Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 91:5-6
Supporting Texts: Ephesians 6:16, Job 6:4, Proverbs 26:2


In the spiritual realm, arrows are often symbolic of attacks aimed at the believer by the enemy. These evil arrows can take various forms, including sickness, fear, oppression, and other challenges that seek to divert us from God’s purpose. Psalm 91 assures us that we do not need to fear the terror of the night or the arrows that fly by day. Today, we will explore how to obtain deliverance from these evil arrows and protect ourselves through faith and spiritual warfare.


a) Definition of Evil Arrows:
Evil arrows represent demonic attacks or afflictions designed to harm, distract, or destroy our lives and purpose. They are often fired by the enemy to penetrate our spiritual defenses (Ephesians 6:16).

b) Types of Evil Arrows:
These arrows can manifest as physical illnesses, emotional distress, financial problems, or spiritual oppression. Job 6:4 highlights how the arrows of the Almighty can be heavy upon us, indicating the weight of these attacks.

c) The Source of Evil Arrows:
The enemy, as described in John 10:10, seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Understanding the origin of these arrows is crucial to recognizing their intent and purpose against us.

Biblical Example: In 1 Samuel 18:10-11, King Saul hurled a spear (arrow) at David, demonstrating how evil arrows can be aimed at us by those in positions of influence or authority.


a) Signs of Evil Arrows:
Signs may include persistent negative thoughts, health issues without a clear cause, sudden financial difficulties, or relationships that are constantly strained. These can indicate the presence of evil arrows aimed at us.

b) Spiritual Discernment:
It’s essential to seek God’s wisdom to discern the nature and source of these arrows. James 1:5 encourages us to ask God for wisdom, which He will generously provide.

c) The Importance of Prayer and Fasting:
Engaging in prayer and fasting can reveal hidden arrows and prepare our hearts for battle. Isaiah 58 emphasizes how fasting can break chains of wickedness and set the oppressed free.

Biblical Example: Daniel’s fasting and prayer in Daniel 10 led to divine revelation and the breaking of spiritual barriers (Daniel 10:12-13).


a) The Shield of Faith:
Ephesians 6:16 instructs us to take up the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts (arrows) of the enemy. Faith acts as a protective barrier against attacks.

b) The Power of God’s Word:
The Word of God is a weapon in our arsenal against evil arrows. Jesus used Scripture to counter the devil’s temptations (Matthew 4:1-11), demonstrating the importance of knowing and applying God’s Word.

c) Prayer as a Defensive and Offensive Weapon:
Prayer is crucial for both defense and offense in spiritual warfare. Regular prayer strengthens our spiritual resolve and creates a barrier against attacks (Philippians 4:6-7).

Biblical Example: In 2 Kings 6:15-17, Elisha prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened, revealing the heavenly army that surrounded them, showcasing the power of prayer in combating spiritual attacks.


a) Recognizing Our Authority in Christ:
As believers, we have been given authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Understanding this authority enables us to take a stand against evil arrows.

b) Proclaiming Deliverance:
We must declare our deliverance in faith. Isaiah 54:17 assures us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Speaking this truth into our lives reinforces our position of victory.

c) Walking in Obedience:
Walking in obedience to God’s Word keeps us aligned with His protection and promises. Disobedience can expose us to the enemy’s attacks (Proverbs 26:2).

Biblical Example: The Israelites were delivered from the arrows of Pharaoh's army when they followed God’s command to cross the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-22).


Deliverance from evil arrows is essential for every believer. By understanding the nature of these attacks, equipping ourselves with spiritual armor, and walking in the authority given to us by Christ, we can effectively stand against the enemy's schemes. Let us commit to prayer, discernment, and reliance on God's Word as we seek deliverance from every evil arrow aimed at our lives.


1. Father, I thank You for the promise of deliverance from every evil arrow aimed at my life.

2. Lord, reveal any hidden evil arrows that are affecting me spiritually, physically, or emotionally.

3. I take authority over every arrow of the enemy that has been fired against my life in the name of Jesus.

4. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me is condemned.

5. Lord, cover me with Your shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the enemy.

6. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life, family, and destiny to protect us from evil arrows.

7. Father, grant me the wisdom and discernment to recognize the signs of evil arrows.

8. I pray for a renewed hunger for Your Word to strengthen me against the enemy's attacks.

9. Lord, empower me through prayer to stand firm in spiritual warfare.

10. I declare that I am free from every evil arrow, and I walk in the victory of Christ.


1. I declare that every evil arrow aimed at your life is neutralized in the name of Jesus.

2. You are shielded by the power of God from all forms of attack and affliction.

3. The chains of oppression are broken, and you walk in freedom and deliverance.

4. Your faith will quench every fiery dart launched against you by the enemy.

5. You will experience peace that surpasses all understanding, guarding your heart and mind.

6. No weapon formed against you shall succeed, and you will see the goodness of the Lord.

7. You are equipped with spiritual armor to withstand every attack from the enemy.

8. Your eyes are opened to see the invisible support of God surrounding you.

9. Your testimony of deliverance will encourage others to seek refuge in Christ.

10. You are destined for victory, and your life will reflect the glory of God.

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