Monday 7 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: James 4:8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

Supporting Texts:
Psalm 63:1
Jeremiah 29:13
Psalm 27:4
John 15:4-5
Philippians 3:10
Matthew 6:6
Exodus 33:11
Psalm 42:1-2

Intimacy with God is the deepest level of connection that a believer can experience with the Creator. It is more than just knowing about God; it is about knowing Him personally, walking closely with Him, and experiencing His presence in every area of life. True intimacy with God requires effort, time, and a heart that seeks after Him continually. This Bible study will explore what it means to develop intimacy with God, the benefits it brings, and how we can cultivate it in our daily lives.


Intimacy with God refers to a deep, personal relationship with Him, where we experience His presence and grow in our knowledge of Him.

a) Knowing God Personally: Developing intimacy means moving beyond a superficial relationship and truly knowing who God is (Philippians 3:10).

b) Loving God Deeply: Intimacy with God is built on a foundation of love—loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30).

c) Abiding in His Presence: Intimacy means remaining in constant fellowship with God, abiding in His presence through prayer and worship (John 15:4).

d) Seeking God Earnestly: Those who are intimate with God make seeking Him their top priority. They thirst for Him as the deer pants for water (Psalm 42:1-2).

e) Communion with the Holy Spirit: Intimacy is cultivated by maintaining a continual connection with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to lead and guide your life (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Biblical Example:
David was known as a man after God's heart (Acts 13:22). His psalms reflect his deep longing and desire to be close to God, especially in Psalm 63:1, where he thirsts for God's presence.


Building an intimate relationship with God is essential for every believer who desires to live a fulfilled and victorious Christian life.

a) It Draws Us Closer to God: As we seek God with sincerity and humility, He promises to draw near to us (James 4:8).

b) It Leads to Spiritual Growth: Intimacy with God enables us to grow spiritually, becoming more like Christ in character and conduct (2 Peter 1:3-4).

c) It Brings Divine Guidance: When we are close to God, we can clearly hear His voice and receive direction for our lives (Isaiah 30:21).

d) It Strengthens Our Faith: Intimacy with God strengthens our faith, helping us to trust Him more deeply even in difficult circumstances (Hebrews 11:6).

e) It Brings Peace and Joy: Those who dwell in God's presence experience the fullness of His peace and joy, no matter what they face (Psalm 16:11).

Biblical Example:
Enoch walked with God so closely that he was taken up to heaven without experiencing death (Genesis 5:24). His intimate relationship with God set him apart from others.


Developing intimacy with God requires intentional actions and a heart that is fully committed to pursuing Him. Here are some practical steps to cultivate a deeper relationship with God.

a) Prioritise Time with God: Set aside daily time to spend in prayer, Bible study, and worship. Make seeking God a priority in your life (Matthew 6:33).

b) Seek Him with All Your Heart: God promises to reveal Himself to those who seek Him wholeheartedly. Approach Him with sincerity and passion (Jeremiah 29:13).

c) Meditate on God’s Word: Meditating on Scripture allows us to know God's heart and mind, drawing us closer to Him (Psalm 119:15).

d) Practice Stillness and Silence: Intimacy grows in the secret place of quietness. Learn to be still before God, listening to His voice (Psalm 46:10).

e) Live a Life of Obedience: Intimacy with God grows when we walk in obedience to His commands. A disobedient life hinders our closeness to God (John 14:21).

f) Cultivate a Heart of Worship: Worship is not just about singing songs; it is about surrendering our hearts and lives to God daily (Psalm 95:6).

Biblical Example:
Moses spent time with God face to face, speaking with Him as a friend (Exodus 33:11). His intimacy with God was so deep that his face shone with the glory of God after their encounters (Exodus 34:29).


When we draw close to God, the blessings and benefits are numerous, both spiritually and practically.

a) Divine Revelation: Intimacy with God opens the door to receive deeper revelations of His will and purpose for our lives (Jeremiah 33:3).

b) Transformation of Character: The more we spend time with God, the more we are transformed into His likeness, reflecting His love and grace (2 Corinthians 3:18).

c) Strength in Trials: When we are intimate with God, we are empowered to endure challenges with faith and hope (Isaiah 40:31).

d) God’s Favour and Blessing: Intimacy with God leads to favour and blessings, as He delights in those who draw near to Him (Psalm 5:12).

e) Unshakable Peace and Joy: Those who dwell in God's presence experience a peace that surpasses understanding and joy that is unspeakable (Philippians 4:7).

Biblical Example:
John the Apostle had a special closeness to Jesus, often referred to as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." His deep relationship with Christ gave him unique revelations, including the visions in the book of Revelation (John 13:23; Revelation 1:1).


There are several factors that can hinder our relationship with God and prevent us from experiencing true intimacy with Him.

a) Unconfessed Sin: Sin separates us from God and hinders our ability to approach Him with confidence (Isaiah 59:1-2).

b) Distractions and Busyness: A busy lifestyle filled with distractions can prevent us from spending quality time with God (Luke 10:38-42).

c) Lack of Desire or Passion: Intimacy with God requires a passionate pursuit of Him. A lack of spiritual hunger will result in distance from God (Revelation 3:15-16).

d) Pride and Self-reliance: Relying on our own abilities instead of depending on God can hinder intimacy, as God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

e) Unforgiveness and Bitterness: Holding on to unforgiveness can block our relationship with God and prevent us from experiencing His presence (Matthew 6:14-15).

Biblical Example:
The Church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:15-17) had grown lukewarm in their relationship with God. Their complacency and self-reliance distanced them from the intimacy God desired to have with them

Developing intimacy with God is the highest pursuit of the Christian life. It requires intentionality, consistency, and a deep hunger for His presence. As we draw near to God, He draws near to us, filling our lives with His peace, joy, and divine guidance. Let us commit to seeking God with all our hearts and cultivating a relationship with Him that goes beyond the surface. In His presence, we find everything we need to live a victorious and fulfilled life.


1. Lord, give me a deep hunger and thirst for Your presence.

2. Father, help me to prioritise my time with You above everything else.

3. Holy Spirit, guide me into a deeper understanding of God’s heart.

4. Lord, remove every distraction that hinders my intimacy with You.

5. Father, teach me to abide in Your presence and hear Your voice clearly.

6. Lord, help me to walk in obedience to Your Word daily.

7. Father, transform my heart and make me more like You.

8. Lord, reveal Yourself to me in greater ways as I seek Your face.

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