Wednesday 2 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Proverbs 22:1 
Supporting Texts: Ecclesiastes 7:1, Proverbs 3:3-4, 1 Peter 2:12

A good name is one of the most valuable treasures a person can possess. Proverbs 22:1 tells us, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” In this world, people strive for wealth, success, and recognition, but what we are known for—our reputation—carries far more weight in the eyes of God and men. A good name reflects a life of integrity, honesty, and godliness. In this sermon, we will explore the importance of maintaining a good name and how we can live in such a way that we are known for virtues that glorify God.


a) A Good Name Outlasts Riches
While riches may offer temporary satisfaction, a good name has eternal value. Proverbs 22:1 makes it clear that having a good name is far more valuable than accumulating wealth. Riches can come and go, but a good reputation is something that endures and can be passed down to future generations. Ecclesiastes 7:1 states, “A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth,” reminding us that a life lived with honour leaves a lasting legacy.

b) Reputation as a Reflection of Character 
Your name is a reflection of who you are. What are you known for? Are you known for honesty, kindness, reliability, or are you associated with deceit, selfishness, or inconsistency? Your reputation is the outward expression of your inner character, and maintaining a good name requires a heart committed to living according to God's principles.

Biblical Example:
Consider Job, who was known for his integrity and godliness. Even when he faced great trials, he maintained his good name before God and man. Job 1:1 says that Job was “blameless and upright,” and his reputation remained intact even through severe testing.


a) Walk in Integrity
Integrity is the foundation of a good name. Proverbs 10:9 says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.” Living with integrity means being honest, truthful, and consistent in your actions, whether others are watching or not. It is important to align your actions with God’s standards of righteousness.

b) Show Kindness and Faithfulness 
Proverbs 3:3-4 instructs us, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favour and a good name in the sight of God and man.” Kindness, love, and faithfulness should define our relationships with others. These qualities build trust and foster respect, leading to a good reputation in the community.

Biblical Example: 
Consider the life of Joseph. Despite being betrayed by his brothers and falsely accused, Joseph maintained his integrity. His good name eventually earned him favour with Pharaoh, and he rose to a position of power in Egypt (Genesis 39-41).

a) Your Name Affects Others
A good name not only benefits you but also influences those around you. People look to your life as an example, whether you are aware of it or not. A good name can inspire others to live better and follow Christ, while a bad reputation can lead others astray. 1 Peter 2:12 says, “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us.”

b) Building a Legacy of Faith 
Maintaining a good name is about building a legacy of faith that will impact future generations. What will people say about you when you are no longer here? Will they remember you as someone who honoured God and lived with integrity? A good name is a gift you can leave behind for your family and community—a legacy that speaks of God’s goodness.

Biblical Example: 
The story of Ruth and Boaz demonstrates the power of a good name. Ruth’s reputation for loyalty and hard work preceded her, and Boaz’s good name as a man of honour and integrity allowed him to act as her redeemer (Ruth 2-4). Their lives left a legacy that ultimately led to the lineage of King David and Jesus Christ.


a) The Temptation to Compromise
In today’s world, maintaining a good name can be challenging. There is constant pressure to compromise on values for personal gain, whether in business, relationships, or other areas of life. However, a good name is worth far more than any temporary advantage gained through compromise. We must resist the temptation to take shortcuts or bend the truth for the sake of expedience.

b) The Cost of Upholding Integrity 
Sometimes, maintaining a good name comes with a cost. You may face persecution, rejection, or misunderstanding. People may spread false rumours or try to tarnish your reputation, but God is your ultimate vindicator. He sees your heart and will reward your faithfulness in due time.

Biblical Example: 
David, even when he was being pursued by King Saul, refused to harm Saul because he honoured God's anointed. Despite the lies and accusations against him, David maintained his integrity, and in due time, God elevated him to the throne of Israel (1 Samuel 24).


a) God Will Reward You
When we live with integrity and maintain a good name, we can be assured that God sees and rewards our faithfulness. Proverbs 22:1 assures us that a good name is more valuable than riches, and we can trust that God will reward those who honour Him in their actions.

b) Favour with God and Man
When we live in a way that honours God, we also gain favour with others. Proverbs 3:3-4 tells us that love and faithfulness will bring favour and a good name with both God and man. This favour opens doors for divine opportunities and blessings.

Biblical Example:
Nehemiah was known for his integrity and devotion to God’s purposes. Because of his good name, he gained the favour of King Artaxerxes, who allowed him to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls (Nehemiah 1-2). Nehemiah’s good reputation paved the way for the restoration of God’s people.

A good name is a priceless treasure that reflects a life of integrity, kindness, and faithfulness. It is worth far more than material wealth or worldly success. Maintaining a good name requires daily commitment to living by God’s principles, resisting temptation, and showing love and faithfulness in all our dealings. In a world where reputations are often damaged by dishonesty and compromise, God calls us to stand out as His people—people known for integrity and godliness. Let us strive to maintain a good name, trusting that God will reward us and that our lives will leave a lasting legacy of faith.

1. Lord, help me to live a life of integrity and maintain a good name before You and others. 

2. Father, purify my heart and align my life with Your Word so that my reputation honours You. 

3. Lord, give me the strength to resist the temptation to compromise my values for worldly gain. 

4. Father, let my name be associated with honesty, kindness, and faithfulness in every area of my life. 

5. Lord, protect my reputation from false accusations and vindicate me in due time. 

6. Father, let my life be an example to others and inspire them to follow You. 

7. Lord, give me the grace to build a legacy of faith that impacts future generations. 

8. Father, bless my relationships with favour as I live in integrity and honesty. 

9. Lord, help me to walk in love and faithfulness, reflecting Your character in all I do. 

10. Father, may my name bring glory to You and lead others to know Your goodness.

1. I declare that your name will be known for integrity, honesty, and godliness. 

2. You will resist every temptation to compromise your values, and you will stand firm in righteousness. 

3. I decree that your reputation will open doors of favour and promotion in every area of your life. 

4. Every false accusation against your name will be silenced by the truth of your character. 

5. I declare that your good name will inspire others to walk in faith and righteousness. 

6. The favour of God and man will follow you as you live with love and faithfulness. 

7. I decree that your name will be a legacy of faith that impacts future generations. 

8. God will vindicate you and protect your reputation from harm. 

9. You will leave a lasting impact on your community through your good name and integrity. 

10. I declare that your life will bring glory to God, and your name will be a testimony of His goodness!

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