that God’s glory in this season will exceed anything we’ve seen before. We are in the days where God is pouring out His Spirit in unprecedented ways, and His glory is being revealed in His people, His church, and the world.

Biblical Example: Moses Encountering God’s Glory (Exodus 33:18-23) 
Moses asked to see God’s glory, and though he couldn’t see the fullness of it, he experienced the profound presence of God in a way that changed him. When we seek God’s glory, we encounter Him in a way that transforms us.


a) Called to Radiate God’s Glory 
Isaiah 60:1 commands us to "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." This is a call to rise out of darkness, out of defeat, and step into the light of God’s presence. When we walk in His glory, we reflect His light, His goodness, and His power to the world around us.

b) Walking in the Reality of God’s Glory 
Walking in God’s glory means living in the awareness of His presence, being transformed daily into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18), and manifesting His power in our lives. The more we behold His glory, the more we are changed from glory to glory. We are called to live in such a way that others see God’s glory reflected through us.

Biblical Example: The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-9) 
When Jesus was transfigured, His glory was revealed to Peter, James, and John. This moment showed that Jesus was the fullness of God’s glory, and it serves as a reminder that we are called to radiate that same glory as His followers.


a) Experiencing the Outpouring of God’s Spirit 
Joel 2:28-29 speaks of God pouring out His Spirit in the last days. These are those days. God’s glory is being revealed through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, resulting in signs, wonders, miracles, and an unprecedented move of God. As we yield to the Holy Spirit, we experience deeper dimensions of God’s glory in our lives.

b) The Role of the Church in These Days of Glory 
The church is the primary vessel through which God’s glory will be revealed. We are called to be a light to the nations, to carry the presence of God into every sphere of influence, and to demonstrate His power in every aspect of life. These are the days where the church is rising in power and authority, revealing the glory of God to the world.

Biblical Example: The Early Church in Acts (Acts 2:1-4) 
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost marked the beginning of the days of glory for the church. The apostles moved in power, performing miracles and leading many to Christ. This is a picture of what God desires to do in the church today.


a) Present Sufferings and Future Glory 
Romans 8:18 tells us that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us. Often, before we experience the fullness of God’s glory, we go through seasons of hardship and trial. However, these trials refine us and prepare us for the greater glory that God wants to reveal in us and through us.

b) The Role of Redemption in Revealing God's Glory
Our redemption through Christ is the greatest revelation of God’s glory. Jesus’ death and resurrection not only saved us from sin but also opened the way for us to share in God’s glory. As redeemed children of God, we are now carriers of His glory and are called to reveal it to the world.

Biblical Example: Paul’s Suffering and Glory (2 Corinthians 4:17) 
Paul endured many sufferings, but he understood that these light and momentary afflictions were preparing him for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. God uses our trials to bring us into a greater manifestation of His glory.


a) The Glory in Our Lives 
As believers, we are called to manifest God's glory in every area of our lives – our family, work, ministry, and personal walk with Him. When God's glory is evident in us, it brings transformation and leads others to experience the same. We are to live as examples of His glory.

b) The Glory in the Nations 
God’s desire is that His glory fills the whole earth (Habakkuk 2:14). These are the days when His glory will be seen not only in the church but in the nations. As believers, we are called to be carriers of His glory into the world, revealing His power and majesty wherever we go.

Biblical Example: The Glory Filling Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 8:10-11) 
When Solomon finished building the temple, the glory of God filled the house so powerfully that the priests could not stand to minister. This is a picture of how God’s glory desires to fill not just buildings, but our lives, families, and communities.

These are truly the days of glory. God is calling us to rise and walk in His presence, power, and majesty. As we yield to His Spirit and seek His face, we will experience the outpouring of His glory in our lives, families, churches, and nations. Now is the time to embrace the fullness of His glory and let it shine through us for the world to see.

1. Lord, let Your glory manifest in my life in greater ways. 

2. Father, pour out Your Spirit upon me afresh and reveal Your glory. 

3. Lord, help me to rise and shine as a carrier of Your glory. 

4. Father, let Your glory be evident in every area of my life. 

5. Lord, transform me from glory to glory as I behold Your face. 

6. Father, let Your glory fill the church in these days of revival. 

7. Lord, release signs, wonders, and miracles through the outpouring of Your Spirit. 

8. Father, use me to reveal Your glory to the nations. 

9. Lord, help me to endure every trial, knowing that it is preparing me for greater glory. 

10. Father, let Your glory fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.

1. I declare that you will walk in the fullness of God’s glory.
2. The glory of the latter house will be greater in your life. 

3. You are arising and shining in the power of God’s glory. 

4. Every limitation in your life is broken, and you will manifest God’s glory. 

5. Your family, career, and ministry will reflect the glory of God. 

6. The Spirit of the Lord will pour out mightily upon you in these days. 

7. The nations will see the glory of God through you. 

8. You are moving from suffering to glory in Jesus' name. 

9. God’s glory will fill every area of your life and bring transformation. 

10. You will be a living testimony of the days of glory in Jesus' name.

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