Monday 7 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 91:1
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Supporting Texts:
Isaiah 25:4
Psalm 27:5
Psalm 32:7
Isaiah 40:31
Psalm 46:1
Exodus 33:22
Proverbs 18:10
Deuteronomy 33:27
Matthew 23:37


Psalm 91 is one of the most powerful expressions of God's protection, describing how believers are kept under the care and shadow of the Almighty. To live "in the shadow of the Almighty" is to be constantly under the protection, provision, and presence of God. This Bible study will explore the significance of dwelling in the secret place and living in the shadow of the Almighty, understanding what it means and how it impacts every aspect of our lives.


Living in the shadow of the Almighty begins with dwelling in His secret place, a place of intimacy and communion with God.

a) What is the Secret Place?: It is a place of close fellowship with God, where we commune with Him, listen to His voice, and are refreshed in His presence (Psalm 91:1).

b) Access through Intimacy: Only those who seek God diligently in prayer, worship, and devotion can experience the depth of intimacy found in the secret place (Psalm 27:4-5).

c) God’s Protective Presence: The secret place is where we find protection from life's storms and dangers, shielded by God's power (Isaiah 25:4).

d) A Place of Refuge: Just as David sought refuge in God during trials, we find security in His presence (Psalm 32:7).

e) Abiding in His Rest: Dwelling in God’s secret place is not just a one-time event but a continual way of life, where we learn to rest in His promises (Psalm 91:9-10).

Biblical Example:
Moses experienced the secret place on Mount Sinai, where he encountered God and was hidden in the cleft of the rock, under God’s protection (Exodus 33:21-22).


To live under the shadow of the Almighty signifies living under God’s sovereign protection and care.

a) A Symbol of Safety: Just as a shadow provides relief from the scorching heat, God’s shadow is a symbol of protection from harm and evil (Psalm 91:2).

b) God’s Nearness: Living under His shadow means we are close to God, under His wings, and able to feel His protective covering (Psalm 91:4, Matthew 23:37).

c) Divine Covering in Trials: God shields us from the attacks of the enemy and keeps us from danger (Psalm 27:5).

d) Strength for the Journey: Those who wait upon the Lord, who dwell in His shadow, find renewed strength for life’s journey (Isaiah 40:31).

e) A Place of Confidence: When we live under God’s shadow, we have confidence that no harm can overtake us, for we are under the watchful care of the Almighty (Proverbs 18:10).

Biblical Example:
David experienced living under the shadow of the Almighty through all his battles and challenges. He trusted in God’s protection, knowing that his enemies could not prevail (Psalm 18:1-3).


Living under the shadow of the Almighty brings divine blessings that transform our lives.

a) Divine Protection: God becomes our refuge and fortress, keeping us safe from harm (Psalm 91:3).

b) Deliverance from Evil: We are delivered from the traps of the enemy and protected from deadly diseases (Psalm 91:3-6).

c) Fearlessness: Fear has no place in the life of those who dwell in God's shadow, as He dispels all fear (Psalm 91:5-6).

d) Angelic Protection: God commands His angels to guard us in all our ways, ensuring that we are kept from stumbling (Psalm 91:11-12).

e) Answered Prayers and Long Life: Those who dwell in the secret place will experience answered prayers, God’s deliverance, and the blessing of long life (Psalm 91:15-16).

Biblical Example:
Elijah was protected by God’s presence during a time of famine and threat on his life. God provided for him at the Brook Cherith and later at the widow’s house (1 Kings 17:2-16).


To live under the shadow of the Almighty, we must cultivate a lifestyle that prioritises God’s presence.

a) Prayer and Worship: Regularly spending time in prayer and worship opens the door to God’s presence (Philippians 4:6-7).

b) Meditation on God’s Word: Dwelling on Scripture and meditating on His promises keeps us connected to the heart of God (Psalm 1:2-3).

c) Trusting in God’s Protection: Living under God’s shadow means placing our complete trust in His ability to guard and protect us (Psalm 46:1).

d) A Life of Obedience: Walking in obedience to God’s Word positions us to live under His covering and experience His protection (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

e) Surrender and Rest: Letting go of our own control and learning to rest in God’s faithfulness enables us to live in His shadow (Matthew 11:28-30).

Biblical Example:
Ruth chose to dwell under the shadow of God’s wings by seeking refuge in the God of Israel, trusting His provision and protection, which led to her finding favour with Boaz (Ruth 2:12).


Living in the shadow of the Almighty is an invitation to dwell in the constant presence of God, experiencing His protection, peace, and provision. It is a life of trust, intimacy, and unwavering confidence in His power to keep us from harm. As we make God our refuge, we will find rest under His shadow, knowing that no matter the challenges we face, we are safe in His arms.


1. Lord, teach me to dwell in Your secret place and abide under Your shadow.

2. I declare that You are my refuge and fortress; in You, I trust.

3. Protect me from the snares of the enemy and every form of danger.

4. Help me to live in constant communion with You, seeking Your presence daily.

5. Strengthen my faith to trust in Your protection, even in difficult times.

6. May I find rest and peace under Your wings.

7. Deliver me from fear and anxiety, knowing that You are my protector.

8. Guard my steps and guide me by Your presence.

9. Fill my heart with a deeper desire for intimacy with You.

10. Let me always walk in obedience, dwelling in Your presence all the days of my life.


1. You will abide under the shadow of the Almighty and experience His divine protection.

2. Fear will have no place in your life as you dwell in the secret place of God.

3. Every trap of the enemy against you will be destroyed by the power of God’s presence.

4. You will be kept safe from every plague and disaster that comes your way.

5. God’s angels will guard you in all your ways, and you will not stumble.

6. You will experience God’s peace that surpasses all understanding as you trust Him

7. The Lord will satisfy you with long life and show you His salvation.

8. Your prayers will be answered as you make God your refuge and fortress

9. No evil will befall you, and no harm will come near your dwelling.

10. You will walk in confidence, knowing that the Almighty is your protector and guide.

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